Clinical Psychology - Domain Quiz Flashcards


As described by Murray Bowen, “emotional triangles” are associated with:
Select one:

A.stress and conflict.
B.repetitive communication patterns.


Emotional triangles are a central part of Bowen”s theory of family pathology.

a.CORRECTAccording to Bowen, emotional triangles help reduce conflict and stress. For example, if there is a great deal of conflict between mom and dad, they can triangulate a child into the relationship and reduce the conflict between them by focusing their attention on the child.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
The correct answer is: stress and conflict.

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The impact of differences in early mother-daughter and mother-son relationships on development is a central focus of:
Select one:

A.Jungian analytical therapy.
B.reality therapy.
C.Kellys personal construct theory.
D.self-in-relation theory.


If you’re not familiar with self-in-relation theory (the correct answer to this question), you may have been able to identify the correct response through the process of elimination.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
d.CORRECTSelf-in-relation theory is a feminist approach that combines feminist theory with object relations theory. Consistent with object relations theory, it focuses on the relationship between the mother (caregiver) and child. Additional information on this approach is provided in the description of feminist therapy in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
The correct answer is: self-in-relation theory.

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Research by Howard and his colleagues (1986) found that about ___% of therapy clients show “marked improvement” by the 26th therapy session.
Select one:



Howard et al. (1986) found that the positive relationship between therapy duration and therapy outcome “levels off” at about the 26ththerapy session.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
c.CORRECTThese investigators report that about 75% of therapy clients show “measurable improvement” by 26 sessions; and, at 52 sessions, this number increases to only about 85%.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
The correct answer is: 75

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Client-centered therapists are most likely to interpret a client’s heart palpitations, hyperventilation, tension headaches, and nausea as:
Select one:

A.the result of unresolved intrapsychic conflicts.
B.manifestations of denied threats to the self-concept.
C.a response to overwhelming environmental stress.
D.the consequence of being unable to fulfill one’s own needs.


For practitioners of client-centered therapy, personality and behavioral problems arise when an individual’s natural tendency toward growth and actualization is disrupted by incongruence between the self and experience.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b.CORRECTIncongruence results when the evaluations made by others are inconsistent with one’s self-concept. One way in which this incongruence is dealt with is to deny the external experience by saying it doesn’t exist or by distorting it. Rogers believed that such denial doesn’t work because it leads to anxiety which, in turn, may produce visceral symptoms.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
The correct answer is: manifestations of denied threats to the self-concept.

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A Milan systemic family therapist will emphasize the use of which of the following in therapy?
Select one:

C.maneuvers, coalitions, and games
D.circular questions


A primary goal of Milan systemic family therapy is to “help family members see their choices and to assist them in exercising their prerogative of choosing” (Gelcer, McCabe, & Smith-Resnick, 1990, p. 22).

a. Incorrect Systemic family therapists view therapy as facilitative and, therefore, avoid the use of directives.
b. Incorrect As used by Minuchin, the term “holon” refers to the concept that a phenomenon is simultaneously a whole and its parts.
c. Incorrect Maneuvers, coalitions, and games are avoided by systemic therapists because they are more directive than facilitative.
d.CORRECTFor systemic therapists, questions are not only means for obtaining information but also act as a therapeutic intervention. Circular questions help define and clarify confused ideas and behaviors and introduce new information to family members.
The correct answer is: circular questions

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Which of the following sequences best describes the psychoanalytic therapeutic process?
Select one:

A.confrontation, interpretation, frustration, working through
B.clarification, frustration, interpretation, expiation
C.clarification, confrontation, interpretation, working through
D.confrontation, manipulation, interpretation, silence, abreaction


In psychoanalytic psychoanalysis, the analysis of the client’s free associations, dreams, resistances, and transferences involves the four processes listed in answer c.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
c.CORRECTClarification and confrontation help the client become aware of the unconscious conflicts that are affecting his/her current behaviors; interpretation more explicitly links current behaviors to past events; and working through helps the client incorporate new insights into his or her personality.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
The correct answer is: clarification, confrontation, interpretation, working through

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Which of the following is of the LEAST concern when utilizing telepsychology?
Select one:

A.How to maintain the clients confidentiality and privacy
B.How will informed consent be obtained
C.Which technological devices will provide the best services
D.Which local and federal laws affect the delivery of telepsychological services


The correct answer is C. While telepsychology has the potential to be easily available, there are also several difficulties and risks that may be involved with its use, such as confidentiality and privacy, how to obtain informed consent, whether the psychologist can practice across state lines, awareness of differences in local laws as they pertain to the use of telepsychology, etc. While technology should be considered, it is not as significant as answers A, B, and D.
The correct answer is: Which technological devices will provide the best services

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The triangular model of supervision puts emphasis on:
Select one:

A.Organizational policies
B.Professional knowledge
C.Supervisory relationship
D.Providing service to clients


The correct answer is D. Organizational policies (answer A) and professional knowledge (answer B) make up the base of the triangular model, while the supervisory relationship (answer C) is at the core, however the primary emphasis is on providing service to the clients.
The correct answer is: Providing service to clients

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Practitioners of Gestalt psychotherapy consider a client’s desire to talk about his/her past as:
Select one:

A.a useful strategy for helping the client understand the present.
B.a way for the client to avoid coming to terms with the present.
C.the “second layer” of therapy.
D.a way for achieving “closure” near the end of therapy.


Knowing that Gestaltians focus on the here-and-now in therapy would have helped you identify the correct response to this question.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b.CORRECTGestalt therapists do not deny the significance of the past. However, in therapy, they encourage clients to stay in the present even when discussing past events or feelings since focusing on the past is viewed as a way to avoid the present.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
The correct answer is: a way for the client to avoid coming to terms with the present.

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Jamal Jones, an African-American client, is aloof and unwilling to talk about his personal problems during his initial therapy sessions with Dr. Curt Cooper, a Caucasian therapist. Dr. Cooper’s best course of action would be to:
Select one:

A.establish an egalitarian relationship by disclosing some personal information about himself.
B.establish credibility and authority by describing his education and previous professional experience.
C.reassure Jamal that anything he reveals in therapy is confidential.
D.recognize Jamals behavior as resistance and help him understand that it will impede the progress of therapy.


The best course of action in this situation would depend on several factors, including Jamal’s stage of racial/ethnic identify development.

a.CORRECTGiven the limited information presented in this question, this is the best answer. Sue and Sue (2003) note that African American individuals often prefer an egalitarian, personal relationship with a therapist, which the therapist can establish through self-disclosure or by discussing non-counseling issues.
b. Incorrect Establishing credibility by describing his education and experience would probably be most effective with Asian American therapy clients.
c. Incorrect Confidentiality may be an issue, but a therapist can never reassure a client that “anything” revealed in therapy is confidential (e.g., a therapist is legally and ethically required to breach confidentiality when the client is a danger to self or others).
d. Incorrect The research has shown that, for African American therapy clients, unwillingness to self-disclose is often due to factors other than resistance (e.g., healthy cultural paranoia).
The correct answer is: establish an egalitarian relationship by disclosing some personal information about himself.

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Prochaska and DiClemente’s (1992) transtheoretical model is based on the assumption that an intervention is most effective when:
Select one: matches the clients stage of change. matches the clients diagnosis and symptom severity.
C.the therapist adopts the behavioral and affective style of the client.
D.the client sets his/her own therapy goals and evaluates his/her own progress.


Knowing that the transtheoretical model is also known as the stages of change model would have helped you identify the correct answer to this question.

a.CORRECTThe transtheoretical model is based on the premise that interventions are most effective when they match the client’s stage of change. For example, clients in the precontemplation stage benefit most from information that increases their knowledge and motivation to change; while those in the preparation stage need assistance in identifying appropriate change strategies. Additional information on the transtheoretical model is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
The correct answer is: it matches the clients stage of change.

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Which of the following is an example of primary prevention?
Select one:

A.All students attending an inner-city junior high school participate in a program designed to increase interpersonal problem-solving.
B.Recovering individuals with a history of cocaine dependence participate in a therapeutic support group.
C.School children identified as “at risk” for educational failure are provided with needed tutoring and counseling.
D.Parents of children who have received a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder attend parent management training classes.


Primary preventions attempt to reduce the prevalence of physical or mental disorders by reducing the incidence of new cases.

a.CORRECTThis program is a primary prevention. It is being offered to all students (rather than to specific students) in an effort to reduce the future occurrence of problems related to interpersonal relationships.
b. Incorrect This is an example of tertiary prevention. Tertiary preventions are designed to reduce the duration and consequences of mental disorders.
c. Incorrect This is an example of secondary prevention. It involves providing identified individuals with appropriate interventions to reduce the occurrence of educational failures.
d. Incorrect This program may be classified as either a tertiary prevention or an intervention, depending on its specific goals.
The correct answer is: All students attending an inner-city junior high school participate in a program designed to increase interpersonal problem-solving.

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Which of the following therapeutic approaches is based on the assumption that people have five basic needs (survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun) that act as the primary source of motivation?
Select one:

A.Adler’s Individual Psychology
B.Glasser’s Reality Therapy
C.Roger’s Person-Centered Therapy
D.Kelly’s Personal Construct Therapy


For the exam, you want to be familiar with the basic assumptions underlying each of the therapeutic approaches listed in the answers to this question. These are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b. CORRECT Reality Therapy focuses on the choices that people make with regard to the ways they fulfill their needs and proposes that people have the five basic needs listed in this question.
c. Incorrect See explanation for reponse b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
The correct answer is: Glasser’s Reality Therapy

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In the context of psychotherapy research, a “placebo” ordinarily involves providing participants with which of the following?
Select one:

A.a treatment that is already known to be effective
B.a treatment that is already known to be ineffective
C.nontherapeutic interventions
D.nonspecific factors of psychotherapy


The concept of a “placebo” was originally derived from medical research.
a. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
d. CORRECT In medical research, a placebo is an inert (inactive) substance or treatment. However, in psychotherapy research, a placebo treatment usually involves providing participants with the nonspecific factors of therapy such as attention and support.
The correct answer is: nonspecific factors of psychotherapy

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The primary difference between feminist and nonsexist therapy is that, in contrast to nonsexist therapy, feminist therapy:
Select one:

A.promotes an egalitarian therapist-client relationship.
B.emphasizes political values and social change.
C.rejects sex-role stereotypes.
D.recognizes the impact of sexism on mental health.


Feminist therapy and non-sexist therapy share a number of characteristics but differ in terms of their emphasis on sociopolitical contributors to mental health problems.

a. Incorrect An egalitarian relationship is characteristic of both types of therapy.
b.CORRECTFeminist therapy is the more political of the two types of therapy and is based on the assumption that the “personal is political.”
c. Incorrect Both types of therapy reject traditional sex-role stereotypes.
d. Incorrect Recognition of the impact of sexism on mental health is also characteristic of both types of therapy.
The correct answer is: emphasizes political values and social change.

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According to Prochaska and DiClemente’s (1992) stages of change (transtheoretical) model, a person in the __________ stage is planning to take action within the next 30 days that will alter his/her problematic behavior.
Select one:

D.goal attainment


Prochaska and DiClemente’s stages of change model distinguishes between six stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. Additional information about these stages is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
a. Incorrect A person in the action stage is currently taking action to alter his/her behavior.
b. Incorrect A person in contemplation stage intends to take action within the next six months.
c. CORRECT A person in the preparation stage is planning to take action in the near future (usually defined as in the next month).
d. Incorrect Goal attainment is not one of the stages identified by Prochaska and DiClemente.
The correct answer is: preparation

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According to Carl Rogers, a therapist is “congruent” when the therapist:
Select one: able to accurately reflect the clients feelings.
B.avoids becoming emotionally triangulated with the client.
C.avoids making judgments about the clients behaviors. authentic and nondefensive.


Rogers proposed that, for therapy to be effective, the therapist must provide three facilitative conditions - unconditional positive regard, congruence (genuineness), and accurate empathic understanding. Additional information on these conditions is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a. Incorrect This sounds more like accurate empathic understanding.
b. Incorrect This does not describe congruence.
c. Incorrect This describes unconditional positive regard.
d.CORRECTCongruence involves being genuine, authentic, and nondefensive.
The correct answer is: is authentic and nondefensive.

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A feminist therapist is least likely to view which of the following as an important aspect or goal of therapy?
Select one:

A.identifying the sociopolitical and interpersonal forces that underlie a woman’s symptoms
B.reconstructing the therapeutic process so that the traditional pattern of dependence is not recreated in the therapeutic relationship
C.using the therapeutic relationship as an opportunity to model appropriate behavior
D.identifying and integrating the masculine and feminine aspects of the woman’s personality


For feminist therapists, a primary goal of therapy is helping the client understand and appropriately respond to forces in the environment that impact the client’s life.

a. Incorrect Feminist therapists emphasize the role of sociopolitical factors in maladaptive behavior and, therefore, a goal of therapy is to help the client understand that the “personal is political.”
b. Incorrect Feminist therapists regard the relationship between therapist and client as a relationship between equals and use it as a model of equality to help female clients overcome barriers created by traditional roles and relationships.
c. Incorrect Feminist therapists view the therapeutic relationship as an opportunity to model egalitarianism and other adaptive behaviors.
d. CORRECTFeminists therapist are more likely to avoid labeling aspects of the personality as “masculine” or “feminine.”

