human disease and therapeutics 2020

This class was created by Brainscape user Cutler Frandsen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (60)

Introduction to the nervous system
What is the control center of the...,
What is released from the nerve t...,
What are two types of terminals
54  cards
Introduction to the nervous system lecture 2
What classification is a serotonin,
What is the precursor to make ace...,
What combines with choline to mak...
33  cards
Autonomics lecture 1
The autonomic nervous system is c...,
In you ganglion what are all the ...,
What type of receptor do you find...
50  cards
Autonomics lecture 2
What are examples of cholinestera...,
What is the indication of bethane...,
What is the indication of pilocar...
77  cards
Autonomics lecture 3
Why can peripheral resistance dec...,
Why can peripheral resistance inc...,
What does the heart rate go up wh...
65  cards
Dr. Smith Epilepsy and Anti seizure drugs
What is a finite clinical manifes...,
What is a syndrome characterized ...,
What is a sequence of events that...
78  cards
CNS degenerative disorders
What two components do you see in...,
When do you start to see manifest...,
What are eight mechanisms that ca...
55  cards
CNS degenerative disorders Lecture #2
What does huntingtons disease affect,
What are the clinical manifestati...,
Huntingtons disease is associated...
39  cards
CNS degenerative disorders lecture #3
What are they ways to manage dent...,
What are the clinical manifestati...,
What type of disease is ms
40  cards
Pain lecture 1
T f the brain has nociceptors,
What is pain,
What are the elements of pain
16  cards
Pain lecture 2
What are pain tranducers known as,
What are the different types of n...,
What are mechanical subtypes of n...
52  cards
Pain lecture 3
Nociceptive pain is normally term...,
Where do you find the periacquedu...,
What are the endogenous opioid pe...
23  cards
Pain treatment lecture 1
What factors should you consider ...,
What are the two types of pain,
In the brain what are ways to man...
25  cards
Pain treatment lecture 2
What do ibuprofen type nsaids do,
What amount of ibuprofen is neede...,
What amount of ibuprofen is neede...
40  cards
Psychopath lecture 1
What is axis 1,
What is axis 2,
What is axis 3
37  cards
Psychopath lecture 2
What are the physical findings in...,
What is the neurochemistry of sch...,
What is the genetic predispositio...
59  cards
Psychopath lecture 3
In stress what happens to the sym...,
What are the normal types of anxi...,
What are the symptoms of chronic ...
37  cards
Psychopath lecture 4
What is adhd add characterized by,
What do you see with adhd,
What do you see with add
15  cards
Drug addiction
What causes dependence of a drug,
What is addiction,
All abused substances enhance what
31  cards
What is anesthesia,
When doing anesthesia what do you...,
What early doctors used nitrous o...
32  cards
Anesthesia lecture 2
How are most modern inhaled anest...,
What type of pts should you not u...,
What can prolonged exposure to ni...
36  cards
What is alcohol use disorder,
What is binge drinking,
Why do people misuse or abuse alc...
29  cards
Intro to pathology TEST 2
What is the leading cause of death,
What is the 2nd and 3rd leading c...,
What is hypertrophy
31  cards
Circulatory disorders TEST 2
What is edema,
What is effusion,
What are thrombi or emboli
20  cards
Circulatory disorders lecture 2 TEST 2
What is essential hypertension,
What is secondary hypertension,
What are some common causes of se...
64  cards
Heart disease TEST 2
How long does stable angina last,
What relieves stable angina,
What type of angina is associated...
54  cards
Hypertension TEST 2
What are the major classes of ant...,
Where do diuretics act,
What do diuretics do
60  cards
CVS Therapeutics
What are the mechanisms of antian...,
What class of antianginals decrea...,
What do nitrates nitrites do
56  cards
Kidney pathology
What are the most common causes o...,
What can cause halitosis in kidne...,
What is nephrotic syndrome
42  cards
Lung pathology
What is atelectasis collapse,
What can cause atelectasis,
What can atelectasis give rise to
52  cards
Hemotological pathology
What does a leukocyte count include,
What is a normal wbc,
What is a normal neutrophil count
35  cards
Platelets, coagulation and bleeding
