
This class was created by Brainscape user Johnny Carl. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Characteristics Of Life Notes
The scientific term for a living ...,
Organism that consists of many ce...,
Organism that consists of only a ...
47  cards
Unit 2: Biochemistry
A macromolecule is a _____,
What are the 4 types of macromole...,
All macromolecules contain the el...
107  cards
Unit 2 Study Guide
How are carbohydrates used by org...,
How are nucleic acids used by org...,
How are lipids used buy organisms
46  cards
Cell Organelles
Control center of the cell contai...,
Makes proteins,
Where lipids are synthesized alon...
11  cards
Unit 3: Cells
61  cards
Unit 4
What molecule provides a quick so...,
How can atp be recharged,
What is energy
31  cards
Unit 5
Waht does dna stand for,
Three enzymes involved in dna rep...,
What stage is dna replicated for ...
35  cards
Unit 6: Genetics
What process produces gametes,
How is a gamete different from a ...,
What is made when a sperm cell an...
23  cards
Unit 6 QA
Why would dissolved oxygen levels...,
What are the reactants and produc...,
What are the reactants and produc...
16  cards
Protein Synthesis Test
What is the monomer of dna,
What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide,
How are the 2 strands of dna held...
35  cards
SOL Review Packet
What step of the scientific metho...,
What step of the scientific metho...,
What step of the scientific metho...
50  cards
Unit 8 Changes Through Time
Species that are closely related ...,
What is a diagram that shows how ...,
Distinct populations within a spe...
16  cards

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