This class was created by Brainscape user Elena Standen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Definitions of abnormality
What is the deviation from social...,
What are the strengths of the dev...,
What are the limitations of the d...
13  cards
Characteristics of phobias, depression and OCD
What are the behavioural symptoms...,
What are the emotional,
What is cognitive symptom of phobias
20  cards
The behavioural approach to explaining and treating phobias
What is the two process model,
What is classical conditioning in...,
What is operant conditioning in r...
19  cards
The cognitive approach to explaining and treating depression
What is beck s negative triad,
What are the negative schemas,
What are the negative schemas
25  cards
The biological approach to explaining and treating OCD
What is the genetic explanation,
What is the procedure for groothe...,
What are the findings for
24  cards
The multi store model
Who was the multi store model dev...,
What is the sensory register,
How is the sr coded
26  cards
The Working memory model (WMM)
Who developed the wmm,
What is the central executive ce,
What is baddeley s research on th...
13  cards
Types of long term memory
What is episodic ltm,
Who first suggested episodic ltm,
What are the strengths of episodi...
14  cards
Explanations of forgetting
What is forgetting,
What is retrieval failure,
What is the interference theory it
25  cards
Eyewitness testimony (EWT)
What is the influence of schema,
How do schemas affect the reliabi...,
What are schemas
4  cards
Factors affecting the accuracy of EWT
What is misleading info,
What are leading questions,
What is post event discussion
20  cards
Improving accuracy of EWT
What are the components of the co...,
Who was the ci developed by,
What is the ci
19  cards
Caregiver-infant interactions in humans
Define attachment,
What are the 5 ways caregivers an...,
What is klaus and kennell s resea...
20  cards
Animal studies of attachment
What is the procedure for lorenz ...,
What are the findings for lorenz ...,
What are the conclusions for lore...
10  cards
Explanations of attachment
What is the learning theory of at...,
What is classical conditioning cc,
How do attachments form through cc
20  cards
Ainsworth's strange situation
What are the 3 attachment types a...,
Describe type a attachment,
Describe type b attachment
16  cards
Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis
What is bowlby s mdh,
What is the pdd model,
Describe the pdd model
19  cards
The influence of early attachment on childhood-adult relationships
What is the continuity hypothesis,
What does research indicate about...,
What did youngblade belsky find a...
12  cards
Types of conformity
What is conformity,
Who made reference to the 3 types...,
What is compliance
5  cards
Explanations of conformity
0  cards
Variables affecting conformity
0  cards
Conformity to social roles
0  cards
Obedience & work of Milgram
0  cards
Explanations for obedience
0  cards
Situational variables affecting obedience
0  cards
Explanations of resistance to social influence
0  cards
Minority influence
0  cards
Role of social influence processes in social change
0  cards

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