This class was created by Brainscape user Fatma Mahboba. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

What are the types of microorgani...,
What are the big three infections,
What is trachoma and its effects
17  cards
Immune system
What are the 4 categories if barr...,
What are 4 ways pathogens can pen...,
What are the two main intertwined...
20  cards
innate sensing
What is the complement system,
What are the main 3 different rol...,
What are the 3 ways the complemen...
22  cards
adaptive sensing
What are features of adaptive imm...,
What is an antigen,
What will an antigen bind to
20  cards
Linking Apative + Innate
What does the cell to cell intera...,
What are types of apc antigen pre...,
What is the difference between cl...
20  cards
diversity + bacteria
What is the use of using 16s rna ...,
What are characteristics of the c...,
What are characteristics of the c...
26  cards
What are the products of fermenta...,
What are essential when ecoli inf...,
What do glycolysis and entner dou...
17  cards
bacterial pathogensis
What are pathogens,
What are non pathogenic pathogens,
What are asymptomatic pathogens
41  cards
bacterial survival mechanisms
What does tcp facilitate,
How does vibrio cholerae begin it...,
What is toxr regulon in vibrio ch...
19  cards
bacterial and enviromental processes
What are existing genetic factors,
What does the two component syste...,
What is the quorum sensing system...
12  cards
diversity and biology of viruses
What is the definition of a virus,
What does it mean by viruses bein...,
What is the typical size of a virus
28  cards
viral lifecyle
What are the 8 steps in a viral l...,
What are the 7 steps of viral rep...,
What do viruses use as receptors
37  cards
epidemeology and pathogenesis of viral disease
What can be used to study epidemi...,
What are the 6 horizontal routes ...,
What is vertical transmission
19  cards
protozoan and helminth parasite
What is parasitism,
What are obligate parasites,
What are facultative parasites
45  cards
fungal cell biology
What can aggregations of amoebae ...,
What is a plasmodium,
What is the life cycle of plasmod...
35  cards
killing pathogens
What cytokine does the effector t...,
What cytokines does the effector ...,
What cytokines does the effector ...
37  cards
properties and functions of antibodies
What type of chains make up an an...,
What does anitbody constant regio...,
What does the variable region of ...
16  cards
mucosal immunity
What is the underlying mechanism ...,
What is the underlying mechanism ...,
What signal should food result in
14  cards
immunological overview infection: maleria
What does a plasmodium need to ca...,
What is the plasmodium life cycle...,
What is the plasmodium life cycle...
33  cards
What are advantages of antibody t...,
What are disadvantages of antibod...,
What are advantages of monoclonal...
20  cards
applications in cancer and auto-immune diseases
What is tumour necrosis factor al...,
How is tnfa alpha produced,
What can tnfa alpha induce
10  cards

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