This class was created by Brainscape user Ahfifa Chowdhury. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (68)

Cultural relativism,
Demand characteristics,
25  cards
Social Influence - Introduction to Social Psychology
What is social influence,
What is a social group,
What is a social role
4  cards
Social Influence - Conformity
What is conformity,
Who suggested that there are thre...,
What is a private and public atti...
53  cards
Social Influence - Obedience
What is obedience,
Aimmilgram 1963 original obedienc...,
Proceduremilgram 1963 original ob...
76  cards
Social Influence - Minority Influence and Social Change
What is minority influence,
What are key aspects of minority ...,
How does a minority change the op...
40  cards
Memory - Introduction to Memory
Procedurebaddeley 1966 coding in ...,
Findings and conclusionsbaddeley ...,
Procedurejacobs 1887 capacity of stm
18  cards
Memory - Types of Memory
What are the key assumptions of a...,
What is the multi store model,
What are the sensory stores witin...
19  cards
Memory - Types of Long-Term Memory
What are the three types of long ...,
What is episodic memory,
What is semantic memory
11  cards
Memory - The Working Memory Model
What is baddeley and hitchs 1974 ...,
What is the central executive,
What is the phonological loop
17  cards
Memory - Forgetting
What is interference,
What is proactive interference,
What is retroactive interference
27  cards
Memory - Memory Accuracy
What can leading questions result in,
What is a response bias explanation,
What is a substitution explanation
51  cards
Attachment - Introduction to Attachment
What is monotropy,
What is institutionalisation,
What is insecure resistant attach...
19  cards
Attachment - How We Form Attachments
What is attachment,
How can we recognise an attachment,
Why do we form attachments
35  cards
Attachment - Methods in Attachment Research
Procedurelorenz 1952 imprinting,
Findings and conclusionslorenz 19...,
Procedureharlow 1958 importance o...
16  cards
Attachment - Why We Form Attachments
What are the key points of dollar...,
What is the importance of food,
What is the role of classical con...
33  cards
Attachment - Broken Attachments
What are the key assumptions of b...,
Why is continued emotional care f...,
What may separation lead to
31  cards
Attachment - Attachment Styles
Aimainsworth 1969 the strange sit...,
Procedure categories ainsworth 19...,
Procedure episodes ainsworth 1969...
25  cards
Attachment - The Continuity Hypothesis
What are childhood relationships,
What are adult relationships,
What are internal working models
22  cards
Attachment - The Role of the Father
Do babies form primary attachment...,
Do babies form secondary attachme...,
What do attachments with the moth...
13  cards
Approaches in Psychology - Origins of Psychology
What was psychology known as prev...,
What is cartesian dualism,
What is empiricism
27  cards
Approaches in Psychology - Psychodynamic Approach
What are the key assumptions of t...,
What is freud s psychoanalytic th...,
What is the tripartite structure ...
17  cards
Approaches in Psychology - Behaviourist Approach
What are the key assumptions of t...,
What is classical conditioning,
Give an example of classical cond...
20  cards
Approaches in Psychology - Cognitive Approach
What are the key assumptions of t...,
What does the cognitive approach ...,
How does the cognitive approach u...
23  cards
Approaches in Psychology - Biological Approach
What at first is everything psych...,
What basis does behaviour have,
What is the link between mind and...
24  cards
Approaches in Psychology - Social Learning Theory
What is the learning theory all a...,
What is reinforcement,
What is positive reinforcement
30  cards
Approaches in Psychology - Humanistic Approach
What are the key assumptions of t...,
What is the centre of the humanis...,
What is self actualisation and ma...
14  cards
Approaches in Psychology - Comparisons
Behaviouristviews on development,
Social learningviews on development,
Cognitiveviews on development
30  cards
Biopsychology - Neurons
What is the function of neurons,
What are the different types of n...,
What are motor neurons
20  cards
Biopsychology - Divisions of the Nervous System
What is the nervous system,
What are the nervous systems two ...,
What is the structure and functio...
7  cards
Biopsychology - The Endocrine System and the Fight or Flight Response
What are the key features of the ...,
What are glands,
What are hormones
13  cards
Biopsychology - Brain Localisation and Lateralisation
What is the holistic theory of th...,
What is localisation of function,
What is lateralisation
37  cards
Biopsychology - Brain Plasticity
What are the key features of brai...,
How are synaptic connections in t...,
What studies support the concept ...
15  cards
Biopsychology - Methods of Studying the Brain
What methods are there to studyin...,
How are medical techniques used t...,
How does an fmri work
14  cards
Biopsychology - Biological Rhythms
What are the key features of circ...,
What are biological rhythms gover...,
What are the 4 different biologic...
31  cards
Biopsychology - Controlling Biological Rhythms
What are key features of endogeno...,
What is the suprachiasmatic nucleus,
How do chipmunks and hamsters dem...
