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History Flashcards

History flashcards & quizzes to help you practice for any high school or college history exam. Find thousands of history flashcards made by top students & educators.

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About History on Brainscape

How to Study for a History Test

History tests require you to be familiar with relevant terminologies; master geography; memorize significant data, particularly names and dates; and understand the cause and effect of an event among others.

Some tests also involves knowing concepts to analyze historical events and interpret data provided in charts or maps.

In other words, studying for a history test calls for sharp memory and critical thinking. To achieve this, here are tips when preparing for a test.

Firstly, you have to know the covered chapters in your history textbook. This will, of course, ensure that you are studying the right chapters that will come out in the test.

Next, review your class notes. Some theories, facts, and concepts may have been mentioned by your professor but not your textbook. It is also not uncommon for professors to explain information in the textbook further. So make sure you review them as well.

For both your textbook and class notes, highlight significant long-form questions and answer them after. It’s ideal that you write your answers on a separate sheet then hide it so that you won’t be tempted glance while thinking of the answer.

Most importantly, use digital flashcards to help you review for your upcoming history test. The advantage of digital flashcards such as Brainscape is that they are arranged in a way that you get to learn faster than using traditional ones.

The Ultimate History Class Study Guides

Brainscape flashcards are significantly more advantageous than static study materials for a number of reasons.

One, static materials such as class notes and textbook are a bulk to carry. If you are reviewing for several subjects at a time, imagine the number of books and notes you have to bring with you on that day! With Brainscape’s flashcards, however, you need only a laptop or a smartphone and you’re good to go.

Two, static materials may get lost or damaged. Once they are damaged, you have to borrow notes and books from an available classmate. With Brainscape, you are given your own library where your notes, cards, and progress are stored. You may access it using any Android or iOS enabled phone or laptop computer.

Three, Brainscape flashcards are created by top history students and professors at the best schools. The questions and answers they post are aligned with most history exams you have be it world history, U.S. history, European history, geography, and so on.

With all these reasons, it is apparent that Brainscape gives you the ultimate history study guide.

Why Brainscape is the Best History Review

As mentioned above, history requires critical thinking and intense memory recall. You have to remember names, such as “Who discovered America?”, and concepts like “What are some significant facts about Alexander the Great?

But with all the information you have to load in your brain in a limited time, do you think you can memorize and remember all of them when the test comes?

If you’re not confident with your answer, then try using Brainscape’s flashcards and see how it turns you into a history buff in no time.

Brainscape’s proven method for faster learning called the Confidence-Based Repetition is the best tool you have to review for your history tests. It combines active recall, metacognition, and spaced repetition. All of which are essential to enhancing your memory because each process requires brain exercise.

In active recall, for example, instead of merely reading your notes like what you do in passive learning, you are required to ask a question and answer it after. When you are retrieving the answer to the question, your brain is triggered to work, which is very helpful for memory enhancement.

In metacognition, you are assessing how much you know about the certain topic. Again, this process requires your brain to work, which is also beneficial for your memory.

Lastly, spaced repetition reinforces information or concepts until you have mastered each of them. Repetition, as you already know, is crucial to help you remember information. Spacing is necessary so as not to overwork your brain.

How is it different from a using a manual flashcard? Time.

Using Brainscape’s flashcards saves you the time of labeling which questions should be repeated. It can also save you time from creating your own questions. And these minutes you save may be used to repeat the review process until you have confidently mastered the subject.

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