3.1 Lesson Flashcards
This deck provides a quick introduction to the present subjunctive.
What is the present subjunctive mood in Spanish?
The present subjunctive in Spanish is not a tense but a mood used to express doubt, wishes, emotions, or uncertainty about an action.
Start with the yo form of the present indicative of the verb. Remove the final -o ending.
Add the appropriate subjunctive endings:
- ar verbs: e, es, e, emos, éis, en.
- -er/-ir verbs: a, as, a, amos, áis, an.
For example, let’s take the verb “hablar” (to speak):
- yo hable (I speak)
- tú hables (you speak)
- él/ella/usted hable (he/she/you(formal) speak)
- nosotros/nosotras hablemos (we speak)
- vosotros/vosotras habléis (you all speak)
- ellos/ellas/ustedes hablen (they/you all speak)
Example sentence:
Espero que él hable con el profesor. (I hope he speaks with the professor.)
How is the subjunctive used?
The subjunctive is used to express desires, emotions, recommendations, doubt, and denial; with certain impersonal expressions; and with ojalá: “I doubt Miguel is in Spain” –> Dudo que Miguel esté en España.
What is the indicative mood?
The indicative is used to refer to objective reality, factual statements, and declarations. Most of what you’ve learned so far has been in the indicative: “Miguel is in Spain (as far as I know)” –> Miguel está en España.
What are the endings of regular present subjunctive -ar verbs?
Regular present subjunctive -ar endings:
- -e (yo)
- -es (tú)
- -e (él)
- -emos (nosotros)
- -eís (vosotros)
- -en (ellos).
Simply strip the -ar ending off of any regular infinitive and apply the above endings.
Translate to Spanish:
She hopes that I speak
Ella espera que yo hable
that I speak (present subjunctive) - que yo hable. In this example, the subject is expressing a wish or desire (volition), which calls for the subjunctive.
Translate to Spanish:
I want you to speak with her tomorrow
Quiero que tú hables con ella mañana
that you speak (present subjunctive) - que tú hables. This sentence is also expressing volition—to want. This translates literally as “I want that you speak with her tomorrow,” though it sounds a bit strange since the subjunctive is uncommon in English.
Translate to Spanish:
His aunt prefers that he speak to her over the phone
Su tía prefiere que él le hable por teléfono
that he/she speak (present subjunctive) - que él/ella/Ud hable. Note that the subjunctive is employed here in English, too, so the verb in English changes accordingly: “he speaks” (indicative mood); “that he speak” (subjunctive mood).
Translate to Spanish:
The child demands his food when he’s hungry
El niño exige su comida cuando tiene hambre
to demand - exigir
Translate to Spanish:
Our teacher demands that we speak in class
Nuestra maestra exige que hablemos en clase
that we speak (present subjunctive) - que nosotros hablemos. Demands require the use of the subjunctive.
Translate to Spanish:
I prefer that you all speak to your teachers about your homework
Prefiero que habléis con vuestros maestros sobre la tarea
that you all speak (present subjunctive) - que vosotros habléis
Translate to Spanish:
I want them to walk home after the lesson
Quiero que caminen a casa después de la lección
that they walk (present subjunctive) - que ellos/ellas/Uds caminen
What are the endings of regular present subjunctive -er and -ir verbs?
Regular present subjunctive -er and -ir endings: -a (yo) -as (tú) -a (él) -amos (nosotros) -áis (vosotros) -an (ellos). Simply strip the -er or -ir ending off of any regular infinitive, and apply the above endings.
Translate to Spanish:
My girlfriend wants me to eat with her friends tonight
Mi novia quiere que yo coma con sus amigas esta noche
that I eat (present subjunctive) - que yo coma. The subject of this sentence, mi novia, is expressing an expectation, which calls for the subjunctive in Spanish.
Translate to Spanish:
It’s a shame
Es una lástima
It’s a shame - Es una lástima. When this expression is followed by que, the subjunctive is required.
Translate to Spanish:
It’s a shame that you won’t eat the food
Es una lástima que no comas la comida
that you eat (present subjunctive) - que tú comas. In this example, the subject is expressing lament. When conveying feelings and emotions—anger, happiness, fear, or surprise—the subjunctive is used.
Translate to Spanish:
I’m happy that the child eats so much
Estoy feliz de que el niño coma tanto
that he/she eat (present subjunctive) - que él/ella/Ud coma. Reactions that express a subjective opinion or judgement require the subjunctive.
Translate to Spanish:
It’s good that we’re eating fruits and vegetables today
Es bueno que comamos frutas y vegetales hoy
that we eat (present subjunctive) - que nosotros comamos. The impersonal expression “It’s good that,” es bueno que, should be followed by the subjunctive.
Translate to Spanish:
I’m sorry that you (vosotros) aren’t eating these delicious desserts
Siento que no comáis estos ricos postres
that you all eat (present subjunctive) - que vosotros comáis. In this example, “I’m sorry that” is an impersonal expression that requires the use of the subjunctive.
Translate to Spanish:
I want the kids to eat dinner before dessert
Quiero que los niños coman la cena antes del postre
that they eat (present subjunctive) - que ellos/ellas/Uds coman. This example uses the subjunctive after an expression of desire, quiero que.
Translate to Spanish:
My teacher wants me to write an essay
Mi maestra quiere que yo escriba un ensayo