This class was created by Brainscape user Zoe Doak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (56)

Acute Interstitial Nephritis
What drugs commonly cause acute i...,
What infections can cause acute i...
8  cards
Pre renal causes,
Renal causes of aki,
Post renal causes of aki
18  cards
Adpkd type 1 chromosome affected,
Adpkd type 2 chromosome affected,
Which of adpkd type 1 or type 2 i...
12  cards
Alport's SYndrome
The gene affected in alports enco...,
Alports is more severe in females...
5  cards
What is amyloidosis,
What does the accumulation of amy...,
Name the ways in which amyloidosi...
9  cards
Anion Gap + Metabolic acidosis
How to calculate the anion gap,
Normal anion gap,
In patients with a metabolic acid...
6  cards
Goodpasture's (Anti-GBM)
Describe what size of blood vesse...,
Anti gbm commonly affects which t...,
Anti gbm antibodies are directed ...
11  cards
Arpkd is less common than the dom...,
The causative gene is located on ...,
What does the faulty gene encode for
8  cards
AV fistula
Describe an av fistula,
Av fistulae are formed surgically...,
Av fistulae are the preferred met...
10  cards
Risk factors,
Give examples of bph symptoms whi...,
Give examples of bph symptoms whi...
12  cards
Bladder Cancer
Risk factors for transitional cel...,
Risk factors for scc of the bladder,
3  cards
Main cause of anaemia in ckd,
What type of anaemia is seen in ckd,
Anaemia in ckd predisposes to whi...
31  cards
Chronic pyelonephritis
How does chronic pyelonephritis c...,
What predisposes patients to recu...,
Typical findings on renal biopsy
4  cards
Renal Transplant
Most common technical surgical co...,
Graft survival is directly relate...,
Name the 3 types of organ rejecti...
48  cards
Main features of cysteinuria,
Defect in membrane transport of w...
7  cards
Diabetes Insipidus
Describe the difference between c...,
Causes of cranial di,
Causes of nephrogenic di
7  cards
Stages of Diabetic Nephropathy in T1DM
Describe what happens in stage 1 ...,
What begins to develop in stage 3...,
Symptoms signs of stage 4 diabeti...
7  cards
What is epididymo orchitis,
Most common symptoms,
Most common cause
8  cards
What is epo,
When do the kidneys secrete epo,
Side effects of epo
4  cards
Fanconi syndrome
What is fanconi s syndrome,
What compounds cannot be reabsorb...,
What complications can abnormal r...
5  cards
Maintenance fluid requirements in...,
Normal plasma conc of na,
Conc of na in 09 saline
5  cards
Does fsgs cause nephrotic or neph...,
Causes of fsgs
8  cards
Typically presents with nephritic...,
Mixed nephrotic nephritic picture,
Typically presents with nephrotic...
15  cards
Causes of transient non visible h...,
Causes of persistent non visible ...,
What can cause the urine to appea...
9  cards
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
Triad of hus,
Hus is typically seen in which ag...,
What causes primary hus
7  cards
What is hsp,
Hsp overlaps with what other cond...,
Clinical features of hsp
7  cards
HIV: renal involvement
2 mechanisms of hiv causing renal...,
How can hiv treatments cause rena...,
How is virus related renal impair...
5  cards
Hyperkalaemia Mx
What life threatening complicatio...,
Common precipitating factors of h...,
What potassium levels indicate mi...
7  cards
IgA Nephropathy
What is iga nephropathy also know...,
How does iga nephropathy typicall...,
Give examples of conditions assoc...
12  cards
The following are symptoms associ...,
The following are symptoms associ...,
What luts can occur following mic...
9  cards
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Which type of membranous glomerul...,
Causes of type 1 membranous glome...
9  cards
Minimal change disease
Does minimal change typically pre...,
The majority of cases of minimal ...,
Some identifiable causes of minim...
8  cards
Nephrotic syndrome
Why do patients with nephrotic sy...,
Which of the glomerulonephritides...
9  cards
Contrast Nephrotoxicity
Timing of contrast nephrotoxicity...,
Risk factors which increase likel...,
How much must the creatinine rise...
7  cards
Papillary necrosis
Causes of papillary necrosis,
Clinical features
5  cards
Peritoneal dialysis
When is peritoneal dialysis commo...,
Most patients on pd do continuous...,
2 common complications of periton...
7  cards
Plasma exchange
What is plasma exchange also know...,
Indications for plasma exchange,
Complications of plasma exchange
4  cards
Common causes of polyuria,
Infrequent causes of polyuria,
Rare causes of polyuria
5  cards
post-strep Glomerulonephritis
How long after strep infection do...,
Most common strep infection assoc...,
What causes post strep glomerulon...
10  cards
Prostate Ca
T1 2,
T3 4,
Treatment options for t1 2 prosta...
15  cards
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
What does rapidly progressive gn ...,
Causes of rapidly progressive gn,
Clinical features of rapidly prog...
4  cards
Renal Cell Cancer
Renal cell cancer is also known as,
Rcc accounts for what percentage ...,
From what cells does rcc arise
16  cards
Renal papillary necrosis
What is renal papillary necrosis,
Causes of renal papillary necrosis,
4  cards
Renal stones
Which renal stones appear opaque ...,
How do urate stones appear on xr,
How do cysteine stones appear on xr
26  cards
Renal Vascular Disease
Most common cause of renal vascul...,
Risk factors for renal vascular d...,
How does renal vascular disease p...
8  cards
Retroperitoneal Fibrosis
Most common presenting feature in...,
What conditions are associated wi...,
3  cards
Risk factors for rhabdomyolysis,
Investigation findings in rhabdom...,
What causes the low calcium and h...
5  cards
scrotal problems
Which scrotal swelling is separat...,
Conditions associated with epidid...,
Imaging to diagnose epididymal cyst
16  cards
Mechanism of action,
Where in the renal tubule does it...,
Indications for spironolactone
6  cards
SLE: renal complications
How should sle patients be monito...,
Signs on renal biopsy,
Management of lupus nephritis
4  cards
testicular ca
95 of testicular cancers are germ...,
5 of testicular cancers are due t...,
Peak incidence for teratomas
10  cards
thin basement membrane disease
Disorder in which type of collagen,
Typical history in patients with ...,
It may affect up to 5 of the popu...
4  cards
vesico-ureteric reflux
What is vu reflux,
In what age group is vu reflux co...,
Pathophysiology of vu reflux
6  cards
Wilms tumour
Wilms tumour is what type of cancer,
Average age of patients with wilm...,
Conditions associated with wilms ...
10  cards
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
What is xanthogranulomatous pyelo...,
What infedctions often cause xant...,
What cells are commonly seen in x...
3  cards
Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Membranous gn is the commonest ty...,
How does membranous gn normally p...,
Membranous gn on renal biopsy ele...
9  cards

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mrcp renal

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