This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Williams. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (42)

1.1 Biological Molecules: Carbohydrates
What is a monomer,
Give examples of monomers,
What is a polymer
56  cards
1.2 Biological Molecules: Lipids
What is a triglyceride,
What reactions form a triglyceride,
What bonds are found in triglycer...
13  cards
1.3 Biological Molecules: Proteins
What is an amino acid,
How many different amino acids ar...,
What forms a dipeptide
15  cards
1.4 Proteins: Enzymes
What is the role of an enzyme,
What biological molecule is an en...,
What are the monomers of an enzyme
11  cards
1.5 Nucleic Acids: Structure & DNA Replication
What is a gene,
Who discovered the double helix s...,
What did rosalind franklin do
34  cards
1.6 ATP, Water & Inorganic Ions
What is the role of atp,
What process produces atp,
What reaction hydrolyses atp
22  cards
2.1 Cell Structure
What is the role of the golgi app...,
What is the role of the lysosomes,
What is the role of the nuclear e...
36  cards
2.2 Cell Studies
What is the advantage of electron...,
Why do electron microscopes have ...,
How do optical microscopes work
29  cards
2.3 Cell Division
What is the purpose of the cell c...,
What does dna in the cell look li...,
What happens to chromosomes durin...
19  cards
2.4 Cell Recognition & the Immune System
What is an antigen,
How does the immune system recogn...,
What is antigen recognition usefu...
42  cards
3.1 Adaptations for Gas Exchange
What happens to the surface area ...,
What happens to the volume of an ...,
What happens to the surface area ...
46  cards
3.2 Human Gas Exchange
What is the order of the human ga...,
How do humans achieve a high surf...,
How are alveoli adapted to increa...
26  cards
3.3 Digestion & Absorption
Where does stage 1 of protein dig...,
What is the first stage of protei...,
How do endopeptidases speed up th...
43  cards
3.4 Mass Transport in Animals
What is meant by haemoglobin havi...,
How many polypeptide chains are f...,
What does each chain of haemoglob...
10  cards
3.5 The Circulatory Systems in Animals
Name the top two chambers of the ...,
Name the bottom two chambers of t...,
What separates the atria from the...
61  cards
3.6 Mass Transport in Animals
What is cohesion,
What is adhesion,
What is tension
31  cards
4.1 DNA, Genes & Chromosomes
What is a gene,
What is a chromosome,
What are histones
19  cards
4.2 DNA & Protein Synthesis
Define genome,
Define proteome,
Describe the structure of messeng...
13  cards
4.3 Genetic Diversity: Mutations & Meiosis
What is a substitution mutation,
What is an insertion addition mut...,
What is a deletion mutation
28  cards
4.4 Genetic Diversity & Adaptation
Define population,
What is an allele,
Define genetic diversity
14  cards
4.5 Species & Taxonomy
Define species,
What are the advantages of courts...,
Define classification
10  cards
4.6 + 4.7 Biodiversity
What is biodiversity,
How can biodiversity be measured,
What is species diversity
16  cards
5.1 Photosynthesis
Where does the light dependent re...,
Where does the light independent ...,
Explain the role of light of phot...
51  cards
5.2 Respiration
What is respiration,
What is anaerobic respiration,
What is anaerobic respiration
52  cards
5.3 Energy & Ecosystems
How do plants use sugars from pho...,
What is biomass,
Suggest units for biomass
24  cards
5.4 Nutrient Cycles
Name the stages of the phosphorou...,
Why is the phosphorus cycle,
What happens during weathering an...
25  cards
6.1 Internal & External Stimuli
What are plant growth factors,
Where are plant growth factors pr...,
How do plant growth factors move ...
53  cards
6.2 Nervous Coordination
Describe the general structure of...,
Describe the additional features ...,
Name 3 processes schwann cells ar...
57  cards
6.3 Skeletal Muscles
Name 3 types of muscle in the body,
Where is cardiac muscle located,
Where is smooth muscle located
43  cards
6.4 Homeostasis
What is homeostasis,
Why is it important for core temp...,
What consequence does a low core ...
72  cards
7.1 Inheritance
Define genotype,
Define phenotype,
What is an allele
15  cards
7.2 Populations
Define species,
Define population,
Define gene pool
8  cards
7.3 Evolution
State 3 genetic factors that caus...,
Why may phenotype vary within a s...,
Why does natural selection occur
18  cards
7.4 Populations
Define community,
Define ecosystem,
Define biotic factor
28  cards
8.1 Gene Mutations
What is a genetic mutation,
What is an insertion mutation,
What is a deletion mutation
17  cards
8.2 Gene Expression
What is a stem cell,
Name the three types of stem cell,
What is a totipotent stem cell
34  cards
8.3 Using Genome Projects
What is the genome,
What is genome sequencing,
What is the proteome
7  cards
8.4 Gene Technologies
Why does recombinant dna technolo...,
What is meant by recombinant dna ...,
Summarise the process of using re...
27  cards
1 Exams Questions
Describe the chemical reactions i...,
What is a monomer
2  cards
2 Exam Questions
Explain the advantage for larger ...,
Mammals such as a mouse and a hor...,
Describe the relationship between...
11  cards
6 Markers
Describe the gross structure of t...
1  cards
3 Exam Questions
Explain the advantage for larger ...,
Mammals such as a mouse and a hor...,
Describe the relationship between...
6  cards

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aqa biology

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