This class was created by Brainscape user zoha m. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

pulmonary circulation
What are the blood supplies to th...,
What is bronchial circulation,
What is pulmonary circulation
15  cards
mechanisms of ventilation
What is external respiration,
What is internal respiration,
What is cellular respiration
37  cards
What is asthma,
What is asthma characterized by,
What factors contribute to asthma
37  cards
Symptoms and Signs in RESP
What are some common respiratory ...,
What are the characteristics of c...,
What could a chronic dry cough mean
40  cards
Lungs embryology
When do the lungs start to develop,
Where does the development of the...,
What does the foregut give rise to
19  cards
Where does the trachea start and end,
What is the structure of the trachea,
What structures are anterior to t...
36  cards
What is pneumonia,
What are the three types of pneum...,
What are pulmonary defences
32  cards
Work of Ventilation
What is work of breathing,
What happens during normal quiet ...,
What increases oxygen cost in bre...
38  cards
Carriage of oxygen and carbon dioxide
What are the sites of gas exchang...,
What process transfers o2 and co2...,
What is diffusion driven by
29  cards
Ventilation/Perfusion relationships
How is partial pressure of a gas ...,
How is arterial blood gas pressur...,
How is arterial pco2 measured
28  cards
Control of Ventilation
Where in the body is ventilation ...,
Is arterial blood po2 and pco2 ev...,
What are respiratory sensors
30  cards
Lung tumors
What are primary lung tumours usu...,
What are metastatic lung tumours,
What are benign lung tumours
30  cards
What are upper respiratory tract ...,
What are some types of urti,
What are some urti defense mechan...
31  cards
What are the different types of p...,
What are risk factors for pneumonia,
How is pneumonia diagnosed
33  cards
What is copd,
What is chronic bronchitis,
What is emphysema
31  cards
Respiratory viruses
What precaution is taken for drop...,
What viruses cause common cold,
What are the 3 types of influenza...
23  cards
How is tb spread,
Where does mycobacterium invade a...,
Why is mycobacterium acid fast
32  cards
Bronchiectasis and Asthma
1  cards
0  cards

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