The correct answer is: identifying and integrating the masculine and feminine aspects of the woman’s personality

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A family therapist would use the technique known as “prescribing the symptom” in order to:
Select one:

A.undermine the family’s resistance to change.
B.reduce tension between family members.
C.change the meaning of a situation
D.educate family members about the benefits of change.


Prescribing the symptom is a paradoxical technique that involves instructing family members to engage in the problematic behavior, often in an exaggerated form. For the exam, you want to be familiar with all of the paradoxical techniques described in the section on family therapies in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials so that you can answer questions like this one.

a.CORRECTThe purpose of prescribing the symptom is to undermine the family’s resistance to changing a behavior by requesting that family members engage in the behavior. Ideally, this will cause them to rebel and engage, instead, in a more desirable behavior.
b. Incorrect This is not an accurate description of the purpose of prescribing the symptom.
c. Incorrect This is a better description of the technique known as relabeling.
d. Incorrect This is not an accurate description of the purpose of prescribing the symptom.
The correct answer is: undermine the family’s resistance to change.

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A psychotherapist is most likely to say that which of the following is the single-most stress-producing aspect of his/her work?
Select one:

A.making difficult ethical and legal decisions
B.a lack of therapeutic success
C.a lack of adequate training
D.personal problems that impact therapeutic objectivity


The research on this issue was conducted over two decades ago by B. A. Farber and L. J. Heifetz [The process and dimensions of burnout in psychotherapists,Professional Psychology, 13(2), 293-301, 1982].

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b.CORRECTFarber and Heifetz found that 74% of psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers in their study identified a lack of therapeutic success as the most stressful aspect of their professional work.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
The correct answer is: a lack of therapeutic success

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Freud and Skinner share a(n) _______ view of behavior.
Select one:



Freud looked to unconscious conflicts and relied on internal structures and activities (such as the id, ego, and defense mechanisms) to explain behavior. In contrast, Skinner viewed the mind as an irrelevant construct and proposed that behavior is environmentally controlled.

a. Incorrect Intuitive refers to knowing or understanding without the use of rational processes and is not a characteristic shared by Freud and Skinner.
b. Incorrect A holistic point of view emphasizes the importance of the whole and the interdependence of the parts of the whole and is not applicable to the theories of Freud and Skinner.
c.CORRECTAlthough they had different explanations for the causes of behavior, Freud and Skinner both believed in determinism. Skinner believed that all behavior is environmentally controlled, while Freud believed in psychic determinism (i.e., that unconscious mental content is the primary cause of behavior).
d. Incorrect A phenomenological view is characteristic of humanistic theories and therapeutic approaches.
The correct answer is: deterministic

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During the first therapy session with a couple who are experiencing numerous problems in their relationship, their therapist requests that, during the next week, they identify things in their relationship that they would like to continue. Most likely, this therapist is a practitioner of:
Select one:

A.solution-focused therapy.
B.Milan systemic family therapy.
C.behavioral marital therapy.
D.interpersonal therapy.


In the situation described in this question, the therapist has assigned the couple a task that will help them focus on the positive aspects of their relationship.

a.CORRECTIn solution-focused therapy, this is an example of a “formula task.” Its purpose is to help the couple identify positive aspects of their relationship that, in turn, can lead to solutions to their marital difficulties.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
The correct answer is: solution-focused therapy.

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Which of the following is an essential component of training in supervision?
Select one:

A.Knowledge of competency-based supervision models and practices
B.Understanding of the nature of the supervisory relationship
C.Ability to increase supervisees’ clinical capacity and skill
D.All of the above


The correct answer is D. All of these components are recognized as key areas for training in supervision by the APA guidelines on supervision.
The correct answer is: All of the above

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Which of the following is a therapeutic approach that explicitly addresses an individual’s commitment and readiness to change?
Select one:

A.solution-oriented therapy
B.motivational interviewing
C.reality therapy
D.self-control training


This is a difficult question since it provides very little information about the intervention it is asking about. You may have been able to identify the correct response, however, through the process of elimination.
a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b. CORRECT Motivational interviewing has been defined by W. R. Miller and S. Rollinick as an approach designed to help clients build commitment and readiness to change (Motivational Interviewing, New York: Guilford, 1991). It is based on the assumption that interventions are most effective when they are matched to the individual’s level of readiness.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect Self-control techniques incorporate self-monitoring and self-reinforcement and are used for a variety of disorders. They do not explicitly address a client’s readiness to change.
The correct answer is: motivational interviewing

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Dr. Clu Less attributes all of a client’s presenting problems to alcohol use when, in fact, some of the client’s problems are due to other factors. Dr. Less is exhibiting which of the following?
Select one:

A.hindsight bias
B.false consensus effect
C.diagnostic overshadowing bias
D.Barnum effect


In the situation described in this question, the therapist is attributing all of the client’s presenting problems to one salient characteristic (alcohol use) rather than considering other explanations for them.

a. Incorrect A hindsight bias occurs when an individual concludes that past events were predictable.
b. Incorrect The false consensus effect occurs when an individual overestimates the degree to which others agree with him/her.
c.CORRECTThe bias exhibited by Dr. Less is referred to as diagnostic overshadowing.
d. Incorrect The Barnum effect occurs when people are willing to accept vague descriptions of themselves (e.g., horoscopes) as accurate.
The correct answer is: diagnostic overshadowing bias

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For Gestalt therapists, maladaptive behavior:
Select one: a “developmental anomaly.”
B.reflects the adoption of mistaken beliefs.
C.results from the adoption of an unhealthy life script.
D.reflects a “growth disorder.”


Like other humanistic therapists, Gestalt therapists view the individual as having an innate tendency for positive growth.

a. Incorrect This does not accurately describe the Gestaltian view of maladaptive behavior.
b. Incorrect This sounds more like cognitive views of maladaptive behavior.
c. Incorrect This is consistent with the assumptions of transactional analysis.
d. CORRECTFor Gestaltians, neurotic behavior reflects interference with natural growth and a resulting lack of integration.

The correct answer is: reflects a “growth disorder.”

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The Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model proposed by Atkinson, Morten, and Sue (1993) is based on the assumption that the stages of identity development reflect changes in:
Select one:

A.attitudes toward members of minority and dominant cultures.
B.types of interactions with members of minority and dominant cultures.
C.level of acculturation.
D.stage of ego identity development.


For the exam, you want to know the names and characteristics of the stages included in the Racial/Cultural Identity Development model, which are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a.CORRECTEach stage of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model is characterized by a different set of attitudes toward members of one’s own minority group, members of other minority groups, and members of the dominant group.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
The correct answer is: attitudes toward members of minority and dominant cultures.

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A 36-year old Asian-American woman comes to Dr. Williams, a Caucasian middle-class psychologist, at the suggestion of her physician who was unable to find a physical explanation for her symptoms. Although the woman has lived in the United States most of her life, she still lives with her parents, who are traditional in their lifestyle and values, and her social life is focused primarily in the Asian community. The woman complains primarily of physical symptoms including frequent headaches, loss of appetite, and insomnia. Being familiar with the literature on cross-cultural counseling, Dr. Williams knows she should assume an active, directive approach. This means that Dr. Williams should:
Select one:

A.suggest to the woman that she would do better with an Asian-American therapist and make a referral.
B.ask the woman if she feels sad and depressed and whether any members of her family have had similar symptoms.
C.explain to the woman that it is common among Asians to experience psychological symptoms as physical ones.
D.acknowledge the woman’s symptoms and discuss what she might do to alleviate them.


Most of the literature on counseling Asian and Asian-American clients stresses the need to assume an active, directive role.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
d.CORRECTAn active, directive approach doesn’t necessarily mean assigning a diagnosis, asking very direct personal questions, or making interpretations. With regard to somatic complaints, for example, D. W. Sue and D. Sue (Counseling the Culturally Diverse, New York, John Wiley and Sons, 2003) recommend that the clinician acknowledge the symptoms and then recommend physical treatments before dealing with emotional factors.
The correct answer is: acknowledge the woman’s symptoms and discuss what she might do to alleviate them.

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With regard to acculturation, a member of a racial/cultural minority group who adopts the values, attitudes, and customs of his/her own minority culture but rejects those of the dominant (majority) is:
Select one:



Berry (1987) distinguishes between the four levels of acculturation listed in the answers to this question.

a. Incorrect A marginalized individual does not identify with his/her own minority culture or with the majority culture.
b. Incorrect An integrated person identifies with his/her own minority culture but also adopts aspects of the majority culture.
c.CORRECTA person is separate when he/she rejects the majority culture and identifies with his/her own minority culture.
d. Incorrect A person is assimilated when he/she adopts the characteristics of the majority culture and rejects his/her own minority culture.
The correct answer is: separate.

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According to Wrenn (1962), therapists are “culturally encapsulated” when they:
Select one:

A.consistently overemphasize the impact of cultural factors on mental health.
B.disregard cultural differences and are unaware of their own cultural biases.
C.are unwilling to work with clients who are not from their own cultural background.
D.are sensitive to cultural factors that contribute to mental health problems.


Wrenn (1962) was among the first to point out that mental health professionals frequently fail to consider the impact of culture in their work with clients.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b.CORRECTAs defined by Wrenn, therapists are culturally encapsulated when they interpret everyone’s reality through their own cultural assumptions and stereotypes and are unaware of their own cultural biases.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
The correct answer is: disregard cultural differences and are unaware of their own cultural biases.

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Troiden’s (1988) Gay/Lesbian (Homosexual) Identity Development Model predicts that individuals in the sensitization stage:
Select one:

A.realize that they are homosexual.
B.begin to come out to friends in the homosexual community.
C.feel different or alienated from their same-sex peers.
D.believe they are homosexual but try to pass as heterosexual.


Troiden’s (1988) Gay/Lesbian (Homosexual) Identity Development Model distinguishes between four age-related stages: sensitization, self-recognition, identity assumption, and commitment. Additional information about these stages is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a. Incorrect This is characteristic of the self-recognition stage which occurs at the onset of puberty.
b. Incorrect This is characteristic of the identity assumption stage.
c. CORRECTThe sensitization stage usually occurs in middle childhood. During this stage, the individual feels different from and experiences less opposite-sex interests than his/her peers and begins to have homosexual feelings without understanding the implications of those feelings for self-identity.
c. Incorrect This is not characteristic of the sensitization stage.

The correct answer is: feel different or alienated from their same-sex peers.

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The new clients of Dr. Blanco, a Euro-American therapist, are an Asian family consisting of a grandmother, mother and father, and two children, ages 16 and 10. During an initial session with this family, Dr. Blanco would be best advised to:
Select one:

A.obtain the information needed to identify treatment goals by having each family member describe what problems the family is having.
B.establish an egalitarian relationship by disclosing personal information.
C.assess each family member’s level of acculturation before developing a treatment plan.
D.treat the family like any other family unless there is a clear reason to do otherwise.


For the exam, you want to be familiar with the general guidelines for working with members of diverse populations provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials so that you can answer questions like this one.

a. Incorrect Asking each family member to describe his/her perceptions of the family’s problems would be inconsistent with the values and customs of most Asian families. For example, members of Asian cultures typically adhere to a hierarchical family structure and traditional gender roles and place greater emphasis on the group than on the individual.
b. Incorrect Establishing an egalitarian relationship is not a strategy that has been found effective for most Asian and Asian American therapy clients who usually view the therapist as an expert and authority figure.
c. CORRECTAn initial step when working with clients from culturally diverse groups is to identify the client’s stage of racial/ethnic identity development, degree of acculturation, and worldview (beliefs, values, attitudes, etc.).
d. Incorrect APA guidelines discourage adopting a “colorblind” approach and, instead, require psychologists to always consider the impact of culture on the therapeutic process.

The correct answer is: assess each family member’s level of acculturation before developing a treatment plan.

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During the course of group therapy, some members begin to express anger toward a female member because they feel she is “hiding behind a facade” rather than revealing her true self. Other members say she should be left alone. According to Irvin Yalom, this type of conflict:
Select one:

A.represents a normal stage in the group process and should be allowed to run its course. a manifestation of resistance that should be interpreted as such by the therapist.
C.should be resolved in a democratic manner.
D.should be expressed and then processed to clarify its meaning to members.


Yalom views conflict as a normal part of group therapy and considers it to be a useful therapeutic tool if handled correctly.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
d. CORRECTAccording to Yalom, the therapeutic use of conflict in group therapy involves two stages: experience (affective expression) and understanding of that experience.

The correct answer is: should be expressed and then processed to clarify its meaning to members.

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A therapist using a multisystems approach when working with an African-American family will:
Select one:

A.focus primarily on issues related to problems in the nuclear family.
B.incorporate other key individuals, agencies, and institutions into the treatment plan.
C.focus primarily on interactions between family members that are contributing to the family’s presenting problem(s).
D.view an individual family member’s problems as the direct result of factors in the macrosystem.