15  cards
Psychopathology - Introduction to Psychopathology
What is the history of mental hea...,
What is the dsm,
Why is the dsm updated
7  cards
Psychopathology - Defining Abnormality
How can you define abnormality,
How do you define abnormality in ...,
How does abnormality link to beha...
29  cards
Psychopathology - The Behaviourist Approach to Phobias
What are the behavioural factors ...,
What are the emotional factors of...,
What are the cognitive factors of...
40  cards
Psychopathology - The Cognitive Approach to Depression
What are the behavioural factors ...,
What are the emotional factors of...,
What are the cognitive factors of...
58  cards
Psychopathology - The Biological Approach to OCD
What are the behavioural factors ...,
What are the emotional factors of...,
What are the cognitive factors of...
43  cards
Research Methods - The Experimental and Non-Experimental Methods
What is an experiment,
What is a laboratory experiment,
What are the strengths of a labor...
77  cards
Research Methods - Scientific Processes
What is the dependent variable,
What is the independent variable,
What is the controlled variable
124  cards
Research Methods - Data Handling and Analysis
What are tables,
What are bar charts,
What are histograms
47  cards
Research Methods - Inferential Testing
When are statistical tests used,
What are the three criteria when ...,
What are the tests of difference
24  cards
Gender - Introduction to Sex and Gender
What are the key features of sex ...,
Why is sex a biological status,
Why is gender a psychosocial status
22  cards
Gender - Biological Influences on Sex and Gender
What is the role of chromosomes,
How is a baby s sex determined,
What is the sry gene
15  cards
Gender - Atypical Gender Development
What are the key features of klin...,
Who does klinefelter s syndrome a...,
What are some physical effects of...
15  cards
Gender - Social Explanations of Gender
What are the key features of soci...,
How does the social learning theo...,
How are gender appropriate behavi...
14  cards
Gender - Cognitive Explanations of Gender
What are the key features of kohl...,
Why is it called the cognitive de...,
How does gender development paral...
28  cards
Gender - Psychodynamic Explanation of Gender
What are the key features of freu...,
What is the key time for gender d...,
What is the oedipus complex
13  cards
Gender - The Influence of Culture and Media on Gender Roles
What are the key features of cult...,
How does nature vs nurture play a...,
What was mead s research
16  cards
Schizophrenia - Features of Schizophrenia
How is schizophrenia classified,
How do the dsm 5 and icd 10 differ,
What are positive symptoms of sch...
15  cards
Schizophrenia - Explanations for Schizophrenia
What is the genetic basis of schi...,
How does schizophrenia run in fam...,
How is schizophrenia polygenetic ...
32  cards
Schizophrenia - Therapies for Schizophrenia
What are the key features of typi...,
What are typical antipsychotic drugs,
How do dopamine antagonists work
30  cards
Schizophrenia - The Interactionist Approach
What are the key features of the ...,
What is the diathesis stress model,
What is meehl s model
15  cards
Addiction - Features of Addiction
How can you describe addiction,
What is physical dependence,
What is psychological dependence
7  cards
Addiction - Risk Factors in the Development of Addiction
What are the risk factors in the ...,
How may be genetic vulnerability ...,
How may stress be a risk factor i...
13  cards
Addiction - Explanations for Nicotine Addiction
What are the key features of the ...,
What is the role of nachrs,
How is desensitisation caused by ...
30  cards
Addiction - Explanations for Gambling Addiction
What are the key features of the ...,
How can vicarious reinforcement b...,
How can direct reinforcement be p...
28  cards
Addiction - Reducing Addiction
What are the key features of drug...,
What do aversive drugs do,
What do agonists do
44  cards
Addiction - Theories of Behaviour Change
What are the key features of the ...,
What is the theory of planned beh...,
What are personal attitudes
29  cards
Issues & Debates - Gender Bias
What are the key features of gend...,
Why is bias inevitable,
How does alpha bias exaggerate di...
18  cards
Issues & Debates - Cultural Bias
What are the key features of cult...,
Can results found in psychologica...,
How is universality assumed for r...
14  cards
Issues & Debates - Free Will-Determinism
What are the key features of free...,
What is free will,
What is hard determinism fatalism
13  cards
Issues & Debates - Nature-Nurture
What are the key features of the ...,
What is nature,
What is nurture
14  cards
Issues & Debates - Reductionism-Holism
What is holism,
What is reductionism,
What are levels of explanation
16  cards
Issues & Debates - Idiographic-Nomothetic
What are the key features of the ...,
What is the idiographic approach,
What research methods are used in...
17  cards
Issues & Debates - Socially Sensitive Research
What are the key features of ethi...,
When do ethical issues arise,
Why are wider ethical implication...
15  cards

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