Special Populations Flashcards
This deck covers Chapters 183-189 in Rosens, compromising geriatrics, transplant & immunocompromised patients, and combative patients.
Which patients (7) with febrile neutropenia are high risk (require inpatient management)?
- Blood cancer
- Organ failure
- Uncontrolled cancer
- Neutropenia expected >10d
- Comorbid
- Evidence of infection (CAP, SSTI, Altered, Abdo pain, line)
- Hemodynamically unstable
- Inpatient when febrile neutropenia begins
Why (4) do elderly patients with abdominal pain have more vague physical exams and more serious complications?
- Decreased musculature
* Can’t manifest guarding/rebound - Omentum shrinks
* Can’t wall off infection/abscess - Atherosclerosis with decreased GI blood flow
* Increased perforation rates - Increased SVR
* More vascular causes of abdo pain (AAA, ischemia)
List 10 complications of IVDU
- Job loss
- Social isolation
- Incarceration
- Psychosis
- Suicide
- Homicide
- MI
- SS
- Botulism
- Tetanus
- Endocarditis
- Bacteremia
- Sepsis
- Hep B
- Hep C
- Abscess
- Cellulitis
- Death
List 5 drugs that interact with alcohol and the consequences
- NSAIDs (increased gastritis)
- Benzos (increased sedation)
- GHB (increased sedation)
- Cocaine (cocaethylene = longer effects)
- Tylenol (increased hepatotoxicity)
- Methanol/EG (decreased toxicity)
Name 2 ways the body metabolisms alcohol. Describe the pharmacokinetics of alcohol elimination. What is the mechanism of action of alcohol?
- ADH pathway
- Zero-order elimination
- GABA agonist
- Antagonism of NMDA
List 10 complications of steroids
- Cushing’s
- Poor skin healing
- Easy bruising
- Infection
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Hyperglycemia
- Osteoporosis
- Pancreatitis
- Myopathy
- Psychosis
- Insomnia
What is the legal limit for EtOH while driving? What rate is EtOH removed from the body?
BAC = 0.08 (Ontario wants <0.05)
Legal limit = 17.4 mmol/L
- Removed at 5-7 mmol/L per hour in acute intoxication
- Removed at 10 mmol/L per hour in chronic alcoholism
List 6 indications to start vancomycin in a patient with febrile neutropenia.
- Septic shock
- Lines insitu
- Colonized with MRSA
- High rates of MRSA at the institution
- Gram + BCx (not speciated)
- Severe mucositis
- Fluoroquinolone prophylaxis
List 5 organisms likely to causes infection in a patient with asplenia
Encapsulated bugs
- S. pneumoniae
- N. meningitidis
- H. influenzae
- B. holmesii
- Capnocytophagia
List 12 physiologic changes with aging
- Decreased BBB efficiency
- Decreased response to temperature change
- Alterations in neurotransmitter levels
- Altered autonomic nervous system
- Decreased inotropy
- Decreased chronotropy
- Decreased ventricular filling
- Increased SVR
- Decreased vital capacity
- Decreased lung compliance
- Decreased ventilatory drive
- Decreased diffusion capacity
- Decreased chemoreceptor response
- Decreased gastric mucosa
- Decreased blood to GI system
- Decreased hepatic cell mass
- Decreased hepatic blood flow
- Altered hepatic microsomal enzyme activity
- Decreased renal cell mass
- Decreased total body water
- Decreased thirst response
- Atrophy of all layers
- Decreased sweat gland number/activity
- Decreased bone mass
- Decreased muscle mass
- Increased adipose tissue
Give 5 DDx for Alcohol-related seizure
- Withdrawal seizure
- Co-ingestion
- Toxic alcohol
- Intracranial bleed
- Epilepsy
- Metabolic seizure (hypoglycemia, hypoNa)
- Sleep deprivation
- Non-compliance with anticonvulsants
- Infectious
What is the mechanism of action of cyclosporine? List 5 adverse effects.
Calcineurin inhibitor
- Hepatotoxic
- Nephrotoxic
- Hyperkalemia
- Gout
- Gingival hyperplasia
- Tremor
List 5 general strategies for dealing with difficult patients
- Be supportive
- Structure the interview
- Set limits
- Point out impasses
- Share your reactions
- Redirect the interview
- Take time out
- Use teamwork
- Understand the patient’s agenda
List 5 drugs that produce a disulfiram-like reaction with EtOH.
- Disulfiram
- Metronidazole
- Sulfa drugs
- Sulfonylureas
- Macrobid
What is the most important pathogen causing infection in transplant patients 1-6 months post-transplant?
Pneumonitis is common
Active CMV can trigger rejection