This class was created by Brainscape user aidan sliney. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Boating Basics 101
What is the international maritim...,
What does solas require you to ha...,
What is the difference between a ...
43  cards
Sailing Terms
Kedge anchor,
Sheet winch
147  cards
Navigation / Charts
1minute latitude equals,
Deviation is a compass error caus...,
The benchmark from which a marine...
210  cards
Buoyage & Lights
What kind of marker,
What abbreviations on a chart wou...,
What does fl mean on a buoy
127  cards
How can you take a bearing withou...,
Rule 5 what should power and sail...,
What is the 5 priority vessel
248  cards
Location Of Equipment Onboard
What is on the left left hand of ...,
What is on the right right hand o...,
Ilb d ring
73  cards
Local Knowledge
Where is the kish,
Where is muglin s lighthouse,
Where is sorrento point
24  cards
What warps should be ready when e...,
What else should be set up,
What should be done before travel...
8  cards
0  cards
Anchoring & Mooring
Cqr or plough anchor,
Delta anchor,
Fishermans anchor
32  cards
Weather / Meteorology
What are ways to get weather fore...,
In the northern hemisphere which ...,
In the northern hemisphere which ...
112  cards
First Aid
0  cards
Tides / Tidal Streams
New moon to 1st quarter,
Springs occur how many days after...,
Full moon to last quarter
144  cards
Diesel fuel has a safety advantag...,
One advantage of a stern drive en...,
Marine engines can be classified by
24  cards
You will need an operator s licen...,
If a vhf fm channel number has th...,
Before you transmit
25  cards
Positon Fixing
What is a ships log,
What is a logbook,
What information would you find i...
68  cards
What type of material is this lig...,
What type of material is this hea...,
What type of material is this hig...
35  cards
GPS & Electronic Navigation Aids
What does gps stand,
What does gnss stand for,
What does ais stand for
30  cards
Everyday RNLI
How do you brief,
How to debrief,
Minimum attendance
4  cards
ILB Basics
What do you do if you capsize
1  cards
Emergency Steering
Why might you loose steering on t...,
Where are the straps located,
Hard to port and
3  cards
Key Information
What is the mayday order,
How do you return weather informa...,
Name the 9 knots
3  cards

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