Impact of ITCZ Flashcards


Variation in rainfall in Africa Jan/July


There are two air masses, the tropical maritime which is a unstable air mass that brings hot winds, high low humidity and rainfall. There is also tropical continental which is a stable air mass that brings hot temperatures, low humidity and no rainfall. And when these two meet the ITCZ is formed. This is the formal equator and moves in relation to the overhead sun. In January the ITCZ moves downwards towards, the south of Africa, which will mean the south will have little rainfall and high temperatures, and warm winds. Where as in July the rainfall will move north, so there will be lots of rainfall. In January the ITCZ moves south with the overheard Sun, this pulls the cT air behind it. Places among the coast remain dominated by mT air as the ITCZ moves further over the land than the sea due to differential heating. In July the ITCZ moves north with the overhead sun to the tropic of Cancer. This means mT is dominant and the interior of Africa receives rainfall.

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