What are the components primary h...,
What are the components of second...,
What converts fibrinogen soluble ...
43  cards
Pulmonary Pharmacology
Who is asthma most prevalent in,
What are reliever drugs used for ...,
What type of drugs are relievers ...
49  cards
Renal Pharmacology
What are the treatments for small...,
What is the treatment of r large ...,
What type of stones are most kidn...
21  cards
What pathway is sensitive to heparin,
What are the side effects of heparin,
What is a heparin like drugs that...
20  cards
What is the definition of diabetes,
What percent of the us population...,
How many people die a year in the...
38  cards
Thyroid diseases
Thyroid disease is very common wh...,
What does excessive activation of...,
What are some infrequent ectopic ...
31  cards
Parathyroid diseases
What is the function of the parat...,
What does low calcium do,
What regulates pth release
23  cards
Pituitary disease
What is the brains endocrine gland,
What does the pituitary secrete t...,
What does the anterior pituitary do
23  cards
Diabetes pharmacology
What do alpha cells in the pancre...,
What type of molecule is insulin,
T f insulin is required for all t...
48  cards
Adrenal diseases
What does the adrenal medulla mak...,
What does the adrenal cortex make,
What are the features of primary ...
39  cards
Adrenal diseases and paget's bone disease pharmacology
What is cortisol synthesized from,
What are mineralcorticoids used for,
What can androgens be converted to
22  cards
TEST #3 Breast
What are the common symptoms of b...,
When do you start screening women...,
What can acute mastitis cause
41  cards
Reproductive diseases TEST #3
T f hpv is related to cervical ca...,
What is virus is associated with ...,
What test do you use to detect hp...
27  cards
Hormone replacement treatment for lactation, pregnancy and delivery TEST #3
T f natural estrogens are not con...,
T f synthesized estrogens may be ...,
What are the stages of the menstr...
52  cards
Bone and Joint TEST #3
What percent of ca2 is stored in ...,
In adults what is the primary sit...,
What three hormones influence the...
100  cards
Dermal Pathology
What cell types do you see in the...,
What type of gland is a sweat gla...,
What type of gland is a sweat gla...
102  cards
Test #3 Antiinflammatory drugs/ anti-acne drugs/ muscle relaxants
What is the goal of nsaids,
What are the side effects of cox ...,
What are the side effects of cox ...
54  cards
Test #3 Eye and ear
What is a sty,
What are some cancers associated ...,
What is glaucoma
57  cards
Test #3 Tumors
What is the second leading cause ...,
What is cancer caused by,
What do cancers do to immune dete...
91  cards
Test #3 Tumors lecture 2
When cancers tumors grow and meta...,
What is cushings syndrome,
Paraneoplastic syndrome develop i...
30  cards
Test #3 Cancer therapeutics
1 3 of cancer patients are cured ...,
What is chemotherapy used for,
When do anticancer drugs usually ...
52  cards
Test #3 GI and Liver path
What causes chemical esophagitis,
What causes infectious esophagitis,
What virus affects the entire gi ...
77  cards
Test #3 Pharmacology of the GI Tract
Is gastroesophageal reflux diseas...,
What are gerd episodes referred t...,
What are aggravating factors of g...
71  cards
Introduction to toxicology and heavy metals FINAL TEST
What is the study of the adverse ...,
What is the ability of a material...,
What is something that can cause ...
94  cards
Chelator pharmacology FINAL test
How do chelators work on heavy me...,
How does the half life of the hea...,
Is it better to treat with chelat...
40  cards
Drug Development FINAL
What was the reason for the pure ...,
What does the pure food and drug ...,
What was the reason for the modif...
34  cards
Drug development lecture 2 FINAL
What does dshea regulate,
What are herbal dietary supplemen...,
What may include dietary supplements
75  cards
Drug enforcement
What is the mission of the dea,
What does the dea address,
What does the drug czar head up
75  cards
Hepatic Lecture FINAL
What is acute cholecystitis often...,
Cholecystitis is present in ___ o...,
Can acute cholecystitis become ch...
70  cards

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human disease and therapeutics 2020

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