breadth history

This class was created by Brainscape user Daisy ☆. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

gladstone's and disraeli's reforms
Who s reform and what was the dis...,
Who s reform and what was the iri...,
Who s reform and what was the iri...
45  cards
Liberal social reforms 1906-1912 (welfare state)
Good things and limitations of th...,
Good things and limitations of sc...,
Good things and limitations of sc...
9  cards
economy 1873-1914
How did britain s early start cau...,
How did declining demand abroad c...,
How did free trade cause problems...
30  cards
Politics and political Parties 1886-1914
Which foundations did disraeli cr...,
Who lead the conservative party a...,
How did villa toryism benefit the...
85  cards
society 1886-1914
When was the suffragist party fir...,
Who were the main leaders of the ...,
How many members were there in th...
60  cards
Trade Unions 1880s-1914
How many members were in the trad...,
Who were the new model unions for,
Who was new unionism for
23  cards
economy 1914-1939
When was the wall street crash,
What were the regional variations...,
When did britain return to the go...
57  cards
politics 1851-1886
What was the role of the monarch ...,
What were the constituencies like...,
What were the voting qualificatio...
61  cards
ireland 1914-1939
What were the successes for the i...,
What were the problems for the ir...,
What were the successes for the i...
40  cards
Labour welfare reforms 1945-1951
What were the 5 aspects beveridge...,
What reforms were introduced to h...,
What improvement were the to help...
21  cards
ireland 1851-1886
What was the problem with religio...,
How effectively did gladstone dea...,
What was the main problem with la...
32  cards
ireland 1939-1964
Why was the situation in ireland ...,
What was declared in 1939,
What rumours were spread in 1945
33  cards
economy 1939-1964
What was the state of the economy...,
What changes were made to the eco...,
What rule did the government adop...
52  cards
society 1851-1885
How did gladstone create a merito...,
What kind of society did gladston...,
How did gladstone create a merito...
18  cards
ireland 1886-1914
What was set up to help revive ir...,
1885 ashbourne act,
1887 land act
18  cards
economy 1851-1885
What industry dominated the briti...,
How did repealing the corn laws i...,
How did james caird want to chang...
25  cards
politics 1914-1939
How did the first world war affec...,
Why did asquith resign,
How did the first world war affec...
70  cards
politics 1939-1964
Arguments that churchill was a gr...,
Arguments that churchill wasn t a...,
Churchill s success in domestic l...
52  cards
social change 1939-1964
Rising wages,
Developments in credit and housing,
Race relations
16  cards
society 1914-1939
The addison act 1919,
The wheatley act 1924,
The greenwood act 1929
4  cards

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breadth history

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