This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Dunlop. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (52)

Chronic Inflammation
What are the factors that favour ...,
What is organisation,
What are the factors favouring or...
20  cards
Blood Cells - Functions Of Leucocytes
Where are blood cells produced,
What percentage of the world have...,
What are newly formed erythrocyte...
19  cards
What do erythrocyte red blood cel...,
What do leucocyte indices levels ...,
What do platelet indices levels i...
18  cards
What are innate defence mechanisms,
Define adaptive defence mechanisms,
Name physical defence mechanisms
21  cards
Responses To Cell And Tissue Injury
What is necrosis,
What does necrosis do,
What types of necrosis are there
49  cards
Reproductive System
What is the vas deferens,
Describe the seminal gland,
Describe the ejaculatory duct
64  cards
What is the relationship between ...,
What is the relationship between ...,
What is the relationship between ...
52  cards
Microbial Structure
Features of genetic material in e...,
Features of generic material in p...,
What is the difference in the gen...
84  cards
Microbial Infection
What are koch s postulates,
What does the innate immune syste...,
What are features of normal micro...
56  cards
What 4 criteria does a neurotrans...,
What can happen to the nt after i...,
What is a receptor
75  cards
Infections Of The Skin
What are features of the skin as ...,
What are examples of normal micro...,
Where is the site of infection fo...
32  cards
Early Embryonic Development
What are the steps in development...,
Where does fertilisation occur,
What kind of cells are sperm and ...
29  cards
Active Transport: The Sodium Pump
Why is it called the sodium pump,
What are the structures of the so...,
What are features of the sodium pump
30  cards
Ions, Permeability and the Resting Membrane Potential
What are the three most important...,
What is equilibrium potential,
What is the magnitude of the equi...
13  cards
Ionic Basis of the Action Potential
Define na and k equilibrium poten...,
What equipment is required to rec...,
What is ohms law
7  cards
Endocrine System
What is the endocrine system,
What regulatory systems does the ...,
How do endocrine glands distribut...
69  cards
Primary Tissues
What are the 4 basic types of bod...,
What do epithelial tissues functi...,
Describe the features of epitheli...
64  cards
Cell Adhesion and the Extracellular Matrix
What is in the extracellular matrix,
What are gags,
What do fibroblasts synthesise
14  cards
Structure and Function of the Skin
What are the three layers that fo...,
Describe the epidermis,
Describe the dermis
32  cards
Gastrulation and Neurulation
What is the form of the disk at t...,
What happens at the beginning of ...,
What are the key structures on th...
38  cards
Nervous System
What forms the pns,
What forms the cns,
What are the basic building block...
61  cards
Structure of the Lungs, Bronchi, and Pleura
What does the conducting zone inc...,
Describe the structure of the tra...,
Where is the trachea located
49  cards
Structure of the Airway
What is the purpose of respiration,
How is inhalation inspiration ach...,
How is increasing the size of the...
44  cards
Working in Teams
What is the definition of teamwork,
What are the group member task roles,
What are the group member mainten...
16  cards
Genetics and Environmental Causes of Disease
What are the main causes of disease,
Through what methods are we able ...,
What is heritability
17  cards
Pancreas and Liver
What is the role of the exocrine ...,
What are the physical features of...,
Where does the pancreatic blood s...
31  cards
What are the 4 criteria for valid...,
What forms of consent are there,
A person is able to make decision...
9  cards
Intro to Health Protection
What are the 3 domains of public ...,
What is the definition of sporadi...,
What are the difference types of ...
22  cards
Common Sense Model of Treatment
What processes are involved in se...,
What does the csm of self regulat...,
What are the components of the cs...
17  cards
What are the common law justifica...,
What is meant by public interest,
For what situations is there a st...
3  cards
Intro to Medical Ethics
What is the basis of theory for c...,
What is the basis of theory for d...,
What is the basis of theory for v...
13  cards
Information: Quality Not Quantity
What is evidence based medicine ebm,
What are the 3 principles of evid...,
What is the number needed to treat
13  cards
Common Sense Model of Illness
What are the 5 components of illn...,
Illness perceptions what is identity,
Illness perceptions what is conse...
6  cards
Gastrointestinal System
What is the primary function of t...,
What are other functions of the g...,
What is the mucosa
64  cards
Urinary System
What are the main functions of th...,
What are the functions of the kid...,
What are the functions of the kid...
38  cards
Taking a Medical History
What is the general structure for...,
What is a useful mnemonic for pai...,
What is a helpful mnemonc for pmh
4  cards
The Back: Bones, Joints, Ligaments & Muscles
What are the different vertebral ...,
What are the functions of the spi...,
What is primary curvature
64  cards
Infection Prevention & Control
What are hais,
What are cais,
What are sicps
6  cards
Making a Microbiological Diagnosis
What is sensitivity,
What is specificity
2  cards
Surgical Site Infections
What are ssis,
What are some different types of ...,
What are possible consequences of...
27  cards
Intro to Epidemiology
What does a meaningful statistic ...,
What are examples of denominators,
What is timeframe
45  cards
Intro to Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
What is chemotherapy,
What are features of salvarsan,
What is prontosil
33  cards
Spread of Nerve Impulses
What is the function of the nervo...,
What role do the glia play in the...,
What is the nervous system compos...
26  cards
Synapse 1 & 2: Communication Between Cells
What is a synapse,
Define pre synaptic,
Define post synaptic
8  cards
What is pain,
What are the different aspects of...,
What are the features of acute pain
21  cards
Local Anaesthetics
What are local anaesthetics used for,
What are the two different bonds ...,
What are examples of amide contai...
27  cards
Spinal Cord & Meninges
What are the contents of the vert...,
What are the vertebral boundaries...,
What are the ligamental boundarie...
28  cards
Spinal Nerves & Their Distribution
What are some reasons for needing...,
Why is it safest to access the ve...,
When is one instance when a spina...
25  cards
Spinal Trauma/Clinical Anatomy of the Back
When interpreting a lateral c spi...,
What are the main important areas...,
What is spondylosis
20  cards
MS Systems: Bones and Bone Growth
What are the functions of bones,
What are the structural features ...,
What are features of the epiphysis
32  cards
MS Systems: Joints and Muscles
What are the three types of joints,
What are the features of fibrous ...,
What are examples of fibrous joints
29  cards
Acute Inflammation
What are the principle causes of ...,
What are physical characteristics...,
What is the vascular phase of acu...
11  cards

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