3.7 - Environmental Risks Case Study: Pearl River Delta, China Flashcards


Explain the causes of pollution at the Pearl River Delta: (3)


Air pollution from power plants contribute to 13% of the total air pollution in the Pearl River Delta. There are 14 power plants which are coal fired and as a result of burning coal, gases like sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides which can contaminate the air and this causes acidic rain with the pH being lower than 5 most of the time. (1)

  • There is a large population of 65 million people which live within the area of the Pearl River Delta with most of these people living in nearby cities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou. 1 billion litres of sewage being dumped into the waters of the Pearl River Delta which causes water pollution. (1)
  • As well as sewage, toxic waste from factories is deposited at local landfills surrounding the Pearl River Delta where there is also 7 million tonnes of toxic waste that is dumped there. This causes air pollution as toxic waste degrade and decompose and release toxic waste products into the air. (1)
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Explain the impacts of pollution on the Pearl River Delta: (3)

  • Due to the toxic gases that has contaminated the air like sulfur, nitrogen and carbon dioxides, this has resulted in acid rain with a pH of 5.3. This can have a detrimental effect on trees, causes corrosion of metal and causes paint and stone to deteriorate. (1)
  • Due to water pollution, 6 out of the 9 main cities surrounding the Pearl River Delta are considered to have water shortages. This is because heavy metals as a result of toxic waste are often found in drinking water and consumption of this has resulted in some people developing health problems such as stomach cancer. (1)
  • Due to air pollution in the Pearl River Delta, this has resulted in its people being more vulnerable to respiratory diseases due to the poor quality of air they breath in. Diseases/viruses like COVID-19 had a huge impact early on in January 2020 recording over 80 cases a day over the course of 2020 which has resulted in immune systems being weakened and even deaths. (1)
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Explain how economic activity is managed at the Pearl River Delta to reduce environmental risks: (3)

  • As part of China’s broader efforts to reduce carbon emissions, the Pearl River Delta has seen an increase in the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. By 2025, renewable energy will account for 51% of the energy mix in the Pearl River Delta area, which reduces the need for the burning of fossil fuels which can lead to the reduction of environmental damage. (1)
  • Around the Pearl River Delta, there are 11 farms that is dedicated to agriculture and to grow vegetation. By doing this, this increases the amount of oxygen in the air as plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. This helps to protect the environment by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.
  • In 2022, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide concentration levels decreased by 86% since 2006, this is because there is advanced technology that captures the harmful gases in the air and converts it to useful products like chemicals that can be used in industry. This helps manage and minimize the impact of air pollution on the environment.
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