sociology education

This class was created by Brainscape user Lauren Kelsey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Key Concepts
Compensatory education policies,
Free schools,
The prevent strategy
41  cards
Education reform act 1988,
Tripartite system 1944,
Comprehensive schools 1965
52  cards
What is their view on education,
When did durkheim write,
What does durkheim argue the 2 fu...
25  cards
What do they see society as being,
What is their view on education,
When did althusser write
28  cards
What is their view on education,
In the 1970s who underperformed i...,
When did girls start to out perfo...
18  cards
Social Action/ Interactionism
Do they take a micro or macro app...,
Does this theory focus on inside ...,
What is their aim
19  cards
What do they believe that sociolo...,
What is no longer fixed in a post...,
What have meta narratives of mode...
16  cards
DEA + Social Class (Ex)
Define material deprivation,
What are 3 the external factors,
What are the 3 parts of material ...
51  cards
DEA + Social Class (In)
What are the 4 internal factors,
Define labelling,
Define sfp
35  cards
DEA + Gender (Ex)
What policies have contributed to...,
Why have social polices caused gi...,
What is the pay gap between men a...
17  cards
DEA + Gender (In)
What are the 6 key internal expla...,
Why does boaler argue that equal ...,
Give 2 examples of equal opportun...
29  cards
DEA + Ethnicity (Ex)
What are the top 3 performing eth...,
What are the 2 lowest performing ...,
What mustnt you do when talking a...
17  cards
DEA + Ethnicity (In)
What are the 4 internal factors t...,
Describe gillborns study,
What are the 3 pupil ids that arc...
7  cards
Key Thinkers
Davis moore
27  cards

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sociology education

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