N. Boyd-Franklin (Black Families in Therapy: A Multisystems Approach, New York, Guilford Press, 1989) argues that, to successfully treat African-American families, a therapist must be willing to consider and, when feasible, to intervene at multiple levels and in multiple systems.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b. CORRECTEven if you are unfamiliar with the multisystems approach, its name implies that it involves addressing multiple systems such as the extended family, the church, schools, and social service agencies.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect While some problems may, indeed, be related to the macrosystem (society), not all problems would be considered the direct result of factors in that system.

The correct answer is: incorporate other key individuals, agencies, and institutions into the treatment plan.

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A “teleological” approach is most associated with:
Select one:



A teleological approach views behavior and personality as being “pulled” by a subjective future rather than being “pushed” by an objective past (e.g., by heredity or environmental events).

a. Incorrect Skinner viewed behavior as the result of the past consequences of the behavior.
b. Incorrect Bowen is a family therapist who regards severe mental disorders (e.g., Schizophrenia) as the result of a multigenerational transmission process. Therefore, his approach would not be described as teleological.
c. CORRECTA distinguishing characteristic of Adler’s approach is its teleological explanation for behavior. Adler believed that behavior is determined by future goals.
d. Incorrect Freud viewed current behavior as the result of innate factors and past experiences.

The correct answer is: Adler.

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Miracle, exception, and scaling questions are strategies used by practitioners of:
Select one:

A.solution-focused therapy.
B.interpersonal psychotherapy.
C.motivational interviewing.
D.reality therapy.


For the exam, you want to be familiar with the therapeutic strategies of all of the therapies listed in the answers to this question. These are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a. CORRECT A solution-focused therapist acts as a consultant/collaborator who poses questions aimed at identifying solutions to problems, including miracle, exception, and scaling questions.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
The correct answer is: solution-focused therapy.

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A practitioner of existential therapy is most likely to say that “existential anxiety” is:
Select one:

A.a normal reaction to the constant threat of death.
B.a normal reaction to the birth trauma.
C.a sign of irresponsibility.
D.a sign of unresolved conflicts.


Existential therapies are derived from existential philosophy and share an emphasis on the human conditions of depersonalization, loneliness, and isolation.

a.CORRECTFor existential therapists, behaviors commonly perceived as “maladaptive” are a natural part of being human. Existential anxiety, for example, is conceptualized as a normal response to the constant threat of nonbeing (death).
b. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
The correct answer is: a normal reaction to the constant threat of death.

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From the perspective of Gestalt therapy, introjection is:
Select one:

A.the result of an unresolved conflict. image disturbance.
C.a boundary disturbance.
D.a defense mechanism.


Gestaltians use the term introjection to describe an overly permeable boundary between the person and the environment.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
c. CORRECTFor Gestaltians, neurotic behavior is often the result of a disturbance in the boundary between the person and his/her external environment. Introjection is one type of boundary disturbance and occurs when a person accepts values, beliefs, etc. from the environment without actually understanding or fully assimilating them.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response c

The correct answer is: a boundary disturbance.

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According to Irvin Yalom, a leading authority on group therapy, which of the following individuals is the poorest candidate for a heterogeneous outpatient therapy group?
Select one:

A.a person experiencing anhedonia
B.a person who spends an exorbitant amount of time working
C.severely psychotic individual
D.a shy person


Answer C is correct. Yalom (1985) identified several types of people who are and are not likely to benefit from group therapy.According to Yalom, heterogeneous outpatient groups are inappropriate for severely psychotic individuals (although these individuals may benefit from homogeneous groups in inpatient or other controlled settings).

a. Incorrect According to Yalom, a person experiencing anhedonia is a good candidate for group therapy.
b. Incorrect Someone who spends an exorbitant amount of time working may be a good candidate for group therapy.
d. Incorrect Yalom believed that disorders related to social interactions are amenable to group therapy.
The correct answer is: severely psychotic individual

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Teddy Roosevelt was weak and ill as a child but grew up to be a robust adult and coined the term “rugged individualism.” He also became associated with the slogan “speak softly but carry a big stick.” This outcome is predicted by _________ theory of personality.
Select one:



Answer A is correct: This is a fairly simple question as long as you recall that Adler is associated with the concepts of “feelings of inferiority” and “striving for superiority.”According to Adler, real or imagined organ inferiority leads to feelings of inferiority. However, people can respond to these feelings in a constructive way and pursue goals that help them achieve superiority.

The correct answer is: Adler’s

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Hypnosis is best described as a response to suggestion involving:
Select one:

A.a disruption in normal reality testing. alteration in memory, mood, and perception.
C.increased compliance to situational demands.
D.a state of artificial sleep.


The mechanism underlying hypnosis continues to elude researchers although recent research has linked it to a disruption in communication between certain areas of the brain.

a. Incorrect A disruption in reality testing has not been identified as an explanation for hypnosis.
b.CORRECTM. T. Orne and D. F. Dinges, for example, conclude that the unusual behaviors exhibited by hypnotized people reflect alterations in memory, perception, and mood that occur in response to suggestion [Hypnosis, in H. I. Kaplan & B. J. Sadock (eds.),Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/V, Baltimore, Williams Wilkins, 1989].
c. Incorrect Behaviors similar to those elicited from hypnotized individuals can also be elicited from non-hypnotized people in certain situations, suggesting that increased compliance to situational demands does not adequately explain the state of hypnosis.
d. Incorrect This was the explanation offered by James Braid in the late 1840s but is no longer considered valid.
The correct answer is: an alteration in memory, mood, and perception.

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Gerald Caplan (1970) described a consultee's objectivity as one of the targets of consultee-centered case consultation. According to Caplan, which of the following is a potential cause of a consultee's lack of objectivity?
Select one:

B.diagnostic overshadowing
C.theme interference
D.parallel process


Caplan states that the primary targets of consultee-centered case consultation are the consultee’s skills, knowledge, and/or objectivity.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
c.CORRECTCaplan defines theme interference as a type of transference that occurs when a consultee’s unresolved conflict related to a particular type of client or situation interferes with his/her objectivity when working with similar clients or in similar situations.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
The correct answer is: theme interference

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The clients in advocacy consultation are:
Select one:

B.people who have been declared legally incompetent.
C.members of a disenfranchised group.
D.people in a legal proceeding.


As its name implies, advocacy consultation involves acting as an advocate. It is a political form of consultation that has, as its primary goal, social change.
a. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
c. CORRECT The individuals listed in responses a, b, and d might be the clients in advocacy consultation, but this answer is best because it includes these individuals as well as others who may be disenfranchised.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
The correct answer is: members of a disenfranchised group.

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A structural family therapist notices that, whenever Mr. Buehler talks, Mrs. Buehler and Alphonse, their 11-year-old son, contradict what he says and criticize him. The therapist would most likely describe the behavior of the mother and son as:
Select one:

B.a stable coalition.
C.positive feedback.


Structural family therapists distinguish between three rigid triads - detouring, stable coalition, and triangulation. Additional information about these triads is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a. Incorrect For structural family therapists, triangulation occurs when each parent demands that the child side with him/her against the other parent.
b.CORRECTMinuchin used the term stable coalition to describe a relationship between two family members that involves the joining of those members against a third member, which is what is occurring in the situation described in this question.
c. Incorrect Positive feedback produces change and can be either “good” or “bad.” You’d have to know the consequences of the mother’s and son’s behavior to determine if it is acting as positive feedback.
d. Incorrect Positioning is a paradoxical technique that involves exaggerating the severity of a symptom.
The correct answer is: a stable coalition.

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__________ can be viewed as a phenomenon that provides a therapist with opportunities to “hear” the message behind a client’s overt behavior.
Select one:

B.Primary process


It’s not totally clear from the question what is being asked about, and it may have been necessary to consider the answers to understand what the question is getting at.

a. Incorrect Identification has several meanings in psychology, but this is not one of them. One definition describes it as the process of associating one’s self with other people and assuming their attitudes, behaviors, etc.
b. Incorrect Primary process is the type of thinking that is a function of the id and is guided by the pleasure principle.
c.CORRECTFreud viewed countertransference as an obstacle to the progress of therapy, but others have redefined it as a potential source of useful information about clients.
d. Incorrect Introjection also has more than one definition but none are applicable to this question. For example, Gestaltians define introjection as a boundary disturbance that involves incorporating another person’s values and beliefs into one’s own personality without fully understanding them.
The correct answer is: Countertransference

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Carl Jung’s archetypes are best conceptualized as:
Select one:

A.repressed emotion-laden material.
B.universal primordial images or patterns.
C.the primary components of the ego.
D.acquired tendencies that contribute to the personal unconscious.


Jung considered the archetypes to be an important contributor to personality development.

a. Incorrect This sounds more like Jung’s complexes.
b.CORRECTArchetypes are primordial images that are part of the collective unconscious, are passed down from one generation to the next, and cause people to experience certain phenomena in a universal way.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
The correct answer is: universal primordial images or patterns.

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As described by Edward T. Hall (1969), __________ communication relies heavily on nonverbal cues and group identification.
Select one:



The anthropologist Edward T. Hall (1969) distinguished between two types of communication - high-context and low-context - and proposed that different cultures can be described in terms of the their type of communication.

a.CORRECTHigh-context communication is anchored in the situation and relies heavily on nonverbal cues and group identification and understanding. High-context communication is characteristic of many ethnic/cultural minority groups.
b. Incorrect Low-context communication relies primarily on the explicit, verbal part of a message and is characteristic of Euro-American culture.
c. Incorrect Family therapists distinguish between two types of family communication patterns - symmetrical and complementary. Symmetrical communications reflect equality between communicators but can escalate into a “one-upsmanship” game when each participant tries to outdo the other.
d. Incorrect Complementary communication reflects inequality between communicators.
The correct answer is: high-context

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From the perspective of general systems theory, if an open system is faced with an unexpected threat, it will:
Select one:

A.close down.
B.attempt to maintain a steady state.
C.defend against or adapt to it.
D.break down.


Systems theory underlies family therapy, in which a family is viewed as an open system that interacts with the environment.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
c.CORRECTOpen systems respond to input by modifying or elaborating structural elements. Under some conditions, the system will react in a way that maintains homeostasis; in other conditions, the system changes or adapts to the new input.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
The correct answer is: defend against or adapt to it.

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Which of the following could be an unethical use of technology?
Select one:

A.Providing clients with information on the potential security risks
B.Storing recorded sessions on an unencrypted videoconferencing system
C.Contacting patients via email to schedule an appointment
D.All of the above


Answer B is correct. According to APA guidelines on telepsychology, psychologists must protect patient information stored or streamed on devices. Using an unencrypted system increases the risk of exposing patient information. A is incorrect because informing patients about the potential security risks is a recommended practice (APA, 2013; Schwartz & Longborg, 2011). C is incorrect because psychologists may use email to convey nonclinical information as long as the patient has agreed. In this case the psychologist should still ensure confidentiality to the extent possible. D is incorrect as answers A and C are correct.
The correct answer is: Storing recorded sessions on an unencrypted videoconferencing system

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Helms’s (1995) White Racial Identity Development Model distinguishes between six statuses. The first status is:
Select one:

B.integrative awareness.


Helms’s six identity statuses are CONTACT, DISINTEGRATION, REINTEGRATION, PSEUDO-INDEPENDENCE, IMMERSION/EMERSION, and AUTONOMY. For the exam, you want to be familiar with the order and characteristics of the six statuses, and this information is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
d.CORRECTContact is the first status in Helms’s model. It is characterized by a lack of awareness of racial identity and often by racist attitudes and beliefs.
The correct answer is: contact.

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To incorporate the value of personalismo into therapy, a therapist will:
Select one:

A.integrate members of the extended family into the intervention.
B.maintain a neutral attitude even when family members are discussing unpleasant topics.
C.display genuine interest in the client by asking about his/her family and work or school.
D.establish credibility early in therapy by demonstrating knowledge of indigenous healing practices.


Personalismosounds like what it is - i.e., communication that fosters warmth, rapport, and a personal connection. Therefore, you may have been able to identify the correct response to this question even if you’re unfamiliar with the application of personalismo to therapy.

a. Incorrect Integrating members of the extended family into the intervention would be consistent with the value offamilismo.
b. Incorrect Maintaining a neutral attitude is not consistent withpersonalismo.
c.CORRECTAlthoughformalismo(a formal communication style) is generally preferred by Latino/Hispanic clients during initial therapy sessions,personalismois preferred once the therapeutic alliance has been established.
d. Incorrect Demonstrating knowledge of indigenous healing practices may be important but would not necessarily fosterpersonalismo.
The correct answer is: display genuine interest in the client by asking about his/her family and work or school.

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A 14-year old boy is arrested for the third time for shoplifting. His mother seems unconcerned and says “he’s just going through a phase.” His father decides to go fishing on the day of the boy’s court hearing, and his older sister says she can’t attend his court hearing because she has too much homework. From the perspective of structural family therapy, this family is best described as:
Select one:

C.emotionally “cut-off.”


The family members described in this question do not seem to be involved in or concerned about the lives of other members.

a.CORRECTFrom the perspective of Minuchin’s structural family therapy, relationships in this family are characterized by a high degree of disengagement.
b. Incorrect A closed system does not interact with the environment. Although this family might be a closed system, this is not what is implied by the information given in the question.
c. Incorrect Emotional cutoff is associated with Bowen, not Minuchin, so it is not the best answer of those given.
d. Incorrect Marital skew is a term used by Lidz to describe a situation in which spouses attempt to maintain their marriage even though this requires a distortion of reality.
The correct answer is: disengaged.

