This class was created by Brainscape user Jaylene K. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Heart & Blood Info
Direction of blood flow in heart,
Valves in heart,
Red cells
11  cards
What causes emphysema,
What does emphysemia do to the lungs,
What does emphasized also stand for
18  cards
Respiratory System
The order of air flow,
Purpose of mucus,
What is the pharynx
16  cards
Digestive System
Types of teeth,
26  cards
Excretory Sytem
What is excretion,
Why is build up of waste dangerous,
How is waste released
12  cards
Skeletal Diagram
Bones from the top of head to legs,
Bones in the arm and hand,
Bones in the leg
3  cards
Skin Diagram
Top layer of skin,
Secound layer of skin,
Where hair is grown
10  cards
Arm Function Daigram
The bone that does not move,
What is the extensor,
What is the moving bone
7  cards
Fixed joint,
Semi move able joint,
Movable joints
3  cards
Function Of Skeletal
5  cards
Function Of Skin
4  cards
Bone Marrow
Red bone marrow,
Where are they found
3  cards
Muscle Contractions
How do muscles contract
1  cards
Skin layers
2  cards
Bone stuff
What is aziel skeletal,
Appendicular skeleton,
The difference between ostio clas...
15  cards
Springs strains and authorities
What is arthritis,
Osteoarthritis arthritis,
Rheumatoid arthritis
5  cards
Diagram of a neuron starting at t...,
How nerve impulses are transmitted,
Myelin shealth
5  cards
Eudoine Glands
Function of pituitary gland,
Thyroid gland,
11  cards
Nervous system
Central nervous system,
How many parts of the nervous sys...,
Parts of the peripheral system
16  cards
Immune system
T cells,
B cells,
13  cards
Reflect diagram,
What is a reflex
2  cards
What is organic molecules and the...,
A generalization of amino acids s,
Generation of lipids
9  cards

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health science

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