3.3 - Industry Case Study - Bangalore, India (Paper 1) Flashcards


Explain the factors affecting the location of high-tech industry in Bangalore: (3)

  • Bangalore is located on the Deccan Plateau, which is 900m above sea level and therefore the weather is cooler. Most of the land area is also quite flat. This is beneficial for the high-tech industry to be situated here because they need flat and well-drained land with the raw materials required in order to operate.
  • The Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Cooperation (BMTC) operates over 980 bus routes across the city which makes it easy for workers and commuters to get around the city and therefore making them more mobile. The Kempegowda International Airport serves as a gateway for the import and export of heavy and bulky items. (1)
  • Bangalore is a safe city where organized crime is almost non-existent. It also serves as a hub for entertainment as there are parks and nightlife venues located across the city. They also boast a good quality of education by having an high literacy rate of 89% and boasts 21 engineering colleges. This leads to people in Bangalore being eligible to work and increases the labour available
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