This class was created by Brainscape user Liz Mug. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Cause and effect
What is causation,
What is an experiment,
What was the lind s scurvy experi...
16  cards
Computer harassment paradigm
What methodology was used,
What is the dependent variable in...,
What was the independent variable...
8  cards
Define deception,
What are problems with deception,
What are ethical uses of deception
6  cards
Formulating and testing hypotheses
What s the null hypothesis,
What is the alternative hypothesi...,
What is a hypothesis
11  cards
True experimental designs
What is a pre experimental design,
Define one shot case study design,
Define one group pretest posttest...
16  cards
Quasi experimental designs
What is a time series experiment,
What is equivalent time sample de...,
What is a non equivalent control ...
5  cards
Ecological and external validity
What is ecological validity,
What is ecological validity in la...,
What is external validity
6  cards
Internal validity
What were the results of the study,
What is galinsky et al study about
2  cards
Factorial designs
What is a factor,
What s a single factor treatment,
What are levels
14  cards
Strategies in random assignment
What is the purpose of random ass...,
What is random assigment,
What is selection bias
12  cards
Sample sources
What percentage of experiments us...,
How can weird samples threaten st...,
How can student samples be useful...
11  cards
Sample size and power
What is sample size,
What are different ways to justif...,
What is power
10  cards
What is stimulus,
How are stimuli created,
What is statistical control
5  cards
Manipulation checks
What is a manipulation check,
What is construct validity,
What is face validity
10  cards
Instruments and measures
What is an instrument,
What is the difference between in...,
What are the 3 types of instruments
13  cards
Measurement issues
What are inobtrusive and non reac...,
What are technical instruments,
What are implicit tests
14  cards
Research ethics
What are irbs,
What are the 3 core principles of...,
What does respect for persons mean
15  cards

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soci 381

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