Jeslousy Trap Flashcards


So how can jealousy impaired our thinking and mental stage ?


If we feel jealous or make comparison with each, our body and brain create feeling such as anger, resentment and sadness which tends to let us depressive, or irrationally in decision making process, swiftly in loss of our concentration, current goals and in rational thinking. Moreover, jealousy can lead to lower self esteem, hopelessness and even helplessness

So how to deal with those negative thoughts:
Avoid overconsumption of social media, where those sources can subconsciously lead to prolonged jealousy, if we misuse it.
Prolonged use of social media lead to soak your energy away that results to unproductively and negative thinking.
Thinking and reflect of your own

The other ways be aware is that this feeling will not solve or helps you to achieve your goals.

- Jealous can lead to mental illness, makes it harder to think, achieving your goals
- Clarifying your goals and and avoid negative feelings intensify, jealous is a normal response which can be manage.
- answering what are your goals and is jealousy (blinded you rational thinking) really something that you want to step in ? No, hence ask and reevaluate you own thinking, negative thinking is not to be considered healthy, please think in the sequence more positively.

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