preventative medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Sarah Sanchez. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Population Health
Health outcomes of a group of ind...,
What are 3 things that are includ...,
Health is determined by interacti...
25  cards
Nutrition: An Applied Approach
The study of food including how f...,
The absence of disease physically...,
The chemicals in our foods that a...
32  cards
Designing a Healthful Diet
Contains nutritional information ...,
Why is standardizing serving size...,
Information that can be used to d...
8  cards
Nutrition & Fats
Fats are a sub set type of _____,
Diverse class of molecules that a...,
What are the 3 types of lipids fo...
24  cards
One of the 4 macronutrients that ...,
How are carbohydrates synthesized,
What is the end product of carboh...
31  cards
Large complex molecules comprised...,
What is a primary source of nitro...,
Amino acids that cannot be produc...
20  cards
Bone Health
What is 65 of bone tissue,
What is 35 of bone tissue,
Fibrous protein in bone tissue
31  cards
Pregnancy & First Year of Life
When does the development of orga...,
In which trimester are embryos ex...,
Continued growth of organ systems...
23  cards
Nutrition: Childhood-Late Adulthood
What micronutrients are essential...,
What is the most common nutrient ...,
From toddler to preschooler the n...
24  cards
Fluid Electrolyte Balance
What of a healthy adult s body is...,
Body fluid composition of tissue ...,
What is body fluid composed of
35  cards
Blood Health & Energy Metabolism
What do many vitamins function as,
What do many minerals function as,
A protein that accelerates the ra...
77  cards
Diet for HTN + CVD
Diet rich in fruits vegetables an...,
What is the combination in the da...,
Diet that shows a decrease in sys...
23  cards
Underweight bmi,
Optimal weight bmi,
Overweight bmi
41  cards
Exercise + Health
State of being created by the int...,
What are the 4 parts of physical ...,
Muscle movement that increases en...
17  cards
Health Risk Assessment
The severity or likelihood of an ...,
Only the instruments used to asse...,
Overall process in which the heal...
9  cards
Screening Tests
Screening someone at low risk for...,
What patient age should screening...,
Psa testing should not be done in...
13  cards
Food Borne Illness
What pathogen is usually in home ...,
What pathogen is usually in poult...,
What pathogen is usually in impor...
64  cards
Tobacco + Smoking Cessation
How many patients die from smokin...,
What is the leading cause of deat...,
What is the 2nd leading cause of ...
37  cards
Alcohol Abuse
Ethanol is fully _____ soluble an...,
Why is ethanol quickly absorbed,
How does ethanol cross membranes
43  cards
Rx Drug Use
Which is the 1 drug associated wi...,
Which is the 2 drug associated wi...,
What are the 2 drug types that ar...
19  cards
Family Planning
Actions sexual practices or surgi...,
Devices meds agents surgical proc...,
What are the 3 highly effective c...
28  cards
Sexual Behaviors + STIs
What is the most cost effective p...,
What is the primary way to diagno...,
What are the most common and asym...
15  cards
Aspirin Prophylaxis
What is the purpose of aspirin,
Aspirin significantly reduces the...,
3  cards

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preventative medicine

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