3.4 - Tourism Case Study: Kenya (Paper 1) Flashcards


Explain the physical and human attractions in Kenya: (3)

  • People would want to visit the Massai Mara National Park which is located in East Kenya because of the Natural Habitat in wildlife it is famous for as well as the experience of flying in hot air balloons over the landscape. People would want to see this because it is considered a once in a lifetime experience. This would lead to more tourists being attracted to the country, (1)
  • As well as the Natural Landscape, Kenya also offers 500km long beaches located on the coast of the city of Mombasa and the coast faces the Indian Ocean. This could attract tourists because perhaps some people would prefer a tranquil holiday to relax rather than exploring the wild. This would lead to more tourists being attracted to Kenya. (1)
  • The streets of Nairobi offer more of a city and shopping like holiday because there are lots of market located in the city like the Ngara Market. This market offers the making and selling of clothes as well as food products like fruit and vegetables. This may be more ideal for some tourists because they might prefer to shop and experience the local culture. This leads to an attraction of visitors to Kenya. (1)
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Explain the benefits that tourism brings to Kenya:

  • 8% of the country is covered with natural resources. This means that the natural wildlife in Kenya occupy 8% of the total land mass. This can lead to the income of tourists to view the animals and wildlife
  • In 2019, 2.05 million people visited Kenya which boosted its GDP, this is because Kenya has possesion of many tourist attractions, both physical and human, and it gives everyone something to do whilst they stay regardless of their interests. This can lead to an increase in income due to the number of tourists
  • Due to the high income of tourists, the government needs a large workforce to cater to the demands of tourists. Because of the large workforce needed, the tourism sector creates job opportunities for 11% of the population. This is good for the population because it can help them generate some income. This can therefore boost the productivity of the population.
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Describe the problems that tourism brings to Kenya: (3)

  • One problem is that 28% of the land in Kenya is urbanized, however this number continues to grow as the population increases. As well as the population increasing, the demand for more hotels for tourists is also rising so they will have to convert resedential areas into touristic areas with hotels and shops because they do not want to urbanize more land and damage the environment. The population in Kenya has also increased by 7x since 1963 leading to a loss of living space due to tourism. (1)
  • Hotels on the coast facing the Indian Ocean account for 60% of beds in Kenya. This means that more of the countries beds are being used by tourists than residents. This could cause the dissatisfaction of residents with tourists in the country which could lead to conflict between the 2 groups. (1)
  • 6.8% of children in Kenya have dropped out of school early and are exploited in the tourism sector where they are forced to work. This is a problem because the child would receive a lack of education if they dropped out so early which could lead to them being uncomfortable to interact with tourists and they may not know how to conduct themselves. This could leave a bad impression in tourist’s minds if uneducated people are working in the tourism industry. (1)
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Explain how tourism is being managed in Kenya so that it can become a world class tourism hub: (3)


-300,000 peoplevisit the Massai Mara National Park every year, which is located in East Kenya and people visit because of its diverse wildlife it is famous for as well as the experience of flying in hot air balloons over the landscape. People would want to see this because it is considered a once in a lifetime experience. This would lead to more tourists being attracted to the country and minimizes the harm on the environment because this is a dedicated national park in Kenya for tourists viewing. (1)

  • Kenya is one of the most visited countries with roughly 2 million people visiting the country every year. As well as allowing tourists to visit the country, it also keep sustainability in mind by having tough laws imposed on the enivornment. Kenya has the worlds toughest plastic bag and hunting laws where when someone breaks this rule, they could face a $40,000 fine and/or up to 4 years in jail. This allows tourism to be managed without damage to the environment.
  • At Mount Kenya, 250km of electrical fences have been put up to conserve and prevent damage to the environment. This can help manage tourism so that tourists can view the mountain from dedicated areas and zones without causing harm to the environment, vegetation and wildlife on the mountain which is a way of managing tourism sustainably in Kenya.
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