3 clasp & transition block

This class was created by Brainscape user Samii Ross. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Resp Radiology
Colour of air on a cxr,
Colour of fat on a cxr,
Colour of soft tissue on a cxr
15  cards
Case 1: RTA
What are the different types of r...,
What should be found out before c...,
How should an rta patient be mana...
24  cards
Cardio Radiology
Main imaging used in cardio,
Mri involves no radiation t or f,
What areas of the heart are prese...
17  cards
Sudden Death
Why does genetics have a role in ...,
What is mutation penetrance,
Which process is most likely to b...
13  cards
Physiology of Shock
What is shock,
Where is the problem in shock,
Name the types of shock
47  cards
Cardiac Arrest
Most common cause of natural sudd...,
Clinical death is reversible irre...,
What does duration of clinical de...
36  cards
Sudden Cardiac Death - Conditions
A patient with a cardiac caused s...,
Name cardiac causes of sudden death,
Arrhythmia syndromes can also be ...
62  cards
Genetics and Sudden Death
What does penetrance mean,
Mendelian diseases tend to be cau...,
What test is good for checking mo...
12  cards
Paediatric Sudden Death
If a baby dies unexpectedly who m...,
How can support be given to famil...,
Second line support for families ...
15  cards
Sudden Death Formative Assessment
Give 2 reasons why an ad mutation...,
If you know the mutation and want...,
Tx familial hypercholesterolaemia
11  cards
What does amoxicillin cover in in...,
Why do you give ceftriaxone inste...,
How is septic shock diagnosed
17  cards
Your fev1 fvc ratio has to be und...,
Why is gas exchange affected in e...,
Pulmonary compliance is __creased...
39  cards
Causes of secondary immune defici...,
What is a granuloma,
Why do granulomas sometimes form
48  cards
Why do you get white cell margina...,
Selectins integrins are expressed...,
Selectins integrins bind to vesse...
58  cards
The __ will have the same value a...,
Measuring over intervals over tim...,
Trial where you give some people ...
22  cards
ECG Workshop
How many electrodes form a 12 lea...,
How many electrodes go on the chest,
Where are v1 and 2 located on ecg
39  cards
Why is the central dogma dna synt...,
What is codon redundancy,
Ngs is better than sanger sequenc...
13  cards
Sodium exists in which fluid comp...,
Avp is another word for,
What does aldosterone do
33  cards
What canal does the ulnar nerve p...,
In which region is the ulnar nerv...,
Who gets ulnar nerve compression ...
55  cards
Define ke,
Calculate ke if the amount of dru...,
Define first order kinetics
51  cards

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3 clasp & transition block

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