hugh's md1 metabolism

This class was created by Brainscape user Hugh Murray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Glucose Metabolism
What is the net production of atp...,
In terms of metabolic disease wha...,
When does glucose storage change ...
47  cards
What does,
On which membrane does oxidative ...,
What does
16  cards
Energy in Food and BMR
What is the typical energy requir...,
What are the 4 components of dail...,
What many kj g does alcohol produce
5  cards
Type 1 diabetes
Why dont autoantibodies play an i...,
How do you diagnose type 1 diabetes,
When are autoantibdoies found in ...
35  cards
Fats and Proteins
What can you use glycerol for,
What is the precursor molecule fo...,
What part of fat molecules are ma...
37  cards
How does a deficiency of b3 present,
Which deficiency presents with gl...,
What is derived from beta carotene
30  cards
What is the rdi of calcium,
What is malignant hyperthermia,
Why do men need more zinc than women
16  cards
BMI and Energy
What property of fat cells make i...,
How does leptin signal in respons...,
Why must you be wary when refeedi...
15  cards
Pancreatic Function
Which tissue secretes incretins,
Which peritoneal compartment is t...,
Why does long lasting
24  cards
Pathology of Diabetes
What is the pathophysiology of im...,
What non receptor mediated effect...,
Generally what is the overall eff...
18  cards
Opportunistic Infections
Apart from hiv what is another in...,
What technique does ps aeruginosa...,
What pamps does ps aeruginosa have
23  cards
Drugs used in Obesity
What are the three reasons why le...,
What are six conditions that exce...,
What happens after a high fat mea...
22  cards
Role of the GIT in Obesity
What is the pattern of ghrelin se...,
What does oxyntomodulin,
Which cells are the main producer...
23  cards
Drugs in Type 2 Diabetes
What is the mechanism of action of,
Generally what do incretins do,
What are the effects of metformin
16  cards
Fungal Infections
What are the two infectious agent...,
What are dimorphic fungi able to do,
What are the two disease caused b...
19  cards

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hugh's md1 metabolism

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