human geography case studies

This class was created by Brainscape user Daniel Dimitrov. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

New Era Estate- forces of change
Where is new era estate,
What is it,
What happened
6  cards
Llandudno- rebranding of a place
Where is llandudno,
What happened there,
How was the town rebranded
5  cards
Great Missenden- HS2 development
Where is it,
What happened there,
Population and occupation of resi...
5  cards
Detroit- changing places
Where is it,
What happened there,
Changing demographics
6  cards
Ubisoft- urban resurgence
Where is ubisoft,
What happened there,
What happened next
4  cards
Bengaluru- urban growth
Where is bengaluru,
What happened there,
Reasons for this fast growth
10  cards
Las Vegas- postmodern western city
Where is las vegas,
What is a postmodern western city,
Characteristics of a postmodern city
6  cards
London Docklands- conservative regeneration
What is regeneration,
Reasons for regeneration,
Successes of the regeneration
5  cards
Longbridge- labour regeneration
Where is longbridge,
Reasons for regeneration,
Successes of regeneration
4  cards
Los Angeles- urban sprawl 1
Where is los angeles,
Land use,
Economic inequality
4  cards
Mumbai- urban sprawl 2
Where is mumbai,
Land use,
Economic inequality
4  cards
Batley- multiculturalism
Where is batley,
What is the main problem in batley,
Why are ethnic minorities found i...
4  cards
BedZed- sustainable urban living
Where is bedzed,
What is it,
What makes it sustainable
3  cards
Drainage Managment- Lamb Drove
Where is lamb drove,
What are suds,
What is lamb drove famous for
4  cards
River Restoration- Cheonggyecheon River
Where is the cheonggyecheon river,
What happened there,
What was the impact on the river ...
3  cards
Urban waste and its disposal- Manila
Where is manila,
What is the main problem in manil...,
What are the social struggles for...
4  cards
Sustainable Urban Development- Freiberg
Where is freiberg,
How is the waste treated in freiberg,
Social impacts in town
4  cards
Olympic city- Rio de Janeiro
Where is rio,
What were the issues with rio,
How did the government try to ove...
7  cards
Olympic city- London
What happened to london prior to ...,
Why was this regeneration dislike...,
Housing aim
5  cards
Single product economy- Nigeria
Where is nigeria,
What is nigeria s single product ...,
Disadvantages of such economies
5  cards
Coca Cola- Global Bevarage Giant
Facts about coca cola,
Sinaltrainal colombia case,
Positives of globalisation of coc...
4  cards

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human geography case studies

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