a - msra - dermatology [3]

This class was created by Brainscape user Mollie O. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
What is staphylococcal scalded sk...,
What causes staphylococcal scalde...,
Who is most commonly affected by ...
27  cards
Generalised Pustular Psoriasis
What is generalised pustular psor...,
What does generalised pustular ps...,
What age groups can generalised p...
28  cards
Eczema Herpeticum
What is eczema herpeticum,
What hsv types can causes eczema ...,
How can eczema herpeticum sometim...
17  cards
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
What is steven s johnson syndrome...,
What does sjs form a spectrum with,
Which is less severe sjs or ten
45  cards
What is urticaria also known as,
What is urticaria,
What can also occur in urticaria ...
30  cards
Pityriasis Versicolor
What is pityriasis versicolor,
What cause pityriasis versicolor,
Where is malasezzia fungus usuall...
20  cards
What is scabies,
How do scabies colonise the skin,
How long does it take for scabies...
34  cards
What is dermatophytosis more comm...,
What is ring worm,
How many types of fungi can cause...
25  cards
What is erysipelas,
What is the usual cause of erysip...,
What are some less common causati...
16  cards
What is cellulitis,
What causes cellulitis,
How can bacteria enter the skin
23  cards
Actinic Keratosis
What is actinic keratosis,
What is the underlying cause of a...,
How does sunlight cause dna damage
39  cards
Bowen's Disease
What is bowens disease also known as,
What is bowens disease,
What is the risk of progression f...
34  cards
What is impetigo,
How can impetigo be divided,
What form of impetigo accounts fo...
37  cards
Viral Warts
What are warts,
How can warts be classified,
Give some types of wart
31  cards
Necrotising Fasciitis
What is necrotising fasciitis,
What parts of the deep soft tissu...,
How do organisms spread to cause ...
64  cards
What is rosacea,
What causes rosacea,
What plays a role in the developm...
28  cards
What is folliculitis,
Where can folliculitis occur,
What is the pathophysiology of fo...
21  cards
What is shingles,
What is hhv 3 more commonly known as,
When does shingles occur after in...
55  cards
What is erythroderma,
What can cause erythroderma,
What types of eczema can cause er...
19  cards
What is dermatitis,
What is dermatitis characterised by,
How much of the skin is affected ...
91  cards
What is psoriasis,
How severe is psoriasis,
Describe the course of psoriasis
73  cards
Name that Rash!!!
99  cards
Acne Vulgaris
What is acne vulgaris,
What causes acne,
Why does acne typically present j...
41  cards
Skin Manifestations of Systemic Diseases
How does erythema nodosum present,
What conditions can cause erythem...,
What drugs can cause erythema nod...
41  cards
Blistering Skin Disorders
How can blistering skin condition...,
What are some examples of immunob...,
Give an example of a blistering s...
29  cards
Dermatology Management
How can treatment modalities for ...,
How can medical therapy in dermat...,
What are the types of physical de...
58  cards
Venous Ulcers
What are venous ulcers,
What causes venous ulcers,
How does the failure of functioni...
24  cards
Arterial Ulcers
What is an arterial ulcer,
What are the risk factors for art...,
What are the causes of arterial u...
26  cards

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a - msra - dermatology [3]

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