biology exam prep

This class was created by Brainscape user lia gallagher. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

key area 1.1 Cell structure
Animal cell,
23  cards
transport across cell membranes 1.2
What are the 2 main components of...,
Define the phrase selectively per...,
Give examples of the functions of...
17  cards
1.6 Respiration
What is respiration,
Identify the chemicals that contr...,
Identify the chemicals generated ...
10  cards
1.3 DNA and Production of Proteins
Describe the structure of a dna m...,
Identify the four bases that are ...,
State the base pair rule and desc...
8  cards
1.4 Proteins
Give examples of different functi...,
State the definition of an enzyme,
Define the terms substrate and pr...
16  cards
1.5 genetic engineering
What is genetic engineering,
Identify the stages of genetic en...,
Explain the use of enzymes during...
5  cards
Transport system - Plants
Identify the organs in a plant,
Describe the external features of...,
What does
23  cards
Transport systems- animals
Identify the three main parts of ...,
Identify the main substances tran...,
Identify the two main parts of th...
23  cards
Absorption of materials
State the definition of diffusion,
State the meaning of the term con...,
Give examples of a substances tha...
15  cards
producing new cells (2.1)
Identify the part of a cell which...,
Explain the importance of cell di...,
State the meaning of the phrase c...
24  cards
2.2 Control and communication (1)
Why do multicellular organisms ne...,
Identify the two internal communi...,
Identify the three main structure...
22  cards
2.2 control and communication (2)
State the function of a reflex re...,
State the role of an endocrine sy...,
Glands within the endocrine system
25  cards
2.3 reproduction
Identify the gametes in an animal,
How does the structure of a sperm...,
How does the structure of an egg ...
36  cards
Variation and inheritance (1)
Identify the source of an individ...,
Identify the chemical that chromo...,
Explain the purpose of the instru...
18  cards
3.5 food production
State the link between human popu...,
Name two groups of chemicals used...,
Identify the chemicals in fertili...
15  cards
Evolution of species
State the definition of a mutation,
State three possible effects that...,
What is a mutagenic agent
16  cards

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biology exam prep

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