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A wife approaches her husband in an affectionate way. He pulls away from her; but when she begins to leave the room, he says in a hurt manner, “What’s wrong? Don’t you want to spend time with me?” When she protests, he ignores her. This is an example of:
Select one:

B.a negative feedback loop.
C.dysfunctional communication.
D.double-bind communication.


In this situation, the husband has given inconsistent (“double”) messages to his wife.

a. Incorrect Mystification is similar to a double-bind communication, but its purpose is to mask an underlying conflict.
b. Incorrect A negative feedback loop is a corrective mechanism that allows a family system to reduce deviation and maintain stability.
c. Incorrect Although this communication is dysfunctional, this answer is too general, and answer d is a better response.
d.CORRECTWhen a person is given inconsistent messages and is unable to comment on them, this is referred to as a “double-bind.”
The correct answer is: double-bind communication.

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A primary goal of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is:
Select one:

A.resolving underlying conflicts. in an authentic, meaningful way.
C.satisfying needs in responsible ways.
D.reducing or alleviating symptoms.


Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is based on a medical model and views depression and other mental disorders as illnesses.

a. Incorrect This is characteristic of psychotherapies based on Freudian theory.
b. Incorrect This sounds like existential therapy.
c. Incorrect This is a goal of reality therapy.
d.CORRECTAs its name implies, a primary goal of ITP is improved interpersonal relationships. However, consistent with the medical model, IPT also focuses on symptom reduction. Additional information about IPT that you want to be familiar with for the exam is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
The correct answer is: reducing or alleviating symptoms.

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A practitioner of which of the following is most likely to agree that the therapist’s role is to bring unconscious issues that exist within a family to a conscious level?
Select one:

A.systemic family therapy
B.existential family therapy
C.structural family therapy
D.object relations family therapy


Practitioners of psychodynamic psychotherapy are interested in the impact of unconscious issues on current behavior, and only one of the therapies listed in the answers is a psychodynamic approach.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
d.CORRECTObject relations family therapy is a psychodynamic therapy that links intrapsychic phenomena to current family relationships.
The correct answer is: object relations family therapy

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When calculating an “effect size,” the most commonly used method procedures would advise you to:
Select one:
A.divide the difference between the means of the experimental and control groups by the “grand mean.”
B.divide the mean of the experimental group by its standard deviation and the mean of the control group by its standard deviation and sum the results.
C.add the mean difference between the experimental and control groups for each study and divide the result by the total number of studies.
D.divide the difference between the means of the experimental and control groups by the standard deviation of the control group.


The correct answer is D. The term “effect size” is associated with meta-analysis, which is addressed in the written study materials.There are several ways to calculate an effect size, but the most commonly used method produces a standard score, which means that it reports the effect of an intervention in terms of standard deviation units. This answer describes the formula that is used to calculate this type of effect size.
The correct answer is: divide the difference between the means of the experimental and control groups by the standard deviation of the control group.

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From the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis, anxiety is due to:
Select one:
A.the inability to “construe” an event.
B.a threat to one’s unified self-concept.
C.a feeling of being isolated and helpless in a hostile world.
D.the inability to deal with an internal or external threat.


Freud’s personality theory emphasizes conflicts between the internal instincts and the demands of reality.

a. Incorrect This best describes Kelly’s definition of anxiety.
b. Incorrect This is Roger’s view of anxiety.
c. Incorrect Horney referred to this as “basic anxiety.”
d.CORRECTOf the answers given, this is the only one that addresses internal and external threats and, therefore, is the best description of Freud’s conceptualization of anxiety.
The correct answer is: the inability to deal with an internal or external threat.

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A family therapist tells a couple that their apparent inability to communicate openly (which the wife frequently complains about) is really due to their care and love for one another, which has made it possible for them to communicate on an intuitive level. This paradoxical technique is known as:
Select one:

This is one of those questions that you may have been able to answer correctly just by considering the meaning of the words listed in the answers.

a. Incorrect Positioning involves exaggerating a symptom”s severity.
b. CORRECTAs its name implies, reframing involves describing a symptom in a way that allows family members to view it from another perspective.
c. Incorrect Prescribing is probably the most commonly used paradoxical technique. It entails instructing a client to engage in the undesirable behavior.
d. Incorrect Restraining involves discouraging change by implying that attempts at change will not work or will have undesirable consequences.

The correct answer is: reframing.

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A 14-year old boy engages in "acting-out" behaviors whenever his parents begin talking about separating, and his actions temporarily disrupt their discussion and plans. From the perspective of family therapy, the boy's behavior is best described as:
Select one:
B.a blurring of boundaries.
C.positive feedback. attempt to restore homeostasis.

In this situation, the boy is trying to prevent a change in the family’s status.

a. Incorrect Scapegoating occurs when a family member (the scapegoat) is placed in a role that exposes him/her to blame, criticism, etc.
b. Incorrect The boy’s behavior does not seem relevant to the concept of boundaries.
c. Incorrect Positive feedback causes change in a system, while negative feedback serves to maintain the status quo. The boy’s behavior is an example of negative feedback because it keeps the family together.
d. CORRECTHomeostasis is the tendency of a system to maintain the status quo. In the situation described in the question, the boy’s behavior is serving to maintain the family system by keeping his parents together.

The correct answer is: an attempt to restore homeostasis.

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According to Atkinson, Morten, and Sue’s (1993) Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model, an African-American therapy client in the conformity stage will most likely:
Select one:
A.prefer a Caucasian therapist. unwilling to self-disclose to a Caucasian therapist.
C.say his/her problems are directly related to racial oppression.
D.prefer a therapist who has expertise in working with African Americans.


The Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model consists of five stages: conformity, dissonance, resistance and immersion, introspection, and integrative awareness. Additional information on these stages is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a.CORRECTDuring the initial conformity stage, African Americans have positive attitudes toward Caucasian and negative attitudes toward their own group; and, in therapy, they are likely to prefer a Caucasian therapist.
b. Incorrect This is characteristic of African American therapy clients in the dissonance, resistance and immersion, or introspection stage.
c. Incorrect This is characteristic of clients in the dissonance or resistance and immersion stage.
d. Incorrect This is true about African American clients in the introspection or integrative awareness stage.
The correct answer is: prefer a Caucasian therapist.

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Providing education and job training to adolescents and young adults who have recently been released from a drug treatment program is an example of:
Select one:
A.primary prevention.
B.secondary prevention.
C.tertiary prevention. intervention.

In this situation, adolescents and young adults are being provided with services that are intended to reduce the likelihood of future drug abuse (relapse).

a. Incorrect Primary preventions emphasize counteracting harmful circumstances before they have an opportunity to produce mental or physical illness.
b. Incorrect Secondary preventions emphasize the early diagnosis and treatment of disorders.
c. CORRECTRehabilitation is the goal of tertiary preventions.
d. Incorrect This is a “made up” term.

The correct answer is: tertiary prevention.

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Madelyn M. strongly dislikes her older sister, Maxine, but goes out of her way to be nice to Maxine whenever they get together for family gatherings. From a psychoanalytic perspective, Madelyn is exhibiting which of the following defense mechanisms?
Select one:
C.reaction formation

Defense mechanisms are used by the ego to prevent conscious awareness of anxiety-producing impulses, thoughts, and desires. Although defense mechanisms vary with regard to their processes and manifestations, they all represent a distortion or denial of reality and operate unconsciously.

a. Incorrect Regression involves a return or retreat to a previous stage of development.
b. Incorrect Introjection involves ascribing the thoughts and behaviors of others to oneself in order to better control one’s affective responses to those thoughts and behaviors.
c. CORRECTReaction formation involves acting in a manner opposite to one’s inclinations; i.e., defending against a disturbing impulse by actively expressing its opposite.
d. Incorrect Displacement involves a transfer of unacceptable feelings associated with one object to a more acceptable or safe object.

The correct answer is: reaction formation

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An \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ intervention focuses on changing environmental conditions so that they better accommodate the characteristics of the individual.
Select one:

For the exam, you want to be familiar with the four terms listed in the answers to this question.
a. Incorrect Emic refers to a culture-specific approach that recognizes differences between cultures.
b. Incorrect Etic refers to a universalistic approach that applies universal principles to all cultures.
c. CORRECT An alloplastic intervention alters environmental conditions that contribute to or cause personal distress.
d. Incorrect An autoplastic intervention attempts to change the individual so that he/she can function more effectively in his/her environment.
The correct answer is: alloplastic

According to Gregory Herek (1992), violence against gays and lesbians is attributable to:
Select one:
D.sexual bias.

For the exam, you want to be familiar with the terms Herek uses as alternatives to homophobia – i.e., sexual stigma, heterosexism, and sexual prejudice. These are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a.CORRECTHerek attributes violence against homosexuals to heterosexism which he defines as an “ideological system that denies, denigrates, and stigmatizes among nonheterosexual forms of behavior, identity, relationships, or community” (p. 150). [Psychological heterosexism and anti-gay violence: The social psychology of bigotry. In G. M. Herek & K. T. Berrill,Hate crimes: Confronting violence against lesbians and gay men(pp. 149-169), Newbury Park, Sage, 1992].
b. Incorrect See explanation above.
c. Incorrect See explanation above.
d. Incorrect See explanation above.
The correct answer is: heterosexism.


As defined by Jung, “individuation” refers to:
Select one:
A.the process of developing a healthy style of life.
B.the process of overcoming an inferiority complex.
C.the integration of thoughts, feelings, and actions.
D.the integration of conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche.


Individuation is a key concept in Jung’s personality theory.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response d.
d.CORRECTJung described individuation as a lifelong process that consists of integrating or harmonizing components of the conscious and unconscious.
The correct answer is: the integration of conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche.


Research on Yalom’s (1985) curative factors in group therapy indicates that which of the following factors are likely to be cited as most important by group members?
Select one:
A.cohesion, interpersonal learning, catharsis, self-understanding
B.universality, hope, interpersonal learning, and identification
C.identification, intrapersonal understanding, catharsis, and family re-enactment
D.instillation of hope, mutual sharing, altruism, and insight


Yalom and others have conducted research to identify the curative factors that group members consider most important.

a.CORRECTAlthough the results of research on Yalom’s curative factors vary, depending on the type of therapy group, these four factors are often cited as most critical by group therapy members.

The correct answer is: cohesion, interpersonal learning, catharsis, self-understanding


Hans Eysenck’s (1952) review of psychotherapy outcome studies sparked controversy because of its conclusion that:
Select one:

A.behavioral therapies are more effective than insight-oriented therapies for most mental disorders.
B.people who receive therapy are no better off than those with similar problems who do not receive therapy.
C.most people who receive therapy experience a relapse within six months after termination of therapy.
D.people who terminate therapy prematurely are no better off than those who continue therapy until treatment goals have been achieved.


Eysenck (1952) based his conclusions about the effectiveness of psychotherapy on 24 outcome studies.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b. CORRECTEysenck concluded that the effects of psychotherapy are “small or nonexistent” and that any apparent positive effects may be due to spontaneous remission. Eysenck’s conclusions were criticized on methodological grounds.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.

The correct answer is: people who receive therapy are no better off than those with similar problems who do not receive therapy.


In therapy, a Native American family is likely to respond most positively to interventions that:
Select one:

A.reflect a value-free perspective.
B.reflect a spiritual, holistic orientation to life.
C.make a clear distinction between mental and physical well-being.
D.take into account the hierarchical structure of the family.


It is always important to take a therapy client’s culture into account when deriving a diagnosis and developing a treatment plan.

a. Incorrect When working with Native American clients, adopting a “value-free” perspective can lead to mistrust.
b. CORRECTNative American clients are likely to have a spiritual, holistic orientation to life that emphasizes harmony with nature.
c. Incorrect As a general rule, Native Americans do not make clear distinctions between mental and physical health.
d. Incorrect The structure of Native American families varies; however, families are usually not hierarchical.

The correct answer is: reflect a spiritual, holistic orientation to life.


Which of the following individuals is most likely to be admitted to a state or county psychiatric hospital?
Select one:

A.a single 38-year-old male
B.a married 61-year-old male
C.a divorced 52-year-old female
D.a married 23-year-old female


Admission rates to psychiatric hospitals have been linked to a number of demographic characteristics including gender, age, and marital status.

A.CORRECT -Admission rates to state and county psychiatric hospitals are higher for males than for females. In addition, psychiatric inpatients are more likely to be single (never married) and between the ages of 25 and 44.

The correct answer is: a single 38-year-old male

A psychologist develops a parent mentoring program for parents who have a history of abusing or neglecting their children. Participants will have access to nonabusive parents who will act as role models as well as support during times of crisis. This is an example of:
Select one:
A.primary prevention.
B.secondary prevention.
C.tertiary prevention.
D.ancillary prevention.

