intro to pharmacology

This class was created by Brainscape user Annabella Moody. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Quiz 1
The scientist credited for develo...,
Protein molecules which function ...,
The drug receptor bonds that woul...
4  cards
Quiz 2
Superfamily of receptors that nor...,
Following the agonist activation ...,
The physico chemical properties t...
6  cards
Quiz 3
What organ is responsible for met...,
Acidic drugs such as phenytoin bi...,
Basic drugs such as lidocaine bin...
5  cards
Quiz 4
For first order drug elimination ...,
Which of the following drugs woul...,
Pharmacokinetics is the effect of...
6  cards
Pharm Exam I
The study of drug effects at popu...,
What receptor is involved with ja...,
A drug that would be life saving ...
67  cards
Quiz 5
Which of the following is an exam...,
A patient presents with severe ch...,
A new drug is in development that...
5  cards
Quiz 6
Which of the following is a chara...,
Which of the following is true re...,
Which potent alpha agonist can be...
5  cards
Quiz 7
Which of the following is a form ...,
1 ptsthe acronym lot suggests thr...,
Grapefruit juice is known to inhi...
5  cards
Quiz 8
What is the normal electrical pat...,
The plateau phase phase 2 of the ...,
Calcium channel blockers are in w...
5  cards
Pharm Exam II
Which of the following is a sympt...,
A drug that has an effect of incr...,
Gi absorption is slowed by meds t...
71  cards
Quiz 9
In the renin angiotensin aldoster...,
Which medication can cause hyperk...,
Which of the following medication...
5  cards
Quiz 10
Which type of lipoprotein has the...,
What is considered an optimal lev...,
Rosuvastatin crestor exerts lipid...
5  cards
Pharm Exam III
Renin is released by the _____ in...,
Released by the liver and convert...,
Activity unknown converted to ang...
44  cards
Eplerenone inspra works by compet...,
Minoxidil loniten causes vasodila...,
Which of the following is are a p...
43  cards
Which of the following has visual...,
Lovastatin inhibits,
What medications cause activation...
84  cards
Pharm Final
The study of cost and benefits de...,
Which of the following is not an ...,
The study of drug effects between...
12  cards

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intro to pharmacology

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