This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Holtgrewe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (47)

GWA Canada Vocab.
Service economy
19  cards
GWA Canada Map
Prince edward is,
Newfoundland labrador,
Nova scotia
18  cards
GWA Canada Test
Top five canadians cities by popu...,
The main economy of canada is,
3 major industries in canada
53  cards
GWA Africa Vocab.
Hydroelectric power
22  cards
GWA Africa Map (North)
South sudan,
25  cards
GWA Africa Map (South)
Ivory coast,
31  cards
GWA Africa Test Prt.1
Africa is the ____ largest countr...,
Africa makes up what percent of t...,
What percentage of the world s co...
44  cards
GWA Africa Test Prt.2
What was the goal of the berlin c...,
What was the outcome of the berli...,
Percentage of europeans owning af...
37  cards
GWA Africa Test Prt.3
When was zimbabwe decolonized,
Which european country did mozamb...,
Which 1st european country settle...
35  cards
GWA Oceania Vocab.
Artesian well,
Endemic species
14  cards
GWA Oceania Map
New south wales
36  cards
GWA Oceania Test
List the main areas of oceania,
What are the 3 island groups of o...,
What is the relative location of ...
74  cards
GWA Final Prt. 1
Define urbanization,
63  cards
GWA Final Prt. 2
What are the major rivers in africa,
Who were the boers,
Why does south africa have more t...
61  cards
GWA Europe Vocab.
Direct democracy
21  cards
GWA Europe Map
45  cards
GWA Europe Test Prt.1
What is the relative location of ...,
What are the two subregions of eu...,
What is the approximate pop of eu...
43  cards
GWA Europe Test Prt.2
What was the 1st civilization of eu,
Where did the first civilization ...,
What was the 1st civilization ref...
54  cards
GWA Europe Test Prt.3
What is the rock,
Which european country controls t...,
What is the pillars of hercules a...
57  cards
GWA Europe Test (Focused)
What are the transcontinental cou...,
What landform has rugged hills a ...,
What is the largest landform that...
51  cards
GWA Russia Vocab.
18  cards
GWA Russia/Eurasia Topography
What popular city is in the ural mt,
What city is east of yekaterinburg,
What river leads to lake baikal
15  cards
GWA Russia/Eurasia Capitals
17  cards
GWA Russia Test Prt.1
Define eurasia,
What does russia rank in the worl...,
What measuring system does russia...
56  cards
GWA Russia Test Prt.2
What does the ussr stand for,
Which present day countries were ...,
What does stan mean
45  cards
GWA Asia Vocab.
22  cards
GWA Asia Map
32  cards
GWA Asia Test Prt.1
Where does asia stretch from w s,
Where does asia stretch from ns,
What three oceans is asia surroun...
38  cards
GWA Asia Test Prt.2
What state is the same size of japan,
About how many islands make up japan,
What is the northernmost main isl...
42  cards
GWA Asia Test Prt. 3
Other than egypt mesopotamia and ...,
When was china established,
What was the first dynasty of china
38  cards
GWA Asia Test Prt. 4
How long was the one child rule e...,
What happened to the people who b...,
What are the neg effects of the o...
66  cards
GWA Middle East Vocab.
22  cards
GWA Middle East Map
23  cards
GWA Middle East Test Prt. 1
What continent s is the middle ea...,
Define middle east,
What other names is the middle ea...
42  cards
GWA Middle East Test Prt. 2
Atum u oo,
58  cards
GWA Middle East Test Prt. 3
What is the 2nd most worshiped re...,
What is the 1st most worshiped re...,
What of the world worships islam
58  cards
GWA Middle East Test Prt. 4
What is the largest climate zone ...,
Where does the majority of the po...,
List three resources found throug...
47  cards
GWA U.S. Vocab.
Fall line,
22  cards
GWA U.S. Map Prt. 1 (Alabama - Missouri)
25  cards
GWA U.S. Map Prt. 2 (Montana - Wyoming)
25  cards
GWA U.S. Test Prt. 1
What is the us government type,
What is the singular federal dist...,
What are two major unincorporated...
35  cards
GWA U.S. Test Prt. 2 (Northeastern)
How many states are in the northe...,
What are the 3 subregions that ma...,
What states are apart of new england
29  cards
GWA U.S. Test Prt. 3 (Southern Region)
How many states are in the southe...,
What are the 3 pieces of topograp...,
What are the mt ranges in the sou...
16  cards
GWA U.S. Test Prt. 4 (Interior West)
How many states make up the inter...,
What is the relative location of ...
20  cards
GWA U.S. Test Prt. 5 (Midwest Region)
How many states are in the midwes...,
What subregion does the midwest r...,
What does the midwest region cons...
20  cards
GWA U.S. Test Prt. 6 ()
0  cards
GWA U.S. Test Prt. 7 (States of Each Region
What region is illinois apart of,
What region is apart of,
What region is indiana apart of
46  cards

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gwa (after latin a.)

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