This class was created by Brainscape user Dan Oetting. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Why work here? Know about KUE?
What interests you most about thi...,
How do you see yourself contribut...,
Are you comfortable asking people...
7  cards
How does your educational backgro...,
Can you tell me about your experi...,
Do you have experience specifical...
9  cards
Project management and leadership
How do you manage multiple projec...,
Can you provide examples of how y...,
How do you ensure that projects a...
5  cards
Writing and editing skills
What experience do you have with ...,
Can you demonstrate your proficie...,
How do you tailor messages and st...
4  cards
Collaboration and teamwork
How do you collaborate with edito...,
Can you provide examples of how y...,
How to you like to work in teams ...
4  cards
Problem-solving and creativity
How do you approach developing cr...,
Can you share an example of a cha...,
How do you develop creative ideas...
4  cards
Commitment to core values
How do you demonstrate support fo...,
Can you provide examples of how y...
2  cards
KUE/KU knowledge
Describe the current campaign,
What does roch stand for
2  cards
Content development and quality control
How do you approach conducting in...,
Can you discuss your experience d...,
How do you collaborate on website...
6  cards
Why are you better for this role ...
1  cards
Content strategy
What are the nine important thing...,
For content strategy what are som...,
For content strategy what are ele...
11  cards
Why is storytelling important to ...,
What does it mean to humanize the...,
How do stories help donors connec...
4  cards
In the trenches
Tell me about a challenging situa...,
What s a project or challenge you...,
Whats a failure youve experience ...
5  cards
Questions for us?
What problems have come up that l...,
If someone is doing a good job in...,
Do you want this job to be a care...
3  cards
Fundraising 101
When fundraising for a university...
1  cards
Tell us about yourself
What are you doing right now and ...,
What s your experience in higher ed,
Tell us about yourself what got y...
16  cards
Principal interviewers
What do you know about ku beyond ...
1  cards
Closing statement
Summarize what you like about the...,
Summarize what you like about kue,
Summarize what you can do for them
3  cards
Why does content direction fail and how do you improve it?
What s the first reason,
What s the second reason,
What s the fourth reason
11  cards
What would your 90-day plan include?
Step one,
Step two,
Step three
4  cards

More about

  • Class purpose General learning

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