This class was created by Brainscape user Malgorzata Szymaniak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (90)

Ear presentations
What are the key points of a focu...,
Name some ototoxics,
What is acute otitis media
15  cards
Creepy crawlies
What is the treatment for nits,
What is the scientific name for t...,
What are some causes of an itchy ...
5  cards
Persistent headaches
What are the features of migraines,
What is the difference between a ...,
What are the features of a tensio...
8  cards
Woman's health in GP
How does the combined hormonal co...,
How does mefenamic acid help with...,
How does tranexamic acid help wit...
22  cards
Emergencies in GP
What is the crb65 score,
When might a chest infection caus...,
How does the use of a spacer comp...
4  cards
Sore throat in GP
What are the most common causes o...,
What are the common causes of bac...,
What is the incidence of sore thr...
25  cards
Managing the menopause
What are some contraindications t...,
What is a fbc blood test used to ...,
Is the mirina coil a form of hrt
11  cards
Pathology in cancer
What is stroma,
What os parenchyma,
Describe the behaviour of benign ...
17  cards
Colorectal cancer
What type of cancer is colorectal...,
What is the significance of the a...,
What is the significance of k ras...
15  cards
Breast cancer
What is the most common type of b...,
What are the different biomarkers...,
What are the different subtypes o...
10  cards
Urology lecture
What is psa,
What are some surgical treatments...,
How is cryotherapy used to treat ...
18  cards
What are some symptoms of lymphoma,
What is lymphoma,
What test is done to work out if ...
34  cards
Melanoma + immunotherapy
What are the symptoms of melanoma,
How common is mucosal melanoma,
How is melanoma staged
19  cards
Intro to oncology lecture
What are some intrinsic aetiologi...,
What are some extrinsic aetiologi...,
What are the symptoms of bine can...
10  cards
Acute oncology problems
How do chemotherapy agents work,
What are the common side effects ...,
What is extravasation
15  cards
When does only 1 group and save n...,
What are some pre transfusion tests,
How are atypical antibodies aquired
45  cards
Radiological problems
What is classified as an acute si...,
What is classified as a late side...,
What are some side effects of pel...
10  cards
Palliative care presentations
What is hypoactive delerium,
What are the symptoms of hyperact...,
What factors does the 4at investi...
85  cards
How does warfarin work,
What is warfarin used for,
What are the warfarin dependent c...
51  cards
Haematology seminar 1
What are some examination finding...,
What is microcytic hypochromic an...,
How can anaemia arise
49  cards
Principles of chemotherapy
What is chemotherapy,
How do cytotoxic agents work,
How does herceptin work
23  cards
Principles of radiotherapy
What is radiotherapy,
What is the units of radiation,
How does radiotherapy work
9  cards
Interpreting haematology data and haem seminar 2
What is the haematocrit,
What is serum ferritin,
What is transferrin
40  cards
Lung cancer
What is sact,
What are the types of lung cancer,
How is lung cancer managed based ...
13  cards
What is prematurity defined as,
What are some common complication...,
Which gender has more complicatio...
14  cards
Paediatric emergencies
What is croup,
How is croup treated,
How is a viral induced wheeze tre...
9  cards
Paediatric essential surgery
Why is there a higher risk of per...,
What are the history features of ...,
What are the examination findings...
48  cards
Paeds chronic airway disease (CED/HDU)
What problems come under long ter...,
What problems come under long ter...,
What are the common presentations...
21  cards
Paeds endocrine (short stature in children)
What is the decimal age,
What is growth velocity,
How is genetic potential height c...
36  cards
Paeds epilepsy
What is an epileptic seizure,
What is epilespy,
What are epileptiform discharges
36  cards
Paeds Cardiology (murmurs in children)
What is pulmonary atresia,
What is coarctation of the aorta,
What is cardiac transposition
17  cards
Child protection (safeguarding)
What are the 4 categories of chil...,
What is the definition of neglect,
What is the definition of emotion...
6  cards
Paeds infectious diseases
How is fever assessed,
How many vaccines are offered to ...,
Which organisms cause meningitis
11  cards
Childhood malignancy
What are the most common childhoo...,
What are some genetic causes of c...,
At what age is lymphoblastic leuk...
9  cards
Child development intro
What are the different areas of d...,
What is fragile x syndrome,
What is congenital rubella
9  cards
GP Presentations
What are the different types of l...,
How is heartburn dyspepsia treated,
How is diarrhoea treated
20  cards
Paeds Haematology
Where are rbc s broken down,
What are the inherited causes of ...,
What are some acquired causes of ...
8  cards
GI problem in children
What are some differential for a ...,
What are some signs of intestinal...,
Hat are some causes of bilious vo...
12  cards
Paeds Presentations
What is the acute management of s...,
How is a headache managed in paeds,
What are visual field defects
88  cards
Palliative care base week
How is airflow obstruction staged,
What are some advanced interventi...,
What is the bode index
23  cards
How is sound amplified in the ear,
What is the estuation tube,
Why do mitochondrial disorders of...
12  cards
Hearing and its disorders
What are the different types of h...,
What are some causes of outer ear...,
What is microtia
14  cards
Otitis media and externa
What things can precipitate otiti...,
What is necrotising otitis externa,
What is a cholesteatoma
16  cards
Nose and throat
What is waldeyer s ring,
What are all the tonsils in the t...,
Why is nose breathing more effective
22  cards
Dizziness and vertigo
How is balance maintained within ...,
What is benign paroxysmal positio...,
What is vestibular neuritis labyr...
