This class was created by Brainscape user Iman Ahmed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

RM L1: Operational definitions + controlling variables -
What is a labratory experiment fo...,
What are the 6 strengths of labra...,
What are the 4 weaknesses of lab ...
9  cards
RM L2: Extraneous variables -
What is a stantardised procedure ...,
What are extraneous variables foo...,
What are extraneous variables foo...
8  cards
RM L3: Types of hypotheses -
What does an aim mean in terms of...,
What does the term hypothesis mea...,
What does a directional one taile...
11  cards
RM L4: Reliability + Validity -
Define the term validity footnote...,
Define the term subjectivity foot...,
Define the term objectivity footn...
12  cards
RM L5: Experimental design -
What is experimental design footn...,
What is independent measures foot...,
What are the 2 strengths of indep...
10  cards
RM L6: Sampling techniques -
Define population footnotelesson 6,
Define sample footnotelesson 6,
What is opportunity sampling foot...
11  cards
RM L7: Types of data -
What is quantitative data footnot...,
What are the 3 strengths of quant...,
What are the 2 weaknesses of quan...
6  cards
RM L8: Data analysis -
What is the mean footnotelesson 8,
What is 1 strength of mean footno...,
What are 2 weaknesses of mean foo...
12  cards
RM L9: Measures of spread -
What is measure of centeral tende...,
What is measure of spread footnot...,
What is range footnotelesson 9
11  cards
RM L10: Representing data -
What 3 things do graphs show us f...,
What are bar charts,
What are scattergraphs footnotele...
4  cards
RM L11: Correlations -
What is correlation research foot...,
What is a correlational study foo...,
What is correlation footnotelesso...
8  cards
RM L12: Longitudinal studies -
What is a longitudinal study,
What are the 2 strengths of longi...,
What are the 2 weaknesses of long...
6  cards
RM L13: Self reports -
What does is self reports footnot...,
Describe a closed question footno...,
What is a closed question
18  cards
RM L14: Observation-
What is a pilot observation footn...,
What is time sampling footnoteles...,
What is an instantaneous scan foo...
28  cards
RM L15: Human ethics -
What is informed consent footnote...,
How can we ensure informed consen...,
Footnotelesson 15
14  cards
RM L16: Animal ethics -
What is protection from harm for ...,
What is important about the speci...,
What does number mean in terms of...
6  cards
RM L17: Case studies -
What is a case study footnoteless...,
What is the benefit of case studi...,
What are 4 reasons for carrying o...
5  cards
RM L18: Issues and debates -
What are issues and debates in ps...,
What does application to psycholo...,
What does individual and situatio...
6  cards
Social psych intro
What is the social approach,
What are the 5 things for researc...,
What is the main assumption in so...
5  cards
Social - Milgram 1963 :
What was the background history o...,
Define destructive obedience,
What was the psychology being inv...
36  cards
Social - Piliavin (1969):
What is the background for piliav...,
Define altruism,
Define vicitm blame
24  cards
Social - Perry (2015) :
What was the background informati...,
Describe the 4 zones of personal ...,
What is interpersonal space
26  cards
Cognitive psych intro
What is cognitive psychology,
What are examples of the cognitiv...,
What are the 2 assumptions of the...
4  cards
Cognitive - Baron Cohen 2001 -
What is the background for this s...,
What is autisim spectrum disorder as,
What is the psychology being inve...
22  cards
Cognitive - Pozzulo 2011
What is the background of the study,
What is the psychology being inve...,
What were the aims of the study
21  cards
Cognitive - Andrade 2009
What is the background of the study,
What is the psychology being inve...,
What is the aim of the study
19  cards
Biological psych intro
What are the 2 main assumptions i...,
Biological structures,
What do we study in this approach
5  cards
Biological - Dement + Kleitman
What is the background of this study,
Describe the eeg,
Describe the eog
26  cards
Biological - Hasset
What is the background of the study,
What is view 1 for background,
What is view 2 for background
23  cards
Biological - Holzel
What is the background of the study,
What is the aim of the study,
Describe the sample
22  cards
Learning psych intro
What is learning,
What are the 3 main areas studied,
What are the 2 main assumptions
6  cards
Learning - Bandura
What is the psychology being inve...,
Overall aim,
What was the specific aim of the ...
9  cards
Learning - Saavedra + Silverman
What is the psychology being inve...,
What are the aims of the study,
Describe the participant
11  cards
Learning - Fagen
0  cards

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