This class was created by Brainscape user Brett Niles. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

1 General Terminology and SC Mophology - B
What are local interneurons,
What are projection neurons,
Gray matter
101  cards
2 Blood Supply and Ventricular Supply - B
What is a cause of median and lat...,
Occlusion in the temporal branche...,
What do the branches of the parie...
97  cards
3 Proprioception and Tactile Pathways - A
What does the somatosensory syste...,
What are the 6 somatic sensations...,
What are the 4 pathways that tran...
93  cards
4 Pain and Temperature - A
Name 2 main tracts that are motor...,
What are the sub tracts of pyrami...,
What are the sub tracts of extrap...
39  cards
5 Corticospinal Tract - M
What are upper motor neurons,
Function of umns,
What are lower motor neurons
58  cards
6 Trigeminal Pathways - M
Where are the afferents of the cn...,
What are the 4 major nuclei of th...,
Where is the main sensory nucleus...
64  cards
Fuck Ups
The functions of the cerebellum a...,
What is areflexia,
Where does the vagus enter the me...
18  cards
7 Visual Pathways and Eye Movements - B
The optic n and retina are an out...,
Light passes from objects in visu...,
Focusing on an object causes it t...
67  cards
8 Auditory Pathways - A
The cochlea has what type of orga...,
The organ of corti is located in ...,
What type of sensory inneveration...
57  cards
9 Development of the Brain - M
What is the order of neurulation,
What structure induces neurulation,
The caudal 1 3 of the neural plat...
71  cards
10 CIS Hematomas and Herniations - B
0  cards
11 Brainstem and Corticobulbar Pathways - B
What cn is only associated with t...,
What is the pathway of the access...,
Lesions of the cn 11 root cause what
50  cards
12 Vestibular System and Cerebellum - Β
The deep indentations of the cere...,
Fissures divide the cerebellum into,
The two hemispheres of the cerebe...
78  cards
13 Motor Systems - M
Which brodmanns area is associate...,
Neurons from which spinal tracts ...,
What type of neurons arise from t...
72  cards
14 Hypothalamic, RF, and Limbic Systems - A
What is the thalamic nuclei respo...,
Why is the thalamus important,
What is the direction of fibers t...
81  cards
15 CNS Histology - A
What are neurons,
What are glia,
Describe the cell body of a typic...
57  cards
16 General Neurophysiology - M
What are the functions of csf,
What is the direction of water fl...,
What type of gradient moves water...
33  cards
17 Chemical Messengers and Excitotoxicity - M/A
How do you identify if a neurotra...,
Ionotropic receptors are what,
Metabotropic receptors are what
116  cards
18 CIS #2 Good Fucking Luck AK
0  cards
19 Brain Arousal Systems - B
What are the 2 parts of conciousness,
What are examples of arousal,
What is a minimally conscious state
45  cards
0  cards

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neuro exam 2

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Brett Niles's Neuro Exam 2 flashcards for their Kansas City University of Medicine and Bioscience class now!

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