5  cards
ENT Presentations
What are some causes of ear disch...,
What is tinnitus,
What are some causes of of tinnitus
18  cards
Inflammation and infection
What is multiple sclerosis,
What are some symptoms of multipl...,
What is the difference between gr...
32  cards
What are bulbar muscles,
What is motor neurone disease,
What causes fasciculations
13  cards
Dysfunction without pathology
What is trigeminal neuralgia,
Why are seizures treated after th...,
What is foetal valproate syndrome
4  cards
Mechanical problems
What is a chiari malformation,
What is a meningocele,
What is a encephalocoele
14  cards
Tumours and bleeding
What is the difference between ob...,
What is the treatment for hydroce...,
What is a meningioma
5  cards
Acute limb and back problems
How does radial nerve plasey present,
How does a burst aneurysm present,
What is the mrc muscle power scale
3  cards
Chronic limb and back problems
What is spasticity,
What are brisk reflexes,
What is clonus
12  cards
Head presentations
What are the most important quest...,
What is the most common nerve pal...,
What is bell s palsy
8  cards
Confusion and collapse
What are the main differentials f...
1  cards
Ophthalmic emergencies
What are the symptoms of anterior...,
What are the symptoms of posterio...,
What is the different between the...
25  cards
Red eye
What is trachoma,
What are the symptoms of neonatal...,
What are the arteries that supply...
8  cards
Red and painful eye
What diseases is anterior uveuiti...
1  cards
Red and painful eye with reduced vision
Which eye disease is the only one...,
2  cards
Sudden visual loss
How do you work out the answer in...,
What is the presentation of giant...
2  cards
Double vision
What is the mnemonic so4lr6 for
1  cards
Ophthalmic presentations
What is photopsia,
What are some causes photopsia,
What is posterior vitreous detach...
32  cards
Neuro examinations
At what age does babinski s sign ...,
Other than motor neurone diseases...,
How is visual acuity recorded
37  cards
Palpating the abdomen
What is the symphysis fundal height,
What are some causes of an abnorm...
2  cards
Eclampsia and pre eclampsia
What causes pre eclampsia,
At what gestation does preeclampi...,
What is pre eclampia
14  cards
Cord prolapse
What is cord prolapse,
When is cord prolapse more likely...,
What are the risk factors for cor...
6  cards
Breech birth
What are the 3 types of breech,
How common is breech at full term,
Why is it important for a breech ...
6  cards
Shoulder dystocia
What is shoulder dystocia,
What are the risk factors for sho...,
What is the difference between au...
7  cards
Gynae teaching 1
What is a pregnancy of unknown lo...,
What is the aetiology of a pregna...,
How is a pregnancy of unknown loc...
16  cards
Obs teaching 3
What are some secondary causes of...,
What is the effect of pregnancy o...,
Why is the immediate post partum ...
20  cards
Obstetrics student presentations
What is the edinburgh postnatal d...,
What is included in the postnatal...,
When does the risk for vte peak i...
41  cards
Gynaecology student presentations
What is the definition of a misca...,
What are the 4 types of miscarriage,
What is the management of a threa...
61  cards
O1 teaching (consultant)
What are some causes of small babies,
What is a fetal doppler done for,
What is meant by meconium stained...
5  cards
Obs 3 consultant teaching
What causes gestational diabetes,
Why is it worrying is gestational...,
What is the pre pregnancy counsel...
11  cards
G3 consultant teaching
What is stress incontinence,
What is urge incontinance,
What is urodynamic testing
26  cards
Infections in the returning traveller
What is the commonest cause of de...,
What are the common presentations...,
What are the commonest causes of ...
32  cards
Infections in the immunocompromised
Who is immunocompromised,
What is the definition of neurtop...,
How is infection post splenectomy...
24  cards
HIV/GUM Teaching day
What are the causes of abnormal v...,
What are some causes for post coi...,
What are the causes of intermenst...
73  cards
Which contraceptive method is una...,
When is the cocp contraindicated,
What are the contraindications fo...
8  cards
Sexual health conditions
What diseases can cause genital u...,
What is lymphogranuloma veneruem,
What is non specific urethritis
6  cards
How do beta lactam antibiotics work,
What is another name for phenoxym...,
What are the side effects of peni...
37  cards
ID Teaching sessions
What is the definition of a pyrex...,
What is defined as a high grade f...,
Which infections present with an ...
19  cards
What is the difference between gr...,
Why are gram negative bacteria mo...,
What is the difference between ae...
20  cards
Derm Emergencies
What is urticaria,
What is the treatment for urticar...,
What are the causes of erythema n...
17  cards
Acne and rosacea
What is a macule,
What is the difference between a ...,
What is a papule
29  cards
Intro to Dermatology
What is asked in a dermatological...,
How is the impact of qol,
What is the eumelanin human skin ...
7  cards
Skin cancer and lesions
What is basal cell carcinoma,
What is gorlin syndrome,
What is squamous cell carcinoma
7  cards
Rheumatoid arthritis and therapeutics
What is the definition of rheumat...,
Who is most likely to develop ra,
What are the signs and symptoms o...
12  cards
Polymyalgia and giant cell arteritis
What are the different types of v...,
What is polymyalgia rheumatica,
Who is at the highest risk of pol...
12  cards
Seronegative arthritis
What does spondylarthritis refer to,
What is the difference between mo...,
What is ankylosing spondylitis
10  cards

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