Chapter 18 - Mental Health Flashcards
Application of a biopsychosocial framework to understanding and managing simple phobia as an example of an anxiety disorder.
A state of arousal associated with feelings of apprehension, worry or uneasiness that something is wrong or something unpleasant is about to happen.
Anxiety Disorder
Characterised by chronic feelings of anxiety, distress, nervousness and apprehension or fear about the future, with a negative effect
Phobia Definition
Persistent, irrational and intense fear of a particular object, animal situation, activity or person that causes a significant distress and interferes with daily functioning
Phobic Disorders - Divided into 3 main categories
- Specific Phobia: fear of a single object or event that triggers a panic response
- Social Phobias (social disorder): fear of other people or social situations. Includes feeling scrutinised by others while eating, speaking in public or attending a party.
- Agoraphobias: fear of leaving a place. Can be worse when accompanied by a panic attack.
DSM Phobia Categories
- Animals
- Situations
- Blood/Injections
- Natural Environments
- Other
Biological Factors
Genetic Predisposition
Stress Response - Fight or Flight, Heart Palpitations, increased perspiration
Gamma-amino-butyric-acid (GABA)
PRIMARY INHIBITORY neurotransmitter in the CNS: Inhibits postsynaptic neurons by getting in the synapse to block the transmission
EXCITATORY neurotransmitter
- Makes postsynaptic neurons more likely to PASS ON the neural impulse
- Gets the post synaptic neuron excited so it requires less stimulation to make it fire
- Also plays a role in learning and memory, strengthing synaptic connections
GABA and Anxiety
Lack of the neurotransmitter might lead to over stimulation, and thus heightened anxiety
Benzodiazepines: a class of drugs that ‘calm down’ neural activity.
Agonist and Antagonists (DRUGS)
Agonists: mimic the activity of a neurotransmitter
Antagonists: inhibit the activity of a neurotransmitter
Benzodiazepines and Anxiety
Mimic the activity of GABA in inhibiting post synaptic neural activity
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps people to change unhelpful or unhealthy thinking habits, feelings and behaviours.
CBT may be used to treat problems including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, uncontrollable anger, substance abuse, eating disorders and other problems.
Psychodynamic Model
Mental disorders are caused by unresolved conflicts that occur in the subconscious
Psychosexual Stages
- ORAL 0-2
- ANAL 2-3
- LATENCY 6-Puberty
- As we progress through these stages different parts of the body become focus of attention and pleasure
- Each stage has a critical development conflict that must be resolved to move onto the next stage
- We use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from this anxiety
- The ego (conscious part of mind) distorts, denies or falsifies reality unconsciously
Oedipal Complex
Phallic Stage 4-5
Male/female child develops sexual attraction to his/her mother/father
Fears father/mother who is bigger and stronger
Repression of sexual impulses towards opposite sex parent - used as a defense mechanism