cell and tissue

This class was created by Brainscape user tcarlso 3. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (45)

Medical applications of processing
What are the seven steps of tissu...,
What is the chemical used in fixa...,
What is the chemical used in dehy...
67  cards
Cell 1
What are the three cellular const...,
What is the cytoplasm,
What is the cytosol
44  cards
Lab 1
What do acidophilic striations in...,
What does the cytoplasm appear ac...,
How does the golgi complex show u...
60  cards
Cell II
Proteins constitute how much mass...,
How do you remove peripheral prot...,
Abnormal cleavage of beta app for...
49  cards
Cell III
What are the five distinct pathwa...,
Where does macropinocytosis occur,
What is the molecular structure n...
94  cards
Cell IV
Where is the principle site of ph...,
How do phospholipids get from the...,
What is the action of phospholipi...
113  cards
Cell V
What is vesicular transport,
How is vesicular transport select...,
What is the protein that coats ve...
71  cards
Cell VI
How to tau tangles appear with e ...,
Tau tangles are c w what disease,
Microtubule assembly occurs at wh...
65  cards
What are the three basic ground e...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the functional attribute...
90  cards
Cell VII
True or false the nucleolus is me...,
How many nucleoli are usually obs...,
What is the size of the nucleoli ...
50  cards
Epithelium I
What are the three types of cells...,
What is the defining characterist...,
What defines a stratified cell layer
76  cards
Epithelium II
Where on the cell are junctional ...,
Where is the zonulae occludentes ...,
What is the other name for zonula...
35  cards
Lab II
If you see nuclei at the top of t...,
True or false the nuclei of simpl...,
What do goblet cells secrete
8  cards
Connective tissue
What are the two major elements o...,
What are the functional attribute...,
All of the different types of con...
82  cards
What cells produce cartilage,
Is cartilage vascular or avascular,
What are the three types of carti...
93  cards
Why is bone classified as a speci...,
Does bone have cells vessels and ...,
True or false bone is made once a...
101  cards
Bone formation
What is histogenesis,
What are the two forms of histoge...,
What is intramembranous ossification
75  cards
Muscle tissue
What is the primary protein in th...,
What are the two types of myofila...,
The interaction of the thin and t...
102  cards
Nerve tissue I
What is the basic functional unit...,
What are the three types of cell ...,
Are the nuclei of neurons heteroc...
67  cards
Nerve tissue II
What are the three divisions of g...,
What is the cerebral cortex cereb...,
What is the nuclei of the brain
46  cards
Eye I
What are the three layers of the eye,
What are the two components of th...,
What are the three components of ...
83  cards
Eye II
What is the optic disc,
What does the fovea centralis con...,
What is the point on the retina w...
77  cards
Lab test 2
The zone of proliferation is char...,
What is the the next zone of chon...,
What is the zone after the zone o...
74  cards
What type of cartilage makes up t...,
What part of the external acousti...,
What is cerumen
86  cards
Exocrine glands
What are the two categories of ga...,
What type of tissue are glands de...,
What are endocrine glands
57  cards
What are the four components of t...,
What are the five functions of th...,
What areas have thick skin
111  cards
Peripheral blood
What is the average volume of blo...,
What is arterial blood ph,
What is venous blood ph
87  cards
Vascular biology
What are the three layers of bloo...,
What are the components of the tu...,
What is the main component of the...
59  cards
Vascular bio II
What are the three types of capil...,
What type of junction exists betw...,
If a zo is incomplete what is it ...
58  cards
Vascular bio III
What are the two factors that lea...,
What drives transformational chan...,
High flow leads to what two major...
63  cards
What happens to the vascular wall...,
What is atherosclerosis,
What is an atheroma
35  cards
Lymphatic Tissue
What are the two primary lymphati...,
What are the three secondary lymp...,
What are the four subtypes of muc...
126  cards
Lab 3
Where are nuclei found in goblet ...,
What is the epithelial classifica...,
What type of secretion do sebaceo...
57  cards
Endocrine I
What are the two general populati...,
What do special neurons in the hy...,
What organ does the hypothalamus ...
94  cards
Endocrine II
Parathyroid glands are covered by...,
What is the specialization of the...,
What is present in the parathyroi...
51  cards
Respiratory system
What are the three principle func...,
What are the two portions of the ...,
What comprises the respiratory sy...
85  cards
GI I:Oral Cavity
What is the masticatory mucosa,
What is the epithelial type that ...,
Where does the masticatory mucosa...
86  cards
What are the 4 layers of the gi tube,
What are the components of the mu...,
What does the lamina propria of t...
67  cards
What epithelium comprises the sma...,
What is the function of the intra...,
What is the term for the lymphati...
67  cards
What is the ct that surrounds the...,
What makes up the framework of th...,
Is glisson s capulse innervated b...
51  cards
Female Reproduction
What is the hormone that is synth...,
What are the three vessels plexus...,
What are the cells in the anterio...
148  cards
Male Genitalia
What is the connective tissue cap...,
What type of ct comprises the tun...,
What is the thickened portion of ...
91  cards
Lab 4
What are the serous glands in the...,
What are the four layers at the t...,
What is typical respiratory epith...
102  cards
What is a neoplasia,
What is the suffix used for malig...,
What are fibroma
57  cards
Urinary System
What is the renal sinus,
What type of ct surrounds a kidney,
What is the cortical labyrinth
64  cards

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cell and tissue

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