Methods of prevention are often categorized as primary, secondary, or tertiary. Additional information on the three methods of prevention is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter.
a. Incorrect Primary preventions are designed to keep a problem from developing.
b. Incorrect Secondary preventions are aimed at early identification and intervention.
c. CORRECT The goal of tertiary preventions is to prevent a problem from becoming chronic or to prevent relapse.
d. Incorrect See explanation above.
The correct answer is: tertiary prevention.


According to Irvin Yalom, during the first stage of a therapy group, you can expect members to:
Select one:

A.act in hostile ways toward the therapist as the result of resistance. mostly to each other while avoiding direct interactions with the therapist.
C.turn primarily to the therapist for answers to their questions.
D.struggle for power using subtle means.


Yalom describes the first few months of group therapy as involving three stages - orientation, hesitant participation, search for meaning, dependency; conflict, dominance, rebellion; and development of cohesiveness. For the exam, you want to be familiar with the characteristics of these stages, which are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a. Incorrect This is characteristic of the second stage.
b. Incorrect This is not characteristic of any of the stages described by Yalom.
c. CORRECTDuring the first stage of group therapy, members do talk to one another, but they are likely to address their questions to and seek support from the therapist.
d. Incorrect A struggle for power (but not necessarily using subtle means) is characteristic of the second stage.

The correct answer is: turn primarily to the therapist for answers to their questions.

Sue and Sue (2003) describe worldview - or the way that people perceive, evaluate, and react to the situations they encounter - in terms of locus of control and locus of responsibility. According to these investigators, the worldview of Caucasian middle-class therapists is characterized by an:
Select one:
A.internal locus of control and external locus of responsibility.
B.internal locus of control and internal locus of responsibility.
C.external locus of control and external locus of responsibility.
D.external locus of control and internal locus of responsibility.

Sue and Sue’s model distinguishes between four worldviews that reflect varying combinations of internal and external locus of control and locus of responsibility. Additional information about worldview is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.

b. CORRECTSue and Sue note that mainstream American culture “can be described as the epitome of the individual-centered approach that emphasizes uniqueness, independence, and self-reliance” (p. 277). These qualities reflect an internal locus of control and internal locus of responsibility.

c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.

d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.

The correct answer is: internal locus of control and internal locus of responsibility.


From the perspective of Jay Haley’s strategic family therapy, “symptoms” are primarily _____ phenomena.
Select one:



Haley’s strategic family therapy was influenced by the communication/interaction school of family therapy and focuses on communication and other interactions between family members.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
c. CORRECTFor strategic family therapists, a symptom is an interpersonal phenomenon that represents an attempt to control a relationship.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response c.

The correct answer is: interpersonal


Grief, role disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal deficits are the primary targets of:
Select one:

A.transactional analysis.
B.interpersonal psychotherapy.
C.reality therapy.
D.solution-focused therapy.


Recognizing that the four problem areas identified in this question (grief, role disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal deficits) are all related to interpersonal issues may have helped you identify the correct answer to this question even if you’re unfamiliar with interpersonal psychotherapy.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b. CORRECTPractitioners of interpersonal psychotherapy (ITP) focus on one or more of the problems areas identified in this question.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.

The correct answer is: interpersonal psychotherapy.


For practitioners of Minuchin’s structural family therapy, a symptom is:
Select one:

A.both the result and cause of dysfunctional communication patterns.
B.the result of a family projection process.
C.a reflection of an “impasse.”
D.a maladaptive reaction to stress.


A primary goal of structural family therapy is to restructure the family so that it is better able to adapt to maturational and situational stressors.

a. Haley’s strategic family therapy focuses on dysfunctional communication patterns.
b. Incorrect The family projection process is a focus of Bowen’s extended family systems therapy.
c. Incorrect An impasse is not a focus of structural family therapy.
d.CORRECTFor structural family therapists, developmental and environmental changes produce stress which a family can respond to in either a healthy or unhealthy way.
The correct answer is: a maladaptive reaction to stress.


People recalling childhood memories of a trauma for the first time while under hypnosis will usually:
Select one:
A.believe the accuracy of the memories while under hypnosis but, if the memories are untrue, will recognize that fact when no longer hypnotized.
B.believe the accuracy of the memories while under hypnosis but will be skeptical of those memories when no longer hypnotized whether or not the memories are true.
C.believe the accuracy of the memories while under hypnosis and will likely continue to believe them when no longer hypnotized whether or not the memories are true. able to distinguish between true and false memories both while hypnotized and when no longer hypnotized.


One of the problems with memories recalled under hypnosis is that people tend to be more certain about the accuracy of those memories, whether they are true or false.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
c.CORRECTThe research has shown that people are often more willing to accept false memories when those memories have been retrieved under hypnosis.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response c.
The correct answer is: believe the accuracy of the memories while under hypnosis and will likely continue to believe them when no longer hypnotized whether or not the memories are true.

A psychology intern responds with suspicion and hostility to his supervisor, which is the same way that a new therapy client is responding to him (the intern) in therapy. This illustrates which of the following?
Select one:
B.the therapeutic double-bind
C.diagnostic overshadowing
D.parallel process

In this situation, the intern is recreating the intern-client relationship in the intern-supervisor relationship.

a. Incorrect Triangulation has several definitions, depending on the context, but is not relevant to the situation described in this question. As defined by Minuchin, triangulation occurs when each parent demands that the child side with him/her against the other parent.

b. Incorrect The therapeutic double bind refers to paradoxical techniques that are used by therapists to elicit a client’s resistance and thereby foster the desired change.
c. Incorrect Diagnostic overshadowing is the tendency to attribute all of a client’s behavioral, social, and emotional problems to one salient characteristic (e.g., race or diagnosis) rather than consider alternative explanations.
d.CORRECTThe situation described in this question illustrates parallel process, which involves a combination of transference, countertransference, and projection in the client-supervisee/supervisee-supervisor relationship.
The correct answer is: parallel process


For Carl Rogers, incongruence between self and experience:
Select one:

A.motivates the change required for positive growth.
B.can lead to denial or distortion of the self or experience. a frequent cause of premature termination from therapy.
D.can lead to a failure identity.


According to Rogers, for an individual to achieve self-actualization, his/her sense of self must remain unified, organized, and whole.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b. CORRECTRogers believed that the self can become disorganized when there is incongruence between the self and experience. This occurs when the individual experiences conditions of worth (e.g., is given attention or affection only when he/she acts in certain ways.). Incongruence can lead to anxiety, which the individual may attempt to alleviate by denying or distorting the self and/or the experience.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response b.

The correct answer is: can lead to denial or distortion of the self or experience.


Research by Sue and his colleagues (1991) and others has found that matching a therapist and client in terms of race/ethnicity has which of the following effects?
Select one:
A.It improves treatment outcomes and reduces premature termination for clients from all ethnic/racial groups.
B.It reduces premature termination for clients from all ethnic/racial groups; but, for those who remain in therapy, it has little impact on overall treatment outcomes for clients from any ethnic/racial group.
C.It improves treatment outcomes and reduces premature termination for members of some groups but not always for others.
D.It has no little or no effect on treatment outcomes or premature termination for clients from any ethnic/racial group.


This is a difficult question since the research has produced inconsistent results with regard to the impact of therapist-client matching on treatment outcomes.

Answer C is correct. Sue et al. (1991) found that the effects of therapist-client matching in terms of race/ethnicity were more consistent for premature termination than for other therapy outcomes but that the effects varied from group to group. Therefore, this is the best answer of those given.

The correct answer is: It improves treatment outcomes and reduces premature termination for members of some groups but not always for others.


As defined by Murray Bowen, an emotional triangle is LEAST likely to develop in families when family members:
Select one:

A.are disengaged.
B.are highly differentiated.
C.have clear, overt rules that define their relationships. satisfaction rather than security in family relationships.


Familiarity with Bowen’s terminology would have helped you choose the correct response to this question.

a. Incorrect Disengagement is a term associated more with Minuchin than with Bowen.
b. CORRECT Differentiation is an important concept for Bowen, and he proposes that, when family members are highly differentiated, they are less likely to become emotionally fused with other family members.
c. Incorrect See explanation above.
d. Incorrect See explanation above.

The correct answer is: are highly differentiated.


During the first few sessions of family therapy, a structural family therapist makes use of “tracking” and “mimesis” in order to:
Select one:

A.join with the family system.
B.keep from becoming emotionally triangulated into the family system.
C.alter the family’s interactional patterns.
D.reduce stress in the family system.


As long as you know that joining is an initial strategy in structural family therapy, you could have identified the correct response to this question without knowing what tracking and mimesis are.

a. CORRECTTracking involves identifying and using the family’s values, life events, etc. in conversations; mimesis involves adopting the family’s communication and affective styles. Both are methods for joining the family system.
b. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response a.
d. Incorrect See explanation for response a.

The correct answer is: join with the family system.


The use of a screening test provided to high-risk individuals in order to determine who is likely to benefit from intervention is an example of _________ prevention.
Select one:



For the exam, you want to be able to distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary preventions so that you can answer questions like this one. Additional information about these approaches is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

a. Incorrect As defined by most experts, primary preventions are offered to groups of individuals rather than to specific individuals who have been identified as being at high-risk for a disorder.
b. CORRECTSecondary preventions are offered to specific individuals who have been identified as being at high risk by some type of screening procedure.
c. Incorrect Tertiary preventions are for people who have already developed a disorder and are aimed at reducing relapse and other negative consequences.
d. Incorrect This is not a type of prevention.

The correct answer is: secondary


As defined by ___________, “personal constructs” are bipolar dimensions of meaning that determine how a person perceives, interprets, and predicts events.
Select one:

A.William Glasser
B.Salvador Minuchin
C.George Kelly
D.Fritz Perls


The correct answer is C. This question should have been easy to answer as long as you’re familiar with the individual who developed Personal Construct Therapy. Alternatively, you may have been able to identify the correct answer through the process of elimination.Kelly’s Personal Construct Therapy is a constructivist therapy that focuses on how people “construe” events and proposes that construing involves reliance on personal constructs.

a. Incorrect William Glasser is associated with Reality Therapy.
b. Incorrect Salvador Minuchin is the person who developed Structural Family Therapy.
d. Incorrect Fritz Perls is associated with Gestalt Therapy.

The correct answer is: George Kelly


During the tenth meeting of a therapy group, one of the co-therapists openly disagrees with the reactions of the other co-therapist to one of the group members. According to Irvin Yalom, a leading authority in the field of group therapy, such open disagreement between co-therapists is:
Select one:

A.counterproductive and disruptive to the group process.
B.useful since it helps members see how disagreements can be resolved.
C.useful as long as one of the therapists takes the side of the group member.
D.useful as long as such open disagreement is an explicit group norm.


Yalom notes that “whether co-therapists should openly express disagreement during a group session is an issue of some controversy” (1985, p. 420). However, he believes that, in general, disagreement can be useful.

a. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
b. CORRECTYalom believes that disagreements between co-therapists may be inappropriate during the first few meetings of a therapy group but, in later sessions, can contribute to treatment by providing a “model-setting experience” for group members that shows them how disagreements can be resolved.
c. Incorrect See explanation for response b.
d. Incorrect Yalom does not qualify his support for disagreement with the requirement that it be an explicit group norm.

The correct answer is: useful since it helps members see how disagreements can be resolved.


A Freudian psychoanalyst is most likely to describe ___________ as explicitly connecting current behavior to unconscious processes.
Select one:

a. interpretation
b. clarification
c. confrontation
d. working through


Freudian psychoanalysis consists of a combination of confrontation, clarification, interpretation, and working through.

Answer A is correct:The goal of interpretation is to explicitly connect the client’s current behavior to unconscious processes and is most effective when it addresses motives and conflicts close to the client’s consciousness.

Answer B is incorrect: Clarification involves clarifying the client’s feelings by restating his or her remarks in clearer terms.

Answer C is incorrect: Confrontation involves making statements that help the client see his or her behavior in a new way.

Answer D is incorrect: Working through is the final stage of psychoanalysis and allows the client to gradually incorporate new insights into his or her personality.

The correct answer is: interpretation


As described by Jung, __________ are universal, generationally transmitted images that structure how people perceive their experiences.
Select one:

a. psychic schemata
b. basic mistakes
c. polarities
d. archetypes


Jung’s archetypes are elements of the collective unconscious and include the anima and animus, the shadow, and the self.

Answer D is correct:Jung described archetypes as “primordial images” that emerge in the form of dreams and visions and cause people to experience and understand certain phenomena in a universal way.

The correct answer is: archetypes


For Carl Jung, transference involves:
Select one:

a. a lack of individuation and self-realization.
b. projection of the personal and collective unconscious.
c. a distortion that the therapist will identify as a fantasy.
d. a symbolic manifestation of “disowned” parts of the self.


Like Freud, Jung considered transference to be an unconscious process in which feelings the client originally directed toward others are now being projected onto the therapist.

Answer B is correct:For Jung, the unconscious consists of both personal and collective elements and transferences consist of both of these elements.

The correct answer is: projection of the personal and collective unconscious.


In Freudian psychoanalysis, turning an undesirable impulse into its opposite is referred to as:
Select one:

a. projection.
b. reaction formation.
c. secondary process.
d. catharsis.


All of the terms listed in the answers are associated with Freud, but only one applies to the phenomenon described in this question.

