Gastrointestinal System Flashcards
This deck covers Chapters 79-86 in Rosens, compromising all of gastroenterology.
What are the 4 narrowings in the esophagus?
- Upper esophageal sphincter
- Aortic arch
- Left mainstem bronchus
Differentiate between direct and indirect inguinal hernias.
- Medial to epigastrics
- Usually from the weakened abdominal wall
- Lateral to epigastrics
- Usually from patent processus vaginalis
- 5x more common than direct
What are 5 indications for endoscopic removal of an ESOPHAGEAL foreign body?
- Airway compromise
- Button battery
- >24h
- Sharp
- Distress
- Failure of other measures
What is Charcot’s triad? Reynold’s pentad?
- Fever
- Jaundice
- RUQ pain
- Fever
- Jaundice
- RUQ pain
- Hypotension
- Confusion
Which 2 bacteria mimic appendicitis?
- Yersinia
- Campylobacter
List 5 causes of elevated amylase
- Pancreatitis
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Parotitis
- Renal failure
- Mesenteric ischemia
- Bowel obstruction
- Peritonitis
List 8 physical exam findings of cirrhosis
- Palmar erythema
- Caput medusa
- Ascites
- Hepatomegaly
- Spider nevi
- Testicular atrophy
- Gynecomastia
- Jaundice
- Dupuytren’s contractures
- Thin skin
- Easy bruising
List 6 causes of traveler’s diarrhea
- E. coli (ETEC)
- Shigella
- Campylobacter
- Salmonella
- Norovirus
- Rotavirus
- Giardia
- Cryptosporidium
- Entamoeba histolytica
Differentiate sigmoid from cecal volvulus
Triad (more common in Sigmoid)
- Pain
- Distention
- Constipation
Cecal Volvulus
- No gas in the distal colon
- Usually pregnant patients (1: 1,000,000 pregnancies)
- Surgery to fix
- Only one air-fluid level seen
Sigmoid Volvulus
- Coffee bean sign
- Usually older people with constipation
- Endoscopy to fix unless ischemia/gangrene
List and interpret the following hepatitis serologic markers:
- HBsAb
- HBsAg
- HBcAb
- HBcAg
- HBeAb
- HBeAg
- HBsAb - Acute/Past Infection or Immunity
- HBsAg - Active infection
- HBcAb - Acute/Past Infection
- HBcAg - Acute Infection
- HBeAb - Resolving infection + Infective!
- HBeAg - Acute Infection + Infective!
What are the indications for empiric treatment of SBP with a pending culture?
- ANC >250 (>100 if on PD)
- Granulocyte count >500
- Ascitic fluid: Leuk +, pH low
- Ceftriaxone 2 g IV (note dose)
- Ciprofloxacin 400 mg IV if PCN allergic
- Intraperitoneal is preferred for patients on PD
List 5 causes of appendiceal lumen obstruction
- Fecolith
- Appendicolith
- Lymphadenopathy
- FB
- Tumour
- Parasite (Ascaris)
List 6 complications from esophageal button batteries
- Ulceration
- Perforation
- Migration
- Obstruction
- Stricture
- Fistula
Name 3 findings of SBO on x-ray
- Air-fluid levels
- Dilated loops >3cm
- Plicae circularis
- “String of beads” sign
List 6 substances or conditions that damage the gastric mucosal barrier
- Alcohol
- Prednisone
- Smoking
- Bile
- Pancreatic secretions
- H. pylori
- Stress
- Shock state
List 5 sonographic findings of cholecystitis
- Impacted stone
- Thickened wall >3 mm
- Pericholecystic fluid
- Sonographic Murphys’s
- Distended lumen >4 cm
What are the Rome III criteria for IBS?
Abdo pain 3 days/month x3 months with 2 of:
- Change in bowel frequency
- Change in bowel consistency
- Pain relieved with BMs
List 8 drugs that cause pancreatitis
- Steroids
- Tylenol
- Alcohol
- Ranitidine
- Lasix
- Flagyl
- Macrobid
- Septra
- Tetracycline
- Valproate
What is the BEST TEST to rule out esophageal perforation?
- Upper GI series w/ gastrograffin
- Endoscopy may miss small perforations
- CT chest can pick up mediastinal air, abscesses
What percentage of patients with a needlestick injury will get HepB? HepC? HIV?
- HIV = 0.3%
- Hep C = 3% (really like 1.8% according to CDC)
- Hep B = 30%
These ‘classic numbers’ are dated…
List 6 causes of chronic pancreatitis
- EtOH
- Trauma
- Autoimmune
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hyperparathyroidism (High Ca)
- Pancreatic cancer/obstruction
- Cystic fibrosis
- Alpha-1 Anti-trypsin deficiency
List 5 types of anorectal abscess. Which can be treated with I&D in the ED?
- Perianal
- Ischiorectal
- Intersphincteric
- Supralevator
- Postanal
I&D = ischiorectal and perianal
What is the management of acute mesenteric ischemia?
- IVF +/- low-dose pressors
- ABx
- Surgery consult
- Papaverine (PDE inhibitor)
- Heparin
Name 2 other scoring systems (other than Ranson) for predicting mortality from pancreatitis
- Ranson 3+ or
- APACHE II 8+ or
- Organ failure
- Components are basic vitals and investigations
- MAP, HR, RR, Temp, GCS
- Na, K, Cr, HCT, pH
Who should receive PEP for Hep A? Hep B? Hep C?
Hepatitis A - ISG 0.02 mL/kg IM
- Food handlers
- Daycare
- Close personal contacts
- Within 2 weeks of exposure
- Given Hep A vaccine only unless:
- >50 years old
- Immunocompromised
- Liver disease
Hepatitis B - HBIg +/- Hep B vaccine series
- If an unvaccinated person exposed
- Source HBV+ or unknown = HBIg + Vaccine
- Source HBV- = Vaccine
- If a vaccinated person exposed
- Source HBV- = Do nothing
- Any other situation = test anti-HBsAb
- If adequate, do nothing
- If inadequate, HBIg + Vaccine booster
Hepatitis C
- Unknown benefit
What is scromboid?
High levels of histidine (usually in spoiled tuna) are metabolized into histamine and cause flushing, rash, headache, tingling
What is acute fatty liver of pregnancy? Symptoms? Lab findings? Management?
Malignant liver disease in late pregnancy
- N/V, Abdo pain, mild jaundice
- AST/ALT >x5 normal
- Elevated bilirubin
- Hypoglycemia
- Supportive
- Glucose
- Immediate delivery
What is ciguatera poisoning?
- Predatory coral reef fish toxin
- Na channel poison w/ cholinergic/anticholinergic
- GI + Neuro symptoms
- Worse with alcohol
How do you make the diagnosis of Hepatitis B?
HBsAg + Anti-HBcAb (IgM)
Usually not symptomatic for 3 months
HBsAg usually starts at 1 month
List 4 treatments for anal fissures
- WASH regimen
- CCB gel
- Nitro ointment
- Botox
- Surgery
What is the classification system for internal hemorrhoids?
1st Degree
- No prolapse
2nd Degree
- Prolapse on defecation
3rd Degree
- Spontaneous prolapse
4th Degree
- Irreducible
- Surgical fix
What is the treatment for benign cholestasis of pregnancy?
- Urosfalk
- Vitamin K SC if abnormal clotting times
- Malabsorption
- Prevent fetal ICH
- Induced after 37 weeks –> resolves