igcse history internals

This class was created by Brainscape user Asta Huang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Barriers to Progress in medecine
What is the theory of 4 humours,
What are the 4 humours,
What is miasma theory
8  cards
Florence Nightingale's effect on nursing and hospitals
Who was florence nightingale,
What did she do to become a nurse,
Where did she take her nurses to
9  cards
Dangers in Surgery (Pain, Infection, and Bleeding)
What were the three types of pain...,
How were most operations done,
What were the best surgeons like
20  cards
Problems and improvements in British public health
Why were many workers moving to i...,
What was collecting water in indu...,
How many people shared a toilet
20  cards
Pasteur the development of germ theory and effects 1860
Who was pasteur,
When did pasteur become aware of ...,
How did pasteur discover pasteuri...
8  cards
Lister and improvements in surgery
Who inspired,
Where did he find carbolic acid,
Where did he use carbolic acid in...
6  cards
British government action on public health
What was the new sewer system des...,
How did chadwick and snow s work ...,
How did the parliamentary reform ...
5  cards
Nightingale and continuing improvements in hospitals and nursing 1859
Was there are improvements in dis...,
How were sick people cared for,
Was nightingale famous
7  cards
Elizabeth Garrett and women in medecine
What did she do to join a society
7  cards
The fight against germs, Koch and bacteriology; aseptic surgery
Who was koch,
What did koch do that was signifi...,
What methods did koch do to inves...
18  cards
the impact of the Public Health Act (1875) for improving public health.
How did the public health act of ...,
How did the public health act of ...,
How did the public health act of ...
11  cards
science and medicine: blood transfusions, magic bullets and the work of Ehrlich, radioactivity and the impact of Marie Curie.
What happened in 1901 for blood t...,
How did landsteiner s discovery c...,
What were some issues with landst...
13  cards
The impact on public health of the measures (1906–11) of the Liberal Governments (Britain).
How was general standard of healt...,
Why did so many people live in po...,
Why did politicians become more i...
12  cards
The importance of the First World War for: the role of women in medicine improvements in medical treatment surgery x-rays blood transfusion and fighting infection.
Why did the first world war cause...,
What were the two issues for sold...,
How were conditions in the trench...
24  cards
The development of penicillin and the roles of Fleming, Florey and Chain.
Who is fleming,
Why did fleming play a role in th...,
Who was florey
6  cards
The importance of the Second World War for medecine
What was the impact for female un...,
Did queen alexandria s imperia mi...,
What was the biggest advance in s...
8  cards
Beveridge, the development of the NHS and its importance for public health in Britain.
What is the evolution of the gove...,
Who is beveridge,
What did the beveridge report in ...
13  cards
Question A, B and C of Medecine internals
What is question a s question,
How do you answer question a in m...,
What is question b s question in ...
7  cards
Tsarist rule in Russia in 1905 and the reasons for discontent.
How many peasants were in russia,
What was life like for peasants i...,
Average life expectancy in 1900s ...
50  cards
Stolypin Reforms and bowtie, 4 dumas
Why did tsar apopoint stolypin as...,
Did tsar nicholas continue his pr...,
What promise did tsar nicholas ki...
7  cards
The Lena Goldfield Strike
After the 1905 revolution what ha...,
Why were factories doing so well ...,
Were prolitarians benefiting from...
6  cards
Rasputins influence
Who is rasputin,
How did rasputin become associate...,
What were some rumours about rasp...
4  cards
Economic, social and political effects of the First World War on Russia.
When world war one started in 191...,
Positive results of the war,
In 3 years from 1914 to 1917 how ...
19  cards
Setting up of Provisional Government.
Who were the provisional government,
What was another body that the pr...,
Who were the soviets
8  cards
The activities of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, including the April Theses and July Days.
How and why did lenin return,
What did lenin do the moment of h...,
What did the april theses cover
15  cards
Bolshevik consolidation of power, including the significance of the 1917 Decrees,
What was lenin doing after a succ...,
What decrees did lenin s governme...,
Who benefited from lenins decrees...
14  cards
The two sides in the Civil War. Key events and reasons for Bolshevik victory.
What was going on in summer 1918 ...,
Why were the communists under attack,
What was a disadvantage for the r...
37  cards
Achievements of Lenin to 1924.
What were some arguements for len...,
Arguments against lenins
2  cards
Russia unit question A, B, and C
What is question a s question,
How to answer quest,
What is question b s question
6  cards

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