Answer B is correct:Turning an undesirable impulse into its opposite (e.g., hostility into kindness) is the definition of reaction formation, which is one of the defense mechanisms used by the ego to reduce anxiety.

Answer A is incorrect: Projection involves attributing a threatening impulse to another person.

Answer C is incorrect: Secondary process thinking is used by the ego and involves rational thinking and planning. It is contrasted with primary process thinking, which is dominated by the instinctual needs of the id.

Answer D is incorrect:Catharsis is a release of emotions that results from the recall of unconscious material.

The correct answer is: reaction formation.


Margaret Mahler traced adult psychopathology to problems related to which of the following?
Select one:

a. separation-individuation
b. congruence between self and experience
c. the “primary process”
d. self-realization


Mahler, an objects relations theorist, viewed the early relationship between the infant and his or her caregiver to be critical for personality development.
Answer A is correct:Mahler described early development as involving several phases and subphases and traced psychopathology in adulthood to problems during the separation-individuation phase. Additional information about Mahler’s theory is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

The correct answer is: separation-individuation


According to Carl Rogers, which of the following leads to disorganization of the self?
Select one:

a. chronic boundary disturbances
b. incongruence between self and experience
c. inadequate resolution of the splitting of self and object
d. an inability to fulfill one’s needs in a responsible way


The self is a central concept in Rogers’s person-centered therapy.

Answer B is correct:Rogers proposed that the self becomes disorganized when the individual experiences incongruence between self and experience, which occurs when he or she is exposed to conditions of worth. Additional information on incongruence and conditions of worth is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
Answer A is incorrect: Boundary disturbances are of concern to Gestalt therapists.
Answer C is incorrect: Splitting is of interest to object relations theorists.

Answer D is incorrect: Reality therapists consider an inability to fulfill one’s needs in a responsible way as the cause of a “failure identity.”

The correct answer is: incongruence between self and experience


A Gestalt therapist would interpret a client’s transference as:
Select one:

a. a sign of progress.
b. a manifestation of resistance.
c. the client’s fantasy.
d. the result of “splitting.”


Knowing that Gestalt therapists focus on the “here-and-now” (current functioning) may have helped you identify the correct answer to this question.
Answer C is correct:Gestalt therapists consider a client’s transferences to be counterproductive and respond to transference by helping the client recognize the difference between his or her “transference fantasy” and reality.

The correct answer is: the client’s fantasy.


As described by Alfred Adler, a healthy style of life is characterized by:
Select one:

a. congruence between self and experience.
b. awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions in the here-and-now.
c. confidence, optimism, and concern about the welfare of others.
d. integration of conscious and unconscious elements of the psyche.


Style of life is a key concept in Adler’s individual psychology.
Answer C is correct:Adler distinguished between a healthy and an unhealthy style of life and proposed that social interest is the factor that distinguishes between the two. A person with a healthy style of life is concerned about the welfare of others.

The correct answer is: confidence, optimism, and concern about the welfare of others.


Carl Rogers proposed that a person may attempt to relieve anxiety by relying on which of the following?
Select one:

a. secondary process thinking
b. distortion or denial
c. introjection
d. accommodation or assimilation


Rogers proposed that incongruence between self and experience produces unpleasant physical sensations that are subjectively experienced as anxiety.
Answer B is correct:According to Rogers, a person may attempt to alleviate anxiety by distorting or denying experiences that produced the incongruence that caused the anxiety.

The correct answer is: distortion or denial


George Kelly’s (1955) personal construct theory focuses on the role of “personal constructs,” which Kelly describes as:
Select one:

a. bipolar dimensions of meaning.
b. “primordial images.”
c. misinterpretations of reality.
d. manifestations of the person’s “style of life.”


Kelly’s theory focuses on how people construe (perceive, interpret, and predict) events, with construing involving the use of personal constructs.

Answer A is correct:As defined by Kelly, personal constructs are mental templates that consist of a characteristic or other phenomenon and its perceived opposite (e.g., outgoing-shy, interesting-boring).

The correct answer is: bipolar dimensions of meaning.


Glasser’s (1998) reality therapy identifies which of the following as the primary source of motivation?
Select one:

a. basic innate needs
b. striving for superiority
c. the drive to become an integrated “whole”
d. unconscious conflicts


Reality therapy is based on the premise that everything a person does is for the purpose of satisfying his or her needs.

Answer A is correct:Glasser distinguished between five basic innate needs – survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun. A person’s ability to satisfy these needs in a responsible way determines whether he or she develops a success identity or a failure identity.

The correct answer is: basic innate needs


The goals of Gestalt therapy include helping the client recognize and satisfy needs and accept polarities that exist within his or her personality. A psychologist using a Gestalt approach would consider the key to achieving these goals to be which of the following?
Select one:

a. congruence
b. awareness
c. unconditional positive regard
d. cognitive restructuring


According to Gestalt theory, a well-functioning person is able to see the entirety of his or her immediate experience (i.e., the “gestalt”).

Answer B is correct:According to Gestalt principles, awareness of thoughts, emotions, behaviors, etc. in the “here-and-now” is sufficient to cause desired changes.
Answer A is incorrect: Congruence between self and experience is the goal of client-centered therapy.
Answer C is incorrect: Unconditional positive regard is a therapeutic technique used by client-centered therapists.
Answer D is incorrect: Cognitive restructuring is a focus of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The correct answer is: awareness


A solution-focused therapist is working with a husband and wife whose conversations frequently escalate to bitter fights. The therapist will most likely:

a. Reduce tension during therapy sessions by having the husband and wife talk directly to her rather than to each other when describing their arguments. (Bowenian)
b. Determine how motivated the husband and wife are to make changes in their relationship.
c. Ask the couple if they can remember a time when they were able to talk for an extended period of time without arguing.
d. Ask the couple to enact their most recent argument in the therapy session.


The correct answer is: C


Ramona, age 22, has been a smoker for nearly six years. Two of her friends recently stopped smoking and are pressuring her to stop. Ramona knows that smoking is bad for her health but she doesn’t know what to do about it. In addition, she justifies her smoking by saying she couldn’t get along without it and that her grandfather has smoked since he was a teenager and is still healthy. From the perspective of the transtheoretical model, Ramona is in which of the following stage of change?

a. Preparation
b. Precontemplation
c. Consensus
d. Contemplation


The correct answer is: D. She’s aware, but is ambivalent.



According to Irwin Yalom, which of the following is a necessary precondition for effective group therapy?

a. Cohesiveness
b. Installation of hope
c. Identification
d. Universality


The correct answer is: A. Cohesiveness is necessary to create change.


Person-centered therapists are most likely to interpret a client’s heart-palpitations, hyperventilation, tension headaches, and nausea as:

a. The result of an unresolved intrapsychic conflict.
b. A natural result of the “human condition.”
c. A manifestation of a denied threat to a unified self-concept.
d. The consequent of being unable to fulfill one’s own needs.


The correct answer is: C


After several session with her therapist, Macy M, age 24, starts acting toward the therapist as though he were Macy’s father. Assuming that the therapist is a practitioner of Gestalt therapy, he is most likely to respond to Macy’s transference by:

a. Interpreting it as a manifestation of resistance.
b. Asking Macy to describe her childhood relationship with her father.
c. Temporarily assuming the role of Macy’s father to facilitate the transference.
d. Helping Macy see the difference between her transference fantasy and reality.


The correct answer is: D


When faced with an “undifferentiated family ego mass,” a Bowenian therapist would most likely do which of the following?

a. Become emotionally triangulated into the family to facilitate assessment and promote change.
b. Use stress-provoking techniques to disrupt family homeostasis.
c. Work fist with the most mature family member to help him or her achieve a greater level of differentiation.
d. Use paradoxical techniques to foster resistance in family members


A. Bowenian therapist forms a THERAPEUTIC triangle, not an emotional triangle.
B. Minuchin
C. Correct
D. Hailey


A structural family therapist notices that, whenever Mr. Bahia talks, Mrs. Bahia and Bertha, their 13-year-old daughter, always contradict what he says or make fun of him. The therapist will most likely consider the behaviour of the mother and daughter to be which of the following?

a. Triangulation (when each parents demands child sides with him/her against other parent)
b. A stable coalition (when parent and child join together against other parent)
c. Detouring (when parents avoid dealing with conflicts in their own relationship and focus on child)
d. Scapegoating (a type of detouring and occurs when parents blame child for family’s problems)


The correct answer is: B


A cigarette smoker says that she has decided to quit smoking in the next two weeks and that she plans to use nicotine gum to help her “kick the habit.” According to the transtheoretical model, this person is in which of the following stages?
Select one:

a. preparation
b. contemplation
c. precontemplation
d. action


The transtheoretical model distinguishes between six stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. Additional information about these stages is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

Answer A is correct:A person is in the preparation stage when he or she has a clear intent to take action within the next month.

The correct answer is: preparation


A solution-focused therapist is working with a husband and wife whose conversations frequently escalate to bitter fights. The therapist will most likely:
Select one:

a. reduce tension during therapy sessions by having the husband and wife talk directly to her rather than to each other.
b. instruct the couple to take a ten-minute “time-out” whenever they begin to argue at home.
c. ask the couple if they can remember a time when they were able to talk for an extended period without arguing.
d. instruct the couple to argue with each other for at least one hour each evening.


As its name implies, solution-focused therapy focuses on solutions to problems rather than on the problems themselves.

Answer C is correct:The therapist is asking the couple to identify an exception to their problematic behavior, which is one of the techniques used by solution-focused therapists to identify solutions.

The correct answer is: ask the couple if they can remember a time when they were able to talk for an extended period without arguing.


During the first therapy session, a therapist asks a client to imagine that she wakes up the next morning and her problem has been solved. He then asks, “When this occurs, what will be the first sign that a miracle has happened?” Apparently, this therapist is a practitioner of:
Select one:

a. reality therapy.
b. personal construct therapy.
c. person-centered therapy.
d. solution-focused therapy.


The therapist in this question has posed the “miracle question.”

Answer D is correct:The miracle question is used by solution-focused therapists to help clients envision their lives without the presenting problem and identify ways for resolving that problem.

The correct answer is: solution-focused therapy.


Motivational interviewing combines the transtheoretical model of change with:
Select one:

a. psychoanalytic concepts.
b. reality therapy.
c. a behavioral approach.
d. a client-centered approach.


As its name implies, motivational interviewing focuses on a client’s motivation to change.

Answer D is correct:Motivational interviewing is especially useful for individuals in the precontemplation and contemplation stages (the first two stages proposed by the transtheoretical model of change). It combines a client-centered approach (e.g., emphasizes the importance of empathy) with the transtheoretical model and the concept of self-efficacy.

The correct answer is: a client-centered approach.


The techniques of consciousness raising, social liberation, dramatic relief, self-reevaluation, and reinforcement management are most associated with which of the following?
Select one:

a. interpersonal therapy
b. reality therapy
c. transtheoretical model
d. personal construct theory


For the exam, you want to be familiar with the basic premises and strategies of the four approaches listed in the answers to this question. This information is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

Answer C is correct:The transtheoretical model identifies 10 empirically supported strategies that include those listed in this question and proposes that an intervention is most effective when it matches the strategies used to the client’s stage of change.

The correct answer is: transtheoretical model


Unresolved grief, interpersonal role disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal deficits are the primary targets of:
Select one:

a. motivational interviewing.
b. solution-focused therapy.
c. reality therapy.
d. interpersonal therapy.


Recognizing that the four problems listed in the question are all related to interpersonal relationships would have helped you identify the correct answer to this question.
Answer D is correct:The interventions used in interpersonal therapy address one or more of four problem areas – unresolved grief, interpersonal role disputes, role transitions, and or or interpersonal deficits.

The correct answer is: interpersonal therapy.


A family therapist has been seeing a mother, father, and their two children in therapy for three months. Two days after a therapy session, the father calls the therapist to talk about a conflict he is having with his wife and tries to get the therapist to side with him. The next day, the wife calls the therapist and tries to get him to see things from her point of view. From the perspective of structural family therapy, this situation can be considered an example of:
Select one:

a. scapegoating
b. mimesis
c. triangulation
d. detouring


Minuchin, the founder of structural family therapy, distinguished between three types of rigid triads – detouring, stable coalition, and triangulation.

Answer C is correct:Triangulation is one of the rigid triads identified by Minuchin. Though originally defined as involving parents and a child, triangulation can also refer to any triad in which two parties attempt to involve a third party in their conflict and demand the third party’s loyalty.

Answer A is incorrect: Scapegoating occurs when family members blame one member (often the “identified patient”) for the family’s problem.

Answer B is incorrect: Mimesis refers to joining a family system by mirroring (imitating) its style, tempo, and affect.

Answer D is incorrect: Detouring is another rigid triad. It is occurring when parents avoid conflicts between them by focusing on a child.

The correct answer is: triangulation.


As defined by Murray Bowen, an “emotional triangle” serves which of the following functions?
Select one:

a. It alleviates “boundary disturbances” between family members.
b. It increases differentiation among family members.
c. It reduces anxiety and tension between family members.
d. It helps the therapist “join” the family system.


