social behavior Flashcards
what are some factors that effect attraction?
self disclosure
what is the golden ratio?
1.618 : 1
__________ is sharing ones fears, thoughts, and goals with another persona nd being met with nonjudgmental empathy
self disclosure
__________ is when people like others better when they believe the other person likes them
reciprocal liking
T / F - proximity plays a factor in our attraction to them
what is the mere exposure effect?
tendency for people to prefer simuli that they have been exposed to more frequently
_______ is a part of the brain responsible for associating stimuli and their corresponding rewards or punishments
*whether somethig is a threat or not
T / F - if the amygdala is activated, this decreases aggression
false, this increases aggression
how does the prefrontal cortex affect aggression?
the prefrontal cortex can hit the brakes on a revved up amygdala, reducing emotional reactivity and impulsiveness
higher levels of _________ have been linked to more aggressive behavior in both males and females
explain the cognitive neoassociation model
we are more likely to respond to others aggressively when we are feeling negative emotions (sick, tired, frustrate, or in pain)
mary ainsworth theorized that infants need a secure base for how long at the beginning of life?
6 months to 2 years
four main types of attachment styles?
- secure
- avoidant
- ambivalent
- disorganized
________ attachment is seen whena child has a consistent caregiver and is able to go out and explore, knowing that he/she has a secure base to return to
how does a secure atachment affect the depature / return of a caregiver?
departure = very upset
return = relieved, comforted
_____________ attachments results when a caregiver has little or no response to a distressed child
how does an avoidant atachment affect the depature / return of a caregiver?
the child shows little to no stress / relief during departure / arrival
_________ attachment occurs when a caregiver has an inconsistent response to a child distress
how does an ambivalent atachment affect the depature / return of a caregiver?
departure = very distressed
return = mixed response
_________ attachment show no clear pattern of behavior in response to the caregivers presence / absence
__________ is the perception or reality that one is cared for by a social network
social support
_______ support is listening, affirming, and empathizing with someones feelings
_______ support focuses directly on affirming the qualitities and skills of a person
_______ support is any type of dinancial or material contribution to another person
_______ support is providing information that will help somone
_______ support gives a person a sense of belonging
_________ is an exclusive mating relationship
__________ means having exclusive relationships with multiple partners
what is the different of polygyny and polyandry?
both forms of polygamy
polygyny = mutiple females
polyandry = multiple males
__________ refers to a member mating with others without exclusivity
___________ is the selection of a matre based on attraction
mate choice
________ refers to how choosy members of the species are while choosing a mate
mate bias
explain the difference between direct and indirect benefits
direct = providing material advantage, protection, or emotional support
indirect = promoting better survival in offspring
what are the five recognized mechanisms of mate choice?
- phenotypic benefits = observable traits that make a mate more attractive
*increased production / survival of offspring - sensory bias = development of a trait to match a preexisting preference that exists in the population
- fisherian selection = positive feedback mechanism in whih a particular trait that has no effect or a negative effect on survival becomes more and more exaggerated over time
*peacock plumage - indicator traits = trits that signify overall good health and well being of an organism
*coat health - genetic compatability = creation of mate pairs that have complementary genetics
*reduces the probability of offspring being homozygotic for a disease carrying allele
___________ is a form of helping behavior in which the individuals intent is to benefit another at some cost to the self
explain the empathy-altruism hypothesis
one individual helps another person when they feel empathy for the other person, regardless of the cost
game theory attempts to explain _______
decision making behavior
explain the impact on the donor / recipient in each of these scenarios:
donor = cost (-)
recipient = benefit (+)
donor = negative impact (-)
recipient = negative impact (-)
donor = benefit (+)
recipient = benefit (+)
donor = benefit (+)
recipient = negatively impact (-)
what is inclusive fitness?
measure of an organisms success in the population
based on:
1. number of offspring
2. success in supporting offspring
3. ability of the offspring to support others