This class was created by Brainscape user Melina Khaldoun. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (40)

Biochemistry definitions
Pure substance
40  cards
BB1720 cells, hereditary, genes
What is a cell,
How do cells work,
How do parts of a cell differentiate
30  cards
BB1701 introduction to anatomy and physiology chapter 1
How did early medicine start,
What did physicians do which lead...,
What factors stimulated interest ...
78  cards
BB1720 DNA: structure and composition
How was dna discovered,
What is the structure of dna,
Function of major groove
10  cards
BB1720 DNA packaging
How much dna is in a human cell,
How is dna packaged in the cell,
What do histones do
23  cards
BB1701 integumentary system
What is an organ,
What is the largest organ in the ...,
What are the two important layers...
105  cards
BB1702 amino acids
What are the main properties of a...,
Properties of alpha carbon,
What s the importance of amino ac...
71  cards
BB1720 DNA to protein: control of gene expression
Why does the gene expression need...,
What factors determine gene expre...,
3  cards
BB1720 DNA: replication and recombination
What is dna replication,
Importance of dna replication,
How is accuracy achieved
40  cards
BB1701 skeletal system
What are bones composed of,
What is the function of bones,
Function of bone cells
106  cards
BB1720 DNA: damage and repair
0  cards
BB1720 DNA: transcription
0  cards
Whats the function of seminiferou...,
Whats the function of interstitia...,
Whats the function of seminal ves...
29  cards
Term used to describe an increase...,
What is the correct sequence of s...,
Name the maternal hormone that is...
44  cards
The urinary system is involved in...,
How is the kidney involved in mai...,
He kidneys serve additional funct...
41  cards
protein function
Every third residue in the protei...,
In haemoglobin what is the transi...,
In the binding of oxygen to myogl...
21  cards
What does homeostasis involve,
What do the glands of endocrine s...
69  cards
What is an allosteric inhibitor,
Why are enzymes are potent catalysts,
Why do enzymes differ from other ...
12  cards
digestive system
Examples of mechanical digestion ...,
Examples of chemical digestion,
What are the accessory organs in ...
44  cards
What event initiates the process ...,
What is the relationship between ...,
How does air move during ventilation
50  cards
joints and muscle tissue
What kind of joint is the pubis s...,
What type of joint is comprised m...,
What type of joint has limited mo...
65  cards
groups of muscles
Muscles that flex the wrist are f...,
Most muscles that move the thigh ...,
What is the role of motor neurons...
65  cards
catalytic strategies
What is an acid base catalysis,
What does carbonic anhydrase use,
What does serine proteases use
12  cards
protein techniques
What happens at the isoelectric p...,
What determines the order of elut...,
Why do larger molecules elute last
11  cards
What are common carbohydrates fou...,
Where are glycoproteins normally ...,
In glycoproteins which amino acid...
17  cards
nucleotides and nucleic acids
What type of reaction is aspartat...,
What type of base analogues does ...,
What is the mechanism by which di...
17  cards
lipids and membranes
How many molecules thick are memb...,
What are the major types of membr...,
What are the features of membrane...
15  cards
What do biological oxidation redu...,
If the g of the reaction a b is 4...,
In cells what does nadh serve as ...
12  cards
glucose metabolism
Which enzyme is used in glycolysi...,
During strenuous exercise the nad...,
The anaerobic conversion of 1 mol...
19  cards
nervous system - neurons
What are neurons,
What are neuroglia,
How are all the organs in the hum...
80  cards
citric acid cycle
Intermediates in the citric acid ...,
What are the alternative names fo...,
What enzyme s is are responsible ...
12  cards
oxidative phosphorylation
What does electron flow down the ...,
What term is used to describe an ...,
What organelle is the site of oxi...
24  cards
Integration and regulation of metabolism
What are two key regulatory enzym...,
What are,
Which enzymes are a key regulator...
9  cards
nervous system - spinal cord
Whats the name of bundles of axon,
What is the connective tissue tha...,
What is the connective tissue tha...
77  cards
nervous system brain
What structures are associated wi...,
What cavity space divider is asso...,
What is the cerebrum
66  cards
the blood
What system is blood associated with,
What s the function of blood,
Which biconcave blood cells does ...
64  cards
1  cards
cardiovascular system
What vessels are the site of nutr...,
What does the pulmonary circuit do,
What does the systemic circuit do
52  cards
blood vessels and lymphatic system
Which structures are part of the ...,
Which structures are part of the ...,
The __________ ventricle pumps bl...
42  cards
anatomy quiz (wrong answers)
What are bundles of muscle fibers...,
What are bundles of muscle fibers...,
What is the correct sequence of s...
24  cards

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