Bowen considered an emotional triangle to be a basic building block in a family’s emotional system.

Answer C is correct:According to Bowen, when a two-person system such as a husband-wife or parent-child experiences instability or stress, it may form an emotional triangle by recruiting a third person into the system in order to increase stability and reduce tension and anxiety.

The correct answer is: It reduces anxiety and tension between family members.


A structural family therapist would most likely use which of the following techniques when working with a family consisting of a mother and father who constantly argue, a teenage son who is overly dependent on his mother, and a 9-year-old daughter who has asthma and other physical symptoms?
Select one:

a. pointing out and discussing the origins of dysfunctional transactions between family members when they occur
b. helping the parents understand how unresolved family-of-origin issues are impacting their relationships with each other and their children
c. becoming therapeutically “triangled” into the spousal dyad to reduce tension and increase stability
d. blending with the family by adopting its language, behaviors, and style


A distinctive feature of Minuchin’s structural family therapy is its use of “joining.”
Answer D is correct:Joining entails blending with the family by adopting its language, behaviors, style, etc.

The correct answer is: blending with the family by adopting its language, behaviors, and style


Bateson and his colleagues (1956) described double-bind communication as a cause of which of the following?
Select one:

a. suicide
b. divorce
c. Schizophrenia
d. Anorexia Nervosa


Double-bind communication involves receipt of contradictory messages (often one verbal and one nonverbal) with an inability to comment on those messages.
Answer C is correct:Bateson et al. (1956) identified double-bind communication as an etiological factor in the development of Schizophrenia in a family member.

The correct answer is: Schizophrenia


During a family therapy session, the therapist tells the wife that her husband’s constant criticism of her and the children is actually an expression of his love for them. This is an example of which of the following?
Select one:

a. restraining
b. reframing
c. prescribing
d. positioning


For the exam, you want to be familiar with all of the paradoxical interventions listed in the answers to this question. These are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

Answer B is correct:Reframing involves describing a problematic behavior in a way so that it can be viewed as positive or functional which, in turn, fosters a different response to that behavior.

The correct answer is: reframing


During an argument, a husband and wife keep trying to outdo one another in terms of insults. This is one of the possible outcomes of:
Select one:

a. high-context communication
b. low-context communication
c. complementary communication
d. symmetrical communication


For the exam, you want to be familiar with the differences between low- versus high-context communication and between complementary versus symmetrical communication. These are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
Answer D is correct:In symmetrical communication, the communicators have equal status. A possible negative outcome of this type of communication is that it may escalate into a “one-upsmanship” game.

The correct answer is: symmetrical communication.


According to Irvin Yalom, in group therapy, increased willingness to self-disclose by group members is the result of:
Select one:

a. the development of cohesiveness.
b. the development of realistic expectations.
c. a by-product of transference.
d. the therapist’s authority.


Yalom describes the first few months of a therapy group as involving three stages. In the third stage, members begin to develop trust and a sense of unity and are increasingly willing to self-disclose.
Answer A is correct:Yalom attributed increased participation, self-disclosure, adherence to group norms, etc. to be due to the development of group cohesiveness.

The correct answer is: the development of cohesiveness.


After a therapy group has been together for several months, its members start criticizing the group leader for not disclosing any information about herself. Yalom, a well-known authority on group therapy, would most likely recommend to the therapist that she:
Select one:

a. explain to group members that self-disclosure on her part would be counterproductive.
b. ask the members why they want her to disclose information about herself.
c. begin to self-disclose information about herself in a responsible manner.
d. recognize that this is a normal stage in group therapy and ignore the criticisms.


Yalom attributes the tendency of therapists NOT to self-disclose to the traditional psychoanalytic belief that the therapist must remain neutral (“opaque”) in order to encourage the development of transference. He argues, however, that other therapeutic factors may be more important.
Answer C is correct:Yalom advocates some self-disclosure, pointing out that by self-disclosing, therapists act as role models and thereby facilitate interpersonal learning. He notes, however, that self-disclosure must be well-timed and made through a “filter of responsibility.”

The correct answer is: begin to self-disclose information about herself in a responsible manner.


In comparison to repressed memories recalled without hypnosis, under hypnosis, you would be most likely to recall:
Select one:

a. more memories in general with more false memories.
b. more memories in general with fewer false memories.
c. fewer memories in general with more false memories.
d. fewer memories in general with fewer false memories.


The results of research suggest that using hypnosis to help individuals recall repressed memories can have negative consequences.

Answer A is correct:The studies have found that hypnosis produces more memories but that many of these memories are inaccurate or confabulated.

The correct answer is: more memories in general with more false memories.


In feminist therapy, if a client says she feels that the therapist is in a position of power over her, the therapist is most likely to:
Select one:

a. provide empathic support.
b. use the power differential to therapeutic advantage.
c. acknowledge the inherent power differential.
d. reassure the client that the relationship is egalitarian.


A concern for feminist therapists is the power differential that is inherent in the therapist-client relationship.

Answer C is correct:A feminist therapist’s first reaction to concerns about the power differential is to acknowledge it and then to work toward minimizing it.

The correct answer is: acknowledge the inherent power differential.


_____________ is based on the premise that illness is due to a blockage of vital life energy.
Select one:

a. Acupuncture
b. Reflexology
c. Curanderismo
d. Hypnosis


For the exam, you want to be familiar with the information provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter on complementary and alternative medicine and indigenous healing practices so that you can answer questions like this one on the licensing exam.

Answer A is correct:Acupuncture is based on the assumption that the body contains a vital life energy (qi) and that blockage of this energy causes illness.

Answer B is incorrect: Reflexology is based on the assumption that areas in the hands and feet correspond to the glands, organs, and other parts of the body.

Answer C is incorrect: Curanderismo is based on the assumption that illness arises from natural and supernatural forces.

Answer D is incorrect: Hypnosis is not based on the assumption described in this question.

The correct answer is: Acupuncture


Self-in-relation theory is an approach to feminist object relations theory and differs from traditional object relations theory in:
Select one:

a. its denial of basic gender differences.
b. its incorporation of biological factors into interpersonal explanations for gender differences.
c. its explanation of gender differences in terms of same-gender versus opposite-gender influences in the mother-child relationship.
d. its minimization of the mother’s role in determining gender differences.


Self-in-relation theorists (e.g., Okun, 1990) extend traditional object relations theory by emphasizing the differences in socialization that occur because of the same-gender versus opposite-gender relationship between mother and child.
Answer C is correct:According to this view, the mother’s socialization practices differ, depending on the gender of her child. Specifically, girls are taught to stay connected (attached) to the mother, while boys are taught to separate. Feminist therapists have discussed how this difference contributes to gender differences in a variety of domains (e.g., achievement, moral development).

The correct answer is: its explanation of gender differences in terms of same-gender versus opposite-gender influences in the mother-child relationship.


A prevention program involves identifying children who exhibit early signs of emotional disturbance so they can be provided with special assistance from teacher’s aides and other paraprofessionals. This is an example of:
Select one:

a. primary intervention.
b. secondary prevention.
c. tertiary prevention.
d. developmental intervention.


For the exam, you want to be able to distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention so that you can answer questions like this one on the exam. Information about these types of prevention is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
Answer B is correct:Secondary preventions entail the early identification of at-risk individuals who have not yet developed a full-blown disturbance and providing them with an appropriate intervention.

The correct answer is: secondary prevention.


A program designed to improve the interpersonal skills of residents of a retirement community would be classified as a “primary prevention” when it is offered:
Select one:

a. to residents who have been identified by staff as being socially isolated.
b. to residents who are currently being treated for depression.
c. to residents who obtain low scores on a measure of interpersonal functioning.
d. to all residents who want to participate.


Primary preventions are designed to intervene before a problem occurs and are offered to all members of a group or population.

Answer D is correct:When a program is offered to all members of a group or population rather than to specific individuals (e.g., to all residents of a retirement community), it is a primary prevention.
Answer A is incorrect: When a program or treatment is provided to specific individuals who have been identified as being at-risk (i.e., as already exhibiting signs of the problem), it is classified as a secondary prevention.
Answer B is incorrect: A program for individuals who are being treated for depression would be a tertiary prevention. The goal of tertiary preventions is to reduce the long-term consequences of an existing problem.
Answer C is incorrect: Offering the program to individuals who have been identified as at-risk by low scores on a measure of interpersonal functioning is an example of secondary prevention.

The correct answer is: to all residents who want to participate.


A psychology intern responds to her supervisor in the same way that a new client is responding to her (the intern) in therapy. This is referred to as:
Select one:

a. projective identification.
b. the therapeutic double-bind.
c. diagnostic overshadowing.
d. parallel process.


This question describes parallel process.

Answer D is correct:Parallel process involves a combination of transference, countertransference, and projection in the client-supervisee-supervisor relationship and occurs when a supervisee (e.g., intern) replicates problems in the supervisor-supervisee relationship that are occurring in the supervisee-client relationship.

The correct answer is: parallel process.


As described by Gerald Caplan, “theme interference” is:
Select one:

a. a barrier to primary prevention.
b. a type of transference.
c. a contributor to family dysfunction.
d. a hindrance to positive health behavior.


Knowing that Gerald Caplan is associated with mental health consultation would have helped you eliminate Answers A, C, and D.
Answer B is correct:Caplan described theme interference as a type of transference that occurs when a past unresolved conflict related to a particular type of client or situation interferes with a consultant’s ability to remain objective in a current situation.

The correct answer is: a type of transference.


The Health Belief Model (Becker, 1974) emphasizes which of the following?
Select one:

a. the individual’s locus of control.
b. the individual’s level of “hardiness.”
c. the individual’s tendency toward optimistic thinking.
d. the individual’s readiness to take action.


Becker’s (1974) Health Belief Model identifies several factors that influence a person’s health-related behaviors.
Answer D is correct:The individual’s readiness to take a particular action is one of the factors identified by the Health Belief Model and is affected by the person’s perceived susceptibility to an illness and perceived severity of that illness. The other factors addressed by the Health Belief Model are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

Answer A is incorrect: Locus of control is the focus of the Health Locus of Control Model.

Answer B is incorrect: Hardiness has been identified as a personality characteristic that is associated with a lower susceptibility to illness and is not part of the Health Belief Model.

Answer C is incorrect: Optimistic thinking is not one of the elements of the Health Belief Model.

The correct answer is: the individual’s readiness to take action.


Which of the following is an example of consultee-centered case consultation?
Select one:

a. helping a teacher recognize the early signs of drug abuse in high school students
b. helping a therapist develop a treatment plan for a client with a disorder the therapist is unfamiliar with
c. helping company managers identify methods for improving their ability to design effective employeetrainingprograms
d. helping a school administrator identify ways to improve the effectiveness of a current teachertrainingprogram


For the exam, you want to be familiar with the four approaches to mental health consultation described by Caplan (1970). Additional information about these approaches is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

Answer A is correct:In consultee-centered case consultation, the focus is on the skills, knowledge, and objectivity of the consultee, and the goal is to improve the consultee’s functioning so that he or she can work more effectively with members of a target group or population in the future.

Answer B is incorrect: This is an example of client-centered case consultation.

Answer C is incorrect: This is an example of consultee-centered administrative consultation.

Answer D is incorrect: This is an example of program-centered administrative consultation.

The correct answer is: helping a teacher recognize the early signs of drug abuse in high school students.


To overcome intercultural communication barriers in therapy, a therapist would be best advised to adopt which of the following approaches?

a. Emic
b. Etic
c. Alloplastic
d. Autoplastic


Etic is more likely to create communication barriers.
T = T UniversalisTIC (universal ideas apply to all cultures)

Answer A is the Correct Response.


According to Cross, An African American adult in which of the following stages of racial identity development is likely to state that racial discrimination is NOT a concern for him and that he prefers to see a white therapist?

a. Conformity
b. Pre-encounter
c. Immersion-emersion
d. Dissonance


Answer B is the Correct Response.


Which of the following is an example of Gerald Caplan’s consultee-centred case consultation?

a. A consultant is hired by a colleague to resolve a diagnostic dilemma she is having with a new client.
b. A consultant helps a teacher acquire the behaviour modification skills she needs to reduce disruptions in her class.
c. A consultant is hired by a school district to help administrators evaluate an existing screening program for children with mild to moderate behavioural problems.
d. A consultant develops and delivers a workshop for managers designed to improve their programme development and evaluation skills.

A = client-centred case consultation (focus is on a specific client)
B = consultant is helping consultee improve her skills
C = focus on programme (i.e., programme-centred administrative consultation)
D = consultee-centred administrative consultation (focus on managers of programmes)

Answer B is the Correct Response.


According to Howard et al.’s (1996) phase model, which of the following is most likely to be affected during the remoralisation phase of psychotherapy?

a. Coping skills
b. Severity of Symptoms
c. Insight
d. Feelings of Hopefulness


Answer D is the Correct Response.


