This class was created by Brainscape user Dan Freeman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

1 - Giving from the heart
What does nonviolence mean,
What is the guiding philosophy of...,
How is nvc self serving
4  cards
2 - Communication that blocks compassion
What is life alienating communica...,
Seeing in terms of wrongness life...,
The husband who describes their p...
20  cards
3 - Observing without evaluating
If you want to motivate someone w...,
What is the key component of the ...,
It s difficult to make __________...
9  cards
4 - Identifying and expressing feelings
How can saying to your husband i ...,
In terms of feelings what is wron...,
What are two different ways you c...
11  cards
5 - Taking responsibility for our feelings
What others do and say are the __...,
Our feelings are a result of two ...,
What are the four ways we can rec...
27  cards
6 - Requesting that which would enrich life
What is a request in nvc,
What s wrong with asking someone ...,
If you dont communicate positive ...
23  cards
7 - Receiving empathically
Empathy is a respectful understan...,
The hearing that is only in the e...,
Empathy emptying our mind and lis...
21  cards
8 - The power of empathy
When someone really hears you wit...,
Even knowing nvc it s often hard ...,
The more we empathize with the ot...
9  cards
9 - Connecting compassionately with ourselves
Nvc s most important use might be...,
Rosenburg i am gravely concerned ...,
If we change our behaviour out of...
23  cards
10 - Expressing anger fully
Anger is our choice people s beha...,
It hurts mommy and daddy when you...,
What s a better statement than it...
28  cards
What feelings tell us we are not ...,
Anger we are making moralistic ju...,
Depression guilt and shame we are...
42  cards
Domination Culture
Why do we suppress our feelings i...,
2  cards

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