medicine unit 5

This class was created by Brainscape user Lara Everett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Resolution of inflammation
Stages in process of reinstating ...,
What does terminating adaptive im...,
Why does inflammation resolution ...
48  cards
Histology of connective tissue
What does all connective tissues ...,
What does connective tissues provide,
3 main components of connective t...
142  cards
Define safeguarding,
Define protection,
Define abuse
16  cards
Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis
What is in the image,
Healthy synovium,
Macrophage like cells
51  cards
Arthritis definition,
2 main different types of arthritis,
Different types of inflammatory a...
38  cards
Psychology of pain
What is pain,
Components of pain,
Why do we have pain
81  cards
Coping with chronic illness
Who definition of a chronic illness,
Impact of chronic illness,
Main stressors in chronic illness
33  cards
What are the functions of the mus...,
Vasoconstriction and vasodilation,
50  cards
Histology of the muscle
What are the 3 types of muscle,
Functions of the muscular system,
Transverse tubule
41  cards
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
What is dmd,
Pathology of dmd,
Severe phenotype of dmd
43  cards
Regenerative medicine
Tissue repair,
Tissue regeneration,
What does the liver and bone have...
44  cards
Building the skilled inner voice
Emotions in clinical practice,
What is emotional labour comprise...,
Creating our mind
14  cards
When will skeletal muscle only co...
10  cards
Wh at is in the image,
What is in the image,
What is in the image
3  cards

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medicine unit 5

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