According to Cross’s Black Racial Identity Development Model, an African American individual in the emersion substage of the immersion-emersion stage will exhibit which of the following?
Select one:

a. internal conflicts related to his or her attitudes toward Whites
b. a lack of interest in race and racism
c. rejection of all aspects of White culture
d. adoption of a multicultural perspective


The most recent version of Cross’s model (Cross and Vandiver, 2001) distinguishes beween four stages of racial identity development: pre-encounter, encounter, immersion-emersion, and internalization. For information about this model, see the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
Answer C is correct:Race and racial identity have high salience during the immersion-emersion stage. A person in the immersion substage idealizes Blacks and Black culture and feels a great deal of rage toward Whites. A person in the emersion substage has less intense feelings but continues to reject all aspects of the White culture and begins to internalize a Black identity.

The correct answer is: rejection of all aspects of White culture


A Chinese American client tells you that he doesn’t identify with either the Chinese or the White culture. In terms of Berry et al.’s (1987) model of acculturation, this client is best described as:
Select one:

a. separated.
b. marginalized.
c. alienated.
d. encapsulated.


Berry and his colleagues describe acculturation status in terms of four categories: integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization. Additional information about Berry’s model is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.

Answer B is correct:According to Berry, a person is marginalized when he or she does not accept the characteristics of either culture (his or her own culture or the dominant culture).

The correct answer is: marginalized.


During the initial session with an American Indian family, a White therapist would be best advised to:
Select one:

a. refer the family to an American Indian therapist.
b. ensure that she establishes a “value free” environment.
c. assess each family member’s level of acculturation before developing a treatment plan.
d. treat the family like any other family unless she sees reason to do otherwise.


Although it’s always important not to stereotype or overgeneralize when working with members of a particular groups, some general guidelines are useful to help ensure that these individuals are provided with effective services.
Answer C is correct:An initial step when working with clients from culturally diverse groups is to identify the client’s stage of racial or ethnic identity development, degree of acculturation, and worldview.

The correct answer is: assess each family member’s level of acculturation before developing a treatment plan.


In most African American families, male-female relationships are:
Select one:

a. matriarchical.
b. patriarchical.
c. egalitarian.
d. anarchic.


Contrary to a widely-accepted stereotype, African American families are not usually matriarchical.

Answer C is correct:Roles within African American families are often flexible and relationships between men and women tend to be egalitarian.

The correct answer is: egalitarian.


Research has supported Helms’s (1995) prediction that White therapists whose attitudes and beliefs are consistent with the ________ status are most effective when working with clients from racial or ethnic minority groups.
Select one:

a. reintegration
b. autonomy
c. integrative awareness
d. identity commitment


You’ll want to be familiar with the characteristics of the six statuses of Helms’s White Racial Identity Development Model for the exam. The statuses and their characteristics are described in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
Answer B is correct:Knowing that autonomy is the last status in Helms’s model would have helped you identify the correct answer to this question. Research has confirmed that therapists of this status are most effective when working with clients from racial or ethnic minority groups.

The correct answer is: autonomy


Savin-Williams and Diamond (2000) compared the sexual identity trajectories of male and female sexual minority youth and found that gay males had an earlier onset than lesbians for all milestones except:
Select one:

a. first same-sex attraction.
b. self-labeling as a homosexual.
c. first same-sex sexual contact.
d. first disclosure of sexual orientation.


Savin-Williams and Diamond compared the sexual identity trajectories of male and female sexual minority youth in terms of the four milestones listed in the answers to this question.
Answer D is correct:These investigators found that adolescent males had an earlier onset for all milestones except first disclosure of sexual orientation to another person (i.e., the age at first disclosure was not significantly different for males and females).

The correct answer is: first disclosure of sexual orientation.

Sue and Sue (2003) describe "worldview" as consisting of two dimensions - locus of control and locus of responsibility. Within this framework, the culture of the White middle-class in the United States is best described as reflecting an:
Select one:

a. internal locus of control and internal locus of responsibility.
b. internal locus of control and external locus of responsibility.
c. external locus of control and external locus of responsibility.
d. external locus of control and internal locus of responsibility.


Sue and Sue’s model distinguishes between four types of worldview that reflect a different combination of levels of locus of control and locus of responsibility. Additional information about this model is provided in the Clinical Psychology chapter of the written study materials.
Answer A is correct:According to Sue and Sue, the dominant culture in the United States (i.e., the culture of the White middle-class) exemplifies the IC-IR philosophy through it emphasis on individualism, independence, and self-reliance.

The correct answer is: internal locus of control and internal locus of responsibility.


When working with a middle-aged Asian couple who recently immigrated to the United States, a therapist is best advised to adopt the role of:
Select one:

a. knowledgeable expert.
b. egalitarian collaborator.
c. interested listener.
d. friendly coach.


Asian and Asian-American clients, especially those who have astrong ethnic identity or who have not assimilated into the dominant(mainstream) culture, generally prefer structured goal-oriented approaches to therapy.

Answer A is correct:Of the roles listed in the responses, this onebest describes the most effective role for therapists working with Asianclients, especially those who are recent immigrants.
Answer B is incorrect: Asian clients are likely to expect the therapist tobe an expert rather than a colleague.
Answer C is incorrect: “Interested listener” suggests a passive approach, which is notusually the best one when working with Asian clients.
Answer D is incorrect: When working with Asian clients, a more formalapproach, especially during initial sessions, is usually most effective.

The correct answer is: knowledgeable expert.


Methods used to encourage healthy behaviors as known as _______:
Select one:

a. Resilience
b. Bismarck model
c. Health promotion
d. Evidence-based treatments


The correct answer is C. Health promotion refers to methods that promote and encourage healthy behaviors, including advertisement and online education. Resilience is the psychological capacity to cope with socio-environmental challenges, so A is incorrect. Answer B, the Bismarck model, is a healthcare approach, which is incorrect. Evidence-based treatments (answer D) may include health promotion, but this is not the correct answer.


Telepsychology is generally defined as:
Select one:

a. The use of the telephone, text, e-mail, chats, interactive tele-video conferencing technologies, or VR for treatment of mental health disorders
b. Watching a psychologist on television
c. A video-chat session with a therapist who lives in another state
d. Texting an anonymous crisis hotline


The correct answer is A. Answers C and D are examples of telepsychology, however, answer A is a much more comprehensive definition. Answer B would not be considered telepsychology.


Trainingin the use of evidence-based treatments should include which of the following?
Select one:
a.Local and large-scale implementation
b.Facilitating partnerships with community agencies and practitioners
c.Neither A or B
d.Both A and B


The correct answer is D. A comprehensive model oftrainingindividuals in the use of EBTs should involve implementation on both local and large scales, as well as partnerships between community agencies and EBT practitioners.


Which of the following are key functions of supervision?
Select one:

a. Administration
b. Teaching
c. Helping
d. All of the above


The answer is D. While there is no universally accepted definition of supervision, most contemporary definitions include administration, teaching, and helping.


Which of the following is NOT a healthcare approach?
Select one:

a. The private model
b. The identity development model
c. The Bismarck model
d. The Beveridge model


The correct answer is B. The private model, Beveridge model, and Bismarck model are all approaches to healthcare, while the identity development model may refer to racial or sexual identity development.


An advantage of using treatment manuals in clinical practice is that they:
Select one:

a. ensure that the clinician incorporates effective nonspecific factors into an intervention.
b. reduce the need fortrainingand supervision in the selection and application of empirically supported treatments.
c. make it easier for a clinician to adapt a treatment to the individual needs of a client.
d. provide the clinician with concrete examples that illustrate the appropriate application of an intervention.


The use of treatment manuals in clinical practice continues to be controversial, with experts citing both advantages and disadvantages.

Answer D is correct:Most current treatment manuals provide information on the delivery of empirically supported treatments and include concrete examples. Therefore, of the answers given, this is the best one. See, e.g., M. J. Lambert et al., Compendium of current psychotherapy treatment manuals, in G. P. Koocher, J. C. Norcross, and S. S. Hill (Eds.), Psychologists’ desk reference (pp. 202-209), New York, Oxford, 1998.

Answer A is incorrect: One of the criticisms of treatment manuals is that they do not take effective nonspecific factors into account.

Answer B is incorrect: Use of a treatment manual does not eliminate the need for adequatetrainingand supervision.

Answer C is incorrect: Another criticism of treatment manuals is that they reduce a clinician’s flexibility in applying an intervention to individual clients.

The correct answer is: provide the clinician with concrete examples that illustrate the appropriate application of an intervention.


Based on his review of the psychotherapy outcome studies, Hans Eysenck (1952) concluded that:
Select one:

a. treated and untreated patients show very little improvement in symptoms.
b. treated and untreated patients both show improvement but are indistinguishable in terms of amount of improvement.
c. treated patients are consistently “better off” than untreated patients in terms of symptom improvement.
d. untreated patients are often “better off” than treated patients in terms of symptom improvement.


The debate about the effectiveness of psychotherapy was fueled in the 1950s by the results of Eysenck’s study.
Answer D is correct:Eysenck found that 72% of untreated neurotic adults improved, while only 66% of those receiving eclectic therapy and 44% of those receiving psychoanalytic psychotherapy showed a substantial decrease in symptoms.

The correct answer is: untreated patients are often “better off” than treated patients in terms of symptom improvement.


Howard et al. (1996) found that, after 26 sessions of therapy, approximately ___ percent of therapy patients showed measurable improvement in symptoms.
Select one:

a. 35
b. 55
c. 75
d. 95


Howard and his colleagues found that, up to a point, the longer the duration of therapy, the better its effects. They referred to this as the dose-dependent effect.
Answer C is correct:The results of Howard et al.’s research indicated that, after 26 weeks of therapy, about 75% of patients exhibited measurable benefits.

The correct answer is: 75


Research investigating the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy as a treatment for depression for older adults suggests that:
Select one:

a. older adults benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy when its duration is brief (less than 12 sessions).
b. older adults benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy, especially when it is conducted at a slower pace.
c. older adults benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy only when their therapist is the same gender and similar in terms of age.
d. older adults are not likely to benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy.


The studies have generally confirmed that older adults benefit from a variety of forms of psychotherapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Answer B is correct:While older adults generally benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy, its effects are maximized when it is modified to fit the needs of members of this population. One effective modification is to present therapy at a slower pace.

The correct answer is: older adults benefit from cognitive-behavioral therapy, especially when it is conducted at a slower pace.


The first use of meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy is attributed to:
Select one:

a. Jacobson and Christensen.
b. Eysenck.
c. Smith and Glass.
d. Howard and colleagues


Meta-analysis was originally used by Karl Pearson in 1904 to evaluate the extent to which smallpox inoculation increased survival rates. At that time, the technique was not known as “meta-analysis.”
Answer C is correct:It was not until the 1970s that the term “meta-analysis” was introduced by Smith and Glass who also refined the technique and were the first to apply it to psychotherapy outcome studies. See M. L. Smith and G. V. Glass, Meta-analysis of psychotherapy outcome studies, American Psychologist, 1977, 32, 752-760.

The correct answer is: Smith and Glass.


Which of the following groups has the highest rate of admission as inpatients to state and county psychiatric hospitals?
Select one:

a. married men
b. never married men
c. married women
d. never married women


The statistics on psychiatric hospital admission rates vary from study to study. However, most studies report that the highest rates are for never married men.
Answer B is correct:The data indicate that never married men have the highest rate of admission.
Answer A is incorrect: The admission rate for married men is lower than the rate for never married men.
Answer C is incorrect: In state and county hospitals, never married women have higher admission rates than married women, while the reverse is true for private hospitals. However, in either case, the rate for women is lower than the rate for men.
Answer D is incorrect: See explanations above.

The correct answer is: never married men


Data published by Hans Eysenck in 1952:

a. Confirmed the effectiveness of behavioural treatments for a variety of psychological disorders
b. Confirmed the “Dodo bird” hypothesis, which predicts that various types of treatment are equally effective for a variety of psychological disorders
c. Challenged the notion of “spontaneous remission”
d. Challenged the effectiveness of conventional psychotherapeutic interventions


The correct answer is D.


A psychologist who is an expert in the field in geriatrics is hired by the designers of a retirement facility to make recommendations regarding the design of shared (community) spaces so that the social isolation of residents will be minimized. This is an example of:

a. Tertiary prevention
b. Secondary prevention
c. Primary prevention
d. Strategic prevention


The correct answer is C.


Smith, Glass, and Miller’s (1980) meta-analysis of studies investigating the outcomes of psychotherapy found that, at the end of therapy, the average client “is better off than ____ percent of those who need therapy but remain untreated.”

a. 50
b. 65
c. 80
d. 95


The correct answer is C.

Effect size = .85


A therapist adopting an etic approach:

a. Believes that psychologic principle are universally applicable
b. Views different cultures in relativistic terms
c. Focus on environmental factors that affect individual functioning
d. Is equally comfortable in multiple cultures


The correct answer is A.


According to Cross, an African-American adult in which of the following stages of identify development is likely to say that racial oppression is not a contributor to his problems and that he prefers to see a white therapist?

a. Disintegration
b. Pre-encounter
c. Emersion
d. Pseudo-Independence


The correct answer is B.


According to Sue (1978), most middle-class European Americans have:

a. An internal locus of control and an internal locus of responsibility.
b. An internal locus of control and an external locus of responsibility
c. An external locus of control and an internal locus of responsibility.
d. An external locus of contra and an external locus of responsibility.


The correct answer is A.