biology 1b

This class was created by Brainscape user Ilona Cockburn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Lab Work
To study all the things we learnt across the semester in labs
45  cards
Atoms, Bonds, and Water
What are three types of chemical ...,
What is a covalent bond,
What does the polarity of water a...
8  cards
What are polymers,
How are biological polymers formed,
Membrane phospholipids are amphip...
30  cards
What are plants important for,
For many plants we know all the g...,
What ethical reason are plants ex...
15  cards
Stem Cells And Reproductive Ethics
What are the key features of stem...,
23  cards
What is genetics,
What are risked genes,
How many base pairs long is the h...
9  cards
Bioenergetics And Cellular Respiration
What is bioenergetics,
What is the first law of thermody...,
What is the second law of thermod...
31  cards
Plants 2
Plant growth and development are ...,
Animal growth and development are...,
Morphogeneisis is what
17  cards
Protein Structure And Function
How many enzymes approximately do...,
What type of protein is haemoglobin,
What two main things to transport...
26  cards
In dna which part is hydrophobic,
In dna which part is hydrophilic,
What is the mechanism of dna repl...
6  cards
Single strand binding protein is to,
True or false adenine and guanine...,
What observation did hershey and ...
4  cards
Plants 3
What is tree disease and what are...,
What are the current solutions fo...,
Name a bacterial disease
17  cards
All Things Evolution!!
What are vestigial structures,
What are the two types of evoluti...,
What is anagenesis
21  cards
Meiosis & Mitosis
What are the differences between ...,
Define haploid and diploid,
Define homologous and non homolog...
13  cards
Sex & Reproduction
Sexual reproduction,
16  cards

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biology 1b

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