Exam #2 Important Terms Flashcards
Chapters 7, 9, & 10
Ventilation that are too forceful can result in trauma from pressure.
Most commonly affects coronary vessels, where cholesterol and calcium build up inside the walls of the blood vessels, forming plaque.
Sophisticated capillaries that perform filtering in the kidney.
Subjective condition that the patient fells and tells you about.
Objective condition that you can observe or measure.
The forces, or energy transmission, applied to the body that cause injury.
Mechanism of Injury (MOI)
A non-invasive method to quickly and efficiently provide information on a patient’s ventilator status, circulation, and metabolism; effectively measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in expired air over time.
The delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the exposed surface of the eye.
Characterized by light or profuse sweating.
The pressure that remains in the arteries during the relaxing phase of the heart’s cycle when the left ventricle is at rest.
Diastolic Pressure
Any injury that prevents the patient from noticing other injuries he or she may have, even severe injuries.
Distracting Injury
Damage to tissues as result of exposure to cold; frozen or partially frozen body parts.
The time from injury to definitive care, during which treatment of shock and traumatic injuries should occur because survival potential is best.
Golden Hour
Breathing that requires greater than normal effort; may be slower or faster than normal and characterized by grunting, stridor, and use of accessory muscles.
Labored Breathing
The general type of illness a patient is experiencing.
Nature of Illness (NOI)
The motion of the portion of the chest wall that is detached in a flail chest; the motion – in during inhalation, out during exhalation – is exactly the opposite of normal chest wall motion during breathing.
Paradoxial Motion
Negative findings that warrant no care or intervention.
Pertinent Negatives
The tough, fibrous, white portion of the eye that protects the more delicate inner structure.
Respirations characterized by little movement of the chest wall (reduced tidal volume) or poor chest excursion.
Shallow Respirations
Knowledge and understanding of your surroundings and situation and the risk they potentially pose to your safety or the safety of the EMS team.
Situational Awareness