Lesson 62-80 Flashcards
V-고 말다
used to express an unplanned action completed in an undesired way.
열심히 공부했지만 이번 시험에 떨어지고 말았어요.
I studied hard but ended up failing this test.
휴대폰을 들고 다니다가 잃어버리고 말았어요.
I was carrying my cell phone and lost it. (regrettably)
V-고 말다 is often combined with -겠- or -(으)ㄹ 테니까
refers the speaker’s strong intention or will.
올해는 꼭 담배를 끊고 말겠어요.
I will definitely quit smoking this year.
가고 말다
end up going
병이 나고 말다
end up getting sick
뛰어갔는데도 지각하고 말았어요
Even though I ran, I ended up getting late.
영화가 지루해서 잠이 들고 말았어요.
Since the movie is boring, I ended up getting sleepy.
오늘 밤까지 이 일을 반드시 끝내고 말겠습니다.
I will definitely to finish this work tonight.
올해부터 운동을 열심히 하고 말겠어요.
I’ll work out hard from this year.
V-아/어/여 버리다
Express speaker’s feeling to the completed event/action
- have to know context of what the speaker is saying
수지, 왜 그렇게 화났어요?
네가 사다 놓은 케이크를 동생이 다 먹어 버렸거든요.
My little brother ate all the cake that I had bought.
~에 의하다
According to/Due to
신문에 의하면
according to the newspaper
소문에 의하면
according to rumors…
그 사람의 말에 의하면 옥수수 밭은 저 쪽이에요
According to what that person says, the corn field is that way
공사에 의해 이 길은 막혔습니다
Due to the construction, this road is blocked
문이 바람에 의해 열렸어요
The door was opened by the wind
but then ~after the completion of an event, the opposite event happens
밖이 너무 스끄럽더라고요. 그래서 창문을 열었다가 다시 닫았어요
It was really noisy outside. So I had opened the window but then closed it again.
코트를 샀다가 마음에 안 들어서 환불했어요.
I bought a coat but then returned it because I didn’t like it.
비행기 표를 예약했다가 갑자기 일이 생겨서 취소했어요.
I reserved an air ticket but then cancelled it because something came up suddenly.
~ㄹ/을 만하다
To be Worth Doing
한국은 살 만해요?
Is it worth living in Korea?
그 컴퓨터는 살 만해요
That computer is worth buying
밥은 먹을 만해?
Is the food worth eating? (is it good / tasty?)
먹을 만한 식당을 알아요?
Do you know a worthwhile place to eat?
A/V-(으)ㄹ 정도로
(to the extent) that ~express degree or extent of an action or state
너무 많이 와서 앞이 잘 안 보일 정도예요.
it’s raining so heavy that I can hardly see the front.
저는 쓰러질 정도로 배가 많이 고파요.
I was so hungry that I could have collapsed.
그 사람이 한국말을 아주 잘해서 한국 사람이라고 생각될 정도예요.
That person is very good at Korean (to the extent) that people think he is a Korean.
놀랄 정도로 비싸요.
It is so expensive that you will be surprised.
지금 울고 싶을 정도로 행복해요.
I am so happy that I want to cry now.
A-(으)ㄴ 편이다, V-는 편이다
rather A, tend to V…(than usual)
안나 씨가 남자 친구는 체격이 어때요?
- 제 남자친구는 키가 크고 조금 통통한 편이에요.
Anna, what does your boyfriend look like?
- My boyfriend is rather tall and a little chubby.
수지 씨 회사 사람들은 회식을 자주 해요?
- 네, 일주일에 한 번씩은 하니까 자주 하는 편이지요.
Suzy, do your company people eat out often?
- Yes, Since we eat out once a week, so we tend to do that often.
그는 커피에 비해서 녹차를 많이 마시는 편이에요.
He tends to drink more green tea than coffee.
저는 아침보다는 저녁에 더 많이 먹는 편이에요.
I tend to eat more in the evening than in the morning.