This class was created by Brainscape user Morgan Schembs. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

nervous system, meninges, ventricles, and CSF
How is the nervous system split,
Central nervous system cns,
What is the protection for the cns
45  cards
Two main divisions,
Major arteries coming from the heart,
Aorta artery
47  cards
nervous system cells
35  cards
sensory receptors and sensory transduction
Sensory receptors,
41  cards
action potentials and synaptic transmission
Characteristics of action potentials,
Action potential,
What is the ratio for sodium pota...
19  cards
embryologic development
35  cards
more on integumentary system
Important functions of the skin,
How does the skin protect from uv...,
Skin is the ______ organ
44  cards
spinal cord organization
Spinal cord,
What is the spinal cord involved in,
Central nervous system
31  cards
cerebral subcortical and brainstem organization
Intraparietal sulcus,
Parieto occipital sulcus,
Occipital pole
45  cards
cranial nerve basics
Cn 1,
Cn 2 optic,
Cn 3 oculomotor
16  cards
somatosensory system
Where can these receptors be found,
9  cards
ascending pathways
What is another name for the dors...,
Dorsal column medial lemniscus pa...,
What is the pathway for the dcml ...
18  cards
more motor pathways
Orthograde degeneration,
Retrograde degeneration
17  cards
descending pathways
Lower motor neurons,
Lmn lesions may result from damag...,
Upper motor neurons
18  cards
midterm practical
Horny layer,
Stratum germinativum
132  cards
What happens at the site of tissu...,
What chemicals are being released...
16  cards
visual system
The eye,
3 layers of the eye,
Outer layer
38  cards
visual field and lesions
Visual field,
How can the retina be divided,
How does come in from the field t...
10  cards
eye movements
30  cards
autonomic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system ans,
What is the goal of the ans,
What are the 2 main divisions of ...
30  cards
cerebral cortex
What are the 6 layers,
What type of cell is the most abu...,
Frequency strips in the auditory ...
24  cards
cardiovascular system
What does the cardiovascular syst...,
37  cards
respiratory system
Respiratory system,
What are the two primary tasks of...,
External respiration
40  cards
reflexes and segmental reflexes
Stretch reflex,
Stretch reflex dtr order of steps
17  cards
spinal cord lesions
Paresis vs paralysis,
Paraplegia vs quadriplegia,
Umn vs lmn symptoms
24  cards
digestive system
Digestive system,
Gastrointestinal tract gi tract,
34  cards
final practical
Orbicularis oculi,
118  cards
neurological exam
Basic of medical history,
Why is ros important for audiology
28  cards
renal (urinary) system
Renal system,
Functions of the renal system,
19  cards
possible written
What are the functions of blood,
What conditions can relate to aud...,
Tell me about the flexor reflex
27  cards
immune system
Immune system,
19  cards
endocrine system
Endocrine system,
Structures of the endocrine system,
7  cards